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  • Tags: ground crew

Four airmen wearing leather jerkins squat in front while seven aircrew, one with tunic, the others battledress, all with brevet, standing in front of port wing of a Lancaster. Engine trestles in the background.

Seven aircrew stand behind four kneeling ground crew in front of the port inner engine of a Lancaster. Engine trestles in the background.

Eleven airmen, two wearing Mae Wests and others in variety of uniform, five squatting in front and six standing behind. In the background the nose and port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse '1944, 462 Sqn, Driffield, Yorks, Halifax 3, Back, A/C…

Eleven airmen, four wearing Mae West and the others battledress kneeling and standing in two rows in front of a Lancaster. On the nose an 'S' underneath nose turret.

Eleven airmen wearing tunics or battledress, eight standing and three on the ground in front of the nose of a Wellington. Aircraft has nose art Polish flag and three rows of bomb symbols.

Eleven airmen, air and ground crew standing and kneeling in two rows in front of a Lancaster on dispersal. Another Lancaster is in the background..

Eleven men in two rows standing in front of the nose of a Lancaster with four rows of love heart operation symbols.

Taken from inside a Lancaster, looking to the starboard side from the rear door. An engine is on a crane with several ground crew working on it. On the reverse 'Archangel (Yagodnik) 17.9.44 Engine Change on PB415'.

Two pages, the first has four photographs the first showing two graves captioned 'Enschede'.
The second showing an industrial steam engine, captioned '?'. 'Berlin, Burma, Blighty' and 'V4' are painted on the side.
The third has an Air Force lorry…

A reference written by Officer Commanding No 1 Squadron, RAF Flying College.

Four ground crew with Eric gathered round the left hand propeller of a Mosquito.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A group picture of airmen and women. Several have drinks in their hands and one airman is smoking. Captioned 'Ernie Twells standing far right shortly after loss of baby Gerald'.

A group of airmen arranged in three rows in front of a Beaufighter.…

Two photographs, first is of Jack on motorcycle, captioned 'Just off on a run'.
This is a Norton model 16H 490 cc motorcycle with a Canadian Army registration number.
Second is of four servicemen, standing on sand, buildings and tents in…

Page captioned 'Fayid Egypt July 1942, No 76 Squadron detachment became No 462 Squadron together with No 10 Squadron detachment. Read page 79 of Halifax - Operation Bareface'.
Three photographs, first is of nine servicemen in front of lorry,…

Two identical photographs of Halifax Ferdinand II being serviced. In the top left corner one ground crew is standing at the top of a ladder looking at the nose of the aircraft. The nose has nose art of a cartoon character of a bull and the title…

Top, eight ground arranged round tables, captioned 'Looking fat at school'.
Bottom, four men about to hit a tool with a hammer, captioned 'Fitters?'

Five airmen crouched in front of their Halifax. Information supplied with the collection states 'Handley Page Halifax LV687 ZL-W "Whisky" with ground crew'.

Five airmen, three squatting in the middle and two standing either side. In the background a brick building with windows.

Five airmen, four in shirtsleeves and one wearing tunic standing in front of a Halifax with fox nose art.

Four airmen wearing flying kit standing in front of their aircraft and one on top of the wing. The caption reads 'Jim Campbell' and 'L to R Wilbur Wilson, Alvin Williams, Red Bowles, Wilf Faulkner'.

Five airmen in a row, four standing and one sitting, all in front of a hut.

Five men sitting on top of a fuel bowser. On the reverse '22 [circled] 3 prints 4 postcards
Cyril Bell
Tony Tine
Paddy Aherne
There is a second copy.

Five airmen squatting at the side of a Halifax.

Five airmen at the rear of a Lancaster, DS830, 'OW-S', It is annotated 'PL28585'.
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