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  • Tags: pilot

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

A three quarter length portrait of John.

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John in flying kit, captioned 'No. 3 Flying Training School, Grantham, 1936'.

34 airmen arranged in three groups, captioned 'Senior NCOs of 269 Squadron photographed with the Squadron Commander at Montrose September 1939'. Each man is named underneath and John Bentley Weightman is circled in red.

John 's award announced in the London Gazette.

Research taken from Operations Record Books of 109 and 582 Squadrons.

Seven photographs of the eight crew of ED908. Each man is identified by name and trade.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The pilot is identified as Ken Hinde and was Ikey's pilot.

A group photograph taken in front of a Lancaster. Included is a list of some of the men.

Seven airmen standing under their Lancaster port wing. On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa. Dennis Oldman, 3rd from left'. Colin Cole, Wireless operator is second from right.

A group of three airmen in uniform, including Leonard William Fairbanks, standing in a doorway. The central figure, displaying pilots wings on his uniform, has his arms around the others, who have aircrew brevets and sergeant stripes. Both sergeants…

A group of seven airmen standing in front of their Lancaster. The pilot (centre) is holding a toy creature.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The story of events the night Mrs Heckendorf's son was shot down and died.

A brief obituary of John Gillard killed when his Vampire crashed in Devon.

Six airmen grouped at the front of a brick entrance. They are named in the caption underneath.
Their aircraft is incorrectly captioned. It was DV217.

An obituary published in the Times with a second cutting with a correction from an air vice-marshal.

A newspaper cutting with an article about the Long Range Development Unit of the RAF. There is also a separate image of a Wellesley and the team of airmen and ground crew involved.

Four photographs of Richard Kellett
#1, 2 and 3 Richard is seated behind his desk. It is annotated 'Mildenhall CO 149 Sqdn Wellington 1939/40'.
#4 is Richard beside a chart with an airman.

The letter congratulates Richard and his team for the successful flight to Australia.

Two airmen officers, Richard on the left.

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Six airmen seated in a mess. Five men are pilots. Four of the men have signed their names and Marquis the Alsatian dog is named. Richard Kellett is on the right with a cat on his shoulder.

The 13 men are seated around a table and are in discussion. Richard is second from right.

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Three pilots standing at the front of a Wellesley aircraft, with the Alsatian dog, Marquis.
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