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  • Tags: prisoner of war

States parcel sent on 28 December 1943 did not arrive until 12 April 1944. Routed through Portugal and many never arrived.

Written for Cornish aviation society. Welcomes Philip Jenkinson and gives account of his training and operations on 10 Squadron Halifax. Describes being shot down and baling out. Mentions evading, capture and as a prisoner being on a tour of his…

Letter stating that escaping is no longer a sport. Accuses England of opening a non military form of gangster war due to information found in captured English military pamphlet on irregular warfare. States shoot on sight orders.

Gives instructions on numbers of letters allowed , number of pages, how to post, return address, lay out of envelope. No communication through neutral countries or telegraphic communication allowed.

Gives contents of parcel pyjamas, towels, face cloth, tooth brush, shoes, scarf, gloves and other items.

Details of research into air attacks on Munich including contact with Philip Jenkinson whose aircraft was shot down on the operation and German amateur historian. Noted number of aircraft lost, casualties RAF and German, prisoners of war. Both for…

Shows routes on bombing operations (red), journeys by train (green), prison camps, routes walked, shot down, captured. Notes dates liberated and returned to England.

Full length image of a man in shirt and tie standing on a path in a garden. To the right part of a building. Captioned 'Just after coming home from POW camp'.

Translation of two articles about Philip Jenkinson aircraft being shot down and after the war trying to find the location of the crash. Notes that he was amongst party of prisoners of war taken to view damage by bombing in Munich. Annotated 'From 10…

Contains very little information other than that entered when initially issued. Has his photograph and a print of one finger.

Notes that letter was returned and gives reasons that they should not exceed two sides of normal sized paper.

Table with names of prisoner of war camps, location and map square.

Account of Flying Officer A S Woolf baling out of bomber after an attack on Stuttgart, injured and transferred to German hospital near Nancy he was liberated by American forces and flown home. On the reverse 'Japan ceases to be great naval power'…

Records an incident to Squadron Leader Debenham's crew, Ronald Carpenter was the Bomb Aimer, flying 10 Squadron Halifax DT546 on 13/14 October 1942, when the aircraft was damaged by anti-aircraft fire and the flight engineer injured. It includes a…

Quotes from Eden, Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Goebbels and notice on treatment of German prisoners of war by German staff HQ.

Notes on camp news, at work, daily rations, daily papers, bakery and education.

Relates "Nobby" Clark's experiences after his aircraft was hit by anti aircraft fire and exploded. Initially trapped as the aircraft broke up an span with him eventually being thrown out along with the pilot and parachuted safely to earth despite…

Top - view inside a building showing block of toilets in the centre and wash basins against far wall. Submitted with description ' Toilets at Lamsdorf POW Camp, Stalag VIIIB. (Stalag 344 from 1943)'
Bottom - air-to-air photograph of the front of a…

Crowd, some in uniform, around car in street, with houses in the background and car in foreground. Taken through window from inside a building. Submitted with description 'Photo taken from inside the Daugaard Inn in Daugaard, Denmark showing the…

German prisoner of war document for Albert Edward Bracegirdle with personal details and b/w photograph. Submitted with description 'Photo of prisoner of war record of F/Sgt Albert Bracegirdle of Cheadle, Cheshire including photo of fingerprint.…

Titled 'Lancasters at Juvincourt France awaiting ex POWs, 12.5.45, Operation Exodus'.
Top left - a line of Lancasters parked on the left side.
Top right - a line of Lancasters on the right side.
Bottom left - a line of men at the rear fuselage…

A temporary grave with '137385 F/O WCJ Lord RAF 2.1.44'.
On the reverse 'WCJ Lord 1st Grave Oerbke Stalag IIb'
and 'Plot 10, Row D. Grave No. 4'
'BLA 291'

Contains personal details and postings including to 514 Squadron in October 1943 as well as reported missing in April 1944 and then a prisoner of war.

Newspaper cutting, no source, no date showing a Christmas card to the King from the prisoners of war in Stalag VIIIB, Christmas 1941.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Card is addressed to George Grundy a prisoner of war in Stalag VIIIB. No date.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.
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