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Oblique aerial photograph showing large bright explosions top left with other brights spots surrounding it. On the reverse 'Mirror-reversed, Cam 4, Neg 5, Ops 142, Daylight/Night attack on La Ricamerie, Date 10/11-3 44, Sqdn 617, pilot W/C Cheshire…

Target photograph of Lubeck, annotated NS 6/5 Dupe Neg No 243, 1 JY19NT28/29 .3.42 F8 TX.

Target photograph of Ladbergen. Mainly rural area with fields covered in snow and the Dortmund-Ems Canal visible. Captioned ‘5’ 4121 SKELL. 1.1.45//8” 11750 ‘040°’ 1119 LADBERGEN. C 14MC1000DT, LD. C28secs. F/L.GREENFIELD.C.61. On the…

Two sequential vertical aerial photographs of Ladbergen. Both show snow covered fields and the Dortmund-Ems canal. A bomb is visible in the second image.

The first is captioned '4092 Skell.1.1.45//8" 12000 050° 1119 Ladbergen. T. 14MC 1000.LD.…

A vertical aerial photograph of an operation at Ladbergen. Most of the image is obscured by light but the canal is visible.
It is captioned '3506 Skell. 4/5.11.44//NT 8" 11500' 066° 1930 Ladnergen [sic] T. 14 ANM 65DN. 22 secs F/O Drinkell. T. 50'.

A target photograph taken on an operation to Ladbergen. There is a large area of glare with some trails of light but no ground detail.
It is annotated '7B' and captioned:
'3517 SKELL.4/5.11.44//NT.8" 11400' 074° 1936 LADBERGEN. Z. 14 ANM 65DN.…

A vertical aerial photograph of Ladbergen taken during an operation. The ground is obscured by cloud but an explosion is visible through the clouds.
It is captioned '7101 WAD. 21/22.11.44//NT. 7" 4000 o45 2105 D.E. Ladbergen 13x 1000 ANM 65 DT. 22…

Air-to-air view from starboard rear quarter of an airborne Lancaster letters 'BH-V'. Submitted with caption '017 - ostatni lot z bombami - na kwatere Hitlera w Berthesgarden'

A starboard side view of a Lancaster, PA964, on the ground. There are eight aircrew standing at the nose. On the reverse is a list of the aircrew including Tom Jones and a list of his operations.

A view of the bomb bay of a Lancaster in which is loaded 12 incendiary containers and one 4000lb high capacity bomb. On the reverse is written: 'PLEASE RETURN'.

A view of the bomb bay of a Lancaster in which is loaded 16 x 500lb medium capacity bombs and one 4000lb high capacity bomb. On the reverse is written: 'PLEASE RETURN'.

A sheet prepared by Jack with notes on his bomb and fuel load.

Features episode during Augsburg operation of Lancaster being severely damaged but still returning home.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster parked on an airfields. Text 'Modane 10/11. 11. 43, Pilot Officer Perry, Pilot Officer Cunnison, Sergeant Blood, Sergeant Davies, Flying Officer Toogood, Flight Sergeant Boaden, Sergeant Groombridge'. Signed by R A…

A commemorative drawing of a Lancaster on the ground with its engines running. Below is written: 'MILAN 44 SQUADRON 14/15 FEBRUARY 1943' and below that: 'F/LT WALKER, F/SGT WARD, F/SGT CHARNOCK, SGT GOLDSMITH, SGT HUBBARD, SGT DAVIES.' It is signed…

A drawing and a photograph both mounted on an album page.
Left: A commemorative sketch of a Lancaster flying above clouds or smoke, with its bomb bay doors open. Below is written: 'SGT BROOME. F/LT WALKER. SGT WARD. 44 SQUADRON TURIN. 4/5.2.43, …

Air-to-air view of three Lancasters against clouds during a daylight operation. The first Lancaster has released a large bomb which can be seen below the aircraft.
From information kindly provided by the donor. Lanc dropping 8000 lb 'er. From…

Air-to-air view of a Lancaster with bombs falling below. Another aircraft above to the left and another bottom right.

Aerial view of Lancaster 'LS-W' seen from the port side and slightly above.
On the reverse 'Lanc ME844 15 Sqdn Mildenhall
80 ops as 'C' until 23/3/45 then 'W'
Flew in this a/c as 'C' on 5/12/44 as 'Master Bomber' SCHWAMMENUAL DAM
Daylight T/O…

Top - air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster letter 'KO-J' DS626 over open countryside. The pilot was Sergeant G P Finnerty. Captioned 'Our aircraft homeward bound, after a night out. (of a different kind) 115 Squadron, March 1943'.
Bottom right -…

The seven aircrew are standing at the nose of 'Liz Beth', their Lancaster. Each crew member is identified along with brief details of the crash at Normington, Lincolnshire on completion of an operation to Turin 12/13 July 1943.
The second part of…

A cartoon character wearing Arab style dress holding playing cards labelled 'Ali Oop!' with the citation 'I Go - I come Back' painted under the cockpit of a Lancaster, the bomb doors of which are open.. Alongside is a bomb tally of 36 including 3…

Lancaster PO-Y captioned 'Brand new PO-Y' is parked on taxiway on edge of airfield, wheel covers on, chocks in. Second item is a target photograph with identifying information removed.

Three photographs, one shows a loaded bomb trolley with two ground personnel with four dispersed Lancasters in background. Second shows Lancaster PO-Y on it's dispersal, row of bombs on grass, two dispersed Lancasters in background. Third is a target…

Two photographs, one showing starboard side of Lancaster PO-Y, on it's dispersal undergoing servicing. The second showing three aircrew, in uniform smoking with runway caravan and another vehicle in the background.
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