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  • Tags: prisoner of war

List of contents of British Red Cross Parcel sent from Mrs E Rutherford to Les Rutherford while prisoner of war at Belaria camp Stalag Luft 3.

The programme lists 23 pieces to be played a the prisoner of war Christmas show at Belaria camp.

The Governments of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain order that no Allied prisoner of war shall be mistreated. Offenders will be relentlessly pursued and punished.

Jack Bell joined the Royal Australian Air Force as a wireless operator/air gunner and joined 216 Squadron, at Heliopolis, near Cairo. He flew in Valentia and Bombay aircraft in a transport role. On an operation over Libya, his aircraft was shot down…

The report describes how Ron Carr and his crew baled out over Switzerland after their aircraft was badly damaged by anti-aircraft fire en route to Augsburg. He was arrested but eventually transported back to the UK via Paris, Madrid and Gibraltar.

Programme of musical entertainment with signatures of the artists.

Prisoner of war diary of Les Rutherford, captured the 20 December 1943 and then detained at Stalag Luft 3 (Belaria). It consists mostly of sketches and cartoons but also information on camp life, photographs and German newspaper cuttings. The diary…

Ron joined the Royal Air Force in January 1941. Initially a wireless operator/air gunner, he failed morse code at Blackpool. He was posted to RAF Swinderby and worked in the stores and flying control. Air gunnery school followed at RAF Bridlington…

Hubert Draegert remembers his wartime experiences, first in Berlin and then as an evacuee at his uncle’s farm near Wroclaw. He mentions the bombing of the Berlin State Opera and the repeated efforts made to rebuild the gutted building. He remembers…

Richard Suchenwirth recalls his wartime memories as a Flakhelfer in Pasing, a district of Munich. He tells of his father who was the author of three books on the Luftwaffe, the founder of the Austrian Nazi Party, a political orator and initial…

Joan Wilson was born in Nettleham near Lincoln. She joined the Women’s Auxilliary Air Force and served as a wireless operator at RAF Morton Hall. The day after the Normandy landings, she had to send an urgent signal to all aircraft to stop…

Frank Wilcox was born in Wales and worked in aircraft manufacturing. He was later called up and served in the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. He was taken prisoner at Anzio and became a prisoner of war. When he was released and returned to the UK,…

Second from the left is Flight Engineer Al Hawley, who jumped without his parachute, third is Les Thicke, who was in Stalag Luft 6 with Ron Hemsworth, fourth is Air Gunner Ron Hemsworth, extreme right is George Testal who was a fellow prisoner of…

Blocks of huts and other buildings stand in the camp area. Sections of barbed wire and a guard tower are visible. In the distance, the Barth church tower.

A man and a man dressed as a woman are strolling. He wears a flat cap, pullover and flannels and boots. He is using a walking stick. She is smartly dressed a skirt in a top and hat and is a carrying a handbag, Behind is a betting stall with a bookie.…

Harry's betting stall at the races. Harry is dressed in shorts, shirt, bow tie and straw hat. He also is wearing a set of binoculars. He is standing on a stool beside a blackboard with the odds. He has an assistant at his side writing on a board. He…

A man is dressed as a surfing woman. He is wearing shorts and a bikini top and is holding a surfing board.

Two men dressed as Native Americans. One is wearing a loin cloth and tribal markings the other is dressed as a woman with long braids and a frilly hemmed dress. Behind two spectators look on and in the distance a hut.

A man dressed as a horse. On a raised platform are a man dressed as a cheerleader and another man dressed in an old fashioned sleeping garment. Behind them is a band behind stands.

Two men dressed as jockeys, holding whips. They are standing in front of a wall with posters. At the side is a truck.

In the foreground a man dressed as a horse. On a raised platform a man and a man dressed as an elegant lady are holding each other closely. Behind them is a small band, only an accordion can be seen. At ground level there are many spectators.

Punch and Judy stall with two puppets in action. They are watched by a spectator. On the front of the stall is written 'Punch and Judy'

A man dressed as an elegant lady standing for the camera. He is wearing a large brimmed hat and is carrying a handbag. He has a sash with writing on it.

30 men arranged in three rows. One row is crossed leg, one kneeling and the third standing. Two are dressed as nurses, three have crests on their tee shirts, three have 'BBC' on their tee shirts, one man in a large hat and one man in a uniform.

A group of men dressed as cowboys and Native Americans arranged in two rows, one standing, one kneeling or seated. Behind are many spectators and on their left a man in a kilt.
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