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  • Tags: bombing

A note accompanying a print of 514 squadron's record. The record details all the squadron's operations, sorties, bombs dropped and numbers of aircraft lost.

Refers to letter of 10 May 1944 stated they had passed on a request to the British Red Cross to enquire about his son's cuff-links but they replied that no personal effects on any crew member had been recovered. Goes on to outline new enquiries since…

From W C Green assuming no further news of Hedley. Catches up with news of his own family matters, his health and repairs to house after 2000 lb bomb dropped nearby in October. Notes 300 houses in Hayes were damaged but no deaths. Commiserates over…

Letter confirming that Hedley Madgett's aircraft failed to return from operations on 17/18 August 1943. However there was nothing known that could be connected to the aircraft's non return. Writes that it takes some time for any news to come through…

From James and Helen Girdwood. Thanks the Madgetts for writing after hearing about Girdwood's bereavement and notes similar tragedies for both families. Writes that they have found several snaps of Hedley in their son's album. Notes their son Bill…

Relates news they have heard on Peenemünde operation and states they will not give up hope. Catches up with news. From Ada and Aunt. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Thanks them for account of Hedley's doings. Comments on bombing in Germany and Italy. Notes it takes months to get any news of missing crews. Catches up with news. From Ada and Aunt. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the…

Writes asking if they have had any further information. Writes that a friend whose son was posted missing on the same operation had been notified as prisoner. Notes change of address as 'I was unfortunate to have a direct hit with a flying bomb on my…

Sorry to hear bad news about Hedley. Bad luck coming down on his last operation. Talks of joining the Royal Air Force. Catches up with news of leave and friends. Mentions that German radio had reported Lincoln was flattened but he had heard nothing.…

Writes of Sergeant Ernie Stewart who is in hospital seriously ill. Injured when his aircraft crashed on return from operations over Berlin. Ernie was the only survivor and was not found for three hours. Suffered a fractured spine. Mentions visits…

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Opens by expressing concern over wife’s health issues. Goes on to give news about upcoming leave. Mentions crew outing to Scunthorpe. Provides details of tenth operation which was a successful daylight operation. Mentioned that the crew had now…

Begins with slight admonishment over wife’s letter writing regularity and discussion of progress on wife’s health issues. Provides details of 11th operation which involved an extremely long sortie, taking off in daylight and recovering next…

Expresses concern over regularity of wife’s letters and length of time that letters take to get through. Mentions that they might not be able to depart on leave until Tuesday as the might be on operations Monday night. Recounts that planned 13th…

Starts with thanks for letter number 3 but complains about lack of letters for a couple of days particularly as he had been on operations. Sets up times for future phone calls. Noted that the crew’s original aircraft had been lost while being flown…

Starts with complaint that phone calls from wife are replacing letters which he does not like, but did enjoy hearing his wife’s voice. Letter is then a long explanation of why he cannot answer her last letter as it is in his locker at the squadron…

Starts with suggestion that a recent news film of daylight operation to Le Havre, which he was on, gives a good idea of what bombing is like. However as most of his operations were at night he goes on to describe these. Describes emotions and…

He thanks he for her letter. He works seven days a week and has completed his first week with 21 to go. He describes his busy life without time off.

He thanks he for her letters and poetry. They have been flying and buzzing farmers on their tractors.

He has been horse riding and flying. He enjoys bombing and evasive action. He has four weeks of the course left.

He thanks her for her mail and newspapers. He has been night bombing.

He has had no mail and he is nearing the exam period. He has been doing a lot of flying. There has been a parade and an air show.

He thanks her for her mail. He has left Lethbridge and is now at Edmonton. The food at his new base is good. An Anson crashed killing five crew and trainees.

He has a six week course to complete before returning to the UK. They have been doing 300 mile round trips using dead reckoning to drop a trial bomb.

He thanks her for her letters. He is about to go on another night flight. Previous practice bomb runs were considered successful. He is planning to visit Jasper National Park on his next leave.

The letter praises JH Bird for operations in Greece.
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