Browse Items (487 total)

  • Collection: Cothliff, Ken

A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe for the period 13 May to 16 June 1944 (126 pages).

A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe covering the period 17 June to 21 July 1944 (78 pages).

A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe covering the period 21 July to 17 August 1944 (73 pages).

Five airmen squatting at the side of a Halifax.

Seven airmen in a row. Above is a caption with their names, rank and crew role. Jim is on the furthest right.
Two more copies are included. The second has a caption with the individuals named.

Seven airmen at the side of their aircraft. They are dressed in flying kit.

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Half-length portrait of Jim Moffat wearing a civilian suit and hat. He is standing beside a railway carriage.

Jim Moffat with three women and a man, The man has a bandaged right hand. It is captioned 'Jim Moffat The Englishman... James...'
Information supplied with the collection states 'The Aiuthphene family with Jim (2nd from left).


Jim Moffat, in uniform, standing beside the guns at Edinburgh Castle.


Two men in civilian clothes standing together. Jim is on the right and it is captioned 'Songs & I'.
Information supplied with the collection states 'Jim with fellow RAF evader Bill Jones at Etalle'.


Gerry Philbin's talents in hockey whilst serving in the RCAF are described. He then transferred to the UK to fly Halifaxes. During an operation they were shot down and only he and Sergeant Millard survived. He was captured but escaped with the help…

A port side view of a Halifax, SE-R, on the ground. At the top is a caption 'S3.2 19900192-051-6'

A port side view of a Halifax, SE-H, on the ground. At the top is a reference 'S3.R 19900192-051#1'

14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Halifax. On the nose is a X Terminator cartoon and crosses for 49 operations.

The front of a Halifax with its engines running. Behind are two more Halifaxes.


A port side view of a Halifax 'SE-U' taking off. At the side are five airmen and two women watching it leave.
A second image shows the same group with the two women waving.

A port side view of a Halifax, SE-R, taking off.

34 airmen arranged in three rows in front of Allerton Castle.
There are two images and the first has a caption with the names of those present.


Two images of an aircraft hangar with an administration building in front.
Information supplied with the collection identifies the airfield as Leeming.

Sergeant Ted Lewis holding the barrel of a mid under gun under an aircraft.

Two pilots standing and drinking tea. From left to tight: Wing Commander Bill Newsom DFC and Pilot Officer Gerry Philbin. The image is annotated 'PL19804'.
Information supplied with the collection states 'Philbin and Newsome'.

An airman sitting in the cockpit of a Lancaster. draped on the fuselage is a Canadian flag.
Information supplied with the collection states 'Reg Lane in KB700 Rollout July 1943 (via HH)'.

A vertical aerial photograph of St Leu d'Esserent V-1 site during an operation.
The caption reads '1962 TLP 5-8-44 // 8" 15000 --> 117° 1315:30 St Leu d'Esserent A(9x1000)(4x500)f30sec P/O Johnston "A" 420'
The second image is identical.

Three vertical aerial photographs of the airfield at Tholthorpe. The first is annotated 'Photo taken 28/5/43 before the photo on the wall in the Pub'. It is also captioned '14 TPC 28.5.43 //F 5" 6"- 1 mile Tholthorpe'.

Three images of St Leu d'Esserent taken after the attack.
Photo 1 is a vertical image showing bomb craters. It is annotated with 'C' and 'D's.
Photo 2 shows an entrance to an underground store.
Photo 3 show an entrance to an underground store. It…
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