Flying Control Log Book



Flying Control Log Book


A record of events and their times at RAF Tholthorpe for the period 13 May to 16 June 1944 (126 pages).



Temporal Coverage




126 handwritten pages


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[underlined] S.O. Book 129. [/underlined]
Code 28-69-0

Flying Control Log May13th 1944 to [underlined] June 16th (mid). [/underlined]

G. [crest] R.


13 May 44 ─ 16 June 44

T. 4269. Wt. 7837. 1/43. 240,000 Bks. E.J.A. & S. Ltd.

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[underlined] Gardens [/underlined]

[underlined] L.F.B [/underlined] – Selsey Bill bearing 355°T from 00.20 – 01.20 hrs [symbol]

[underlined] Balloons [/underlined] – Yeovil ─ 1500ft ─ 23.10 – 02.30 hrs. [symbol]
Langley }
Weybridge } 1500ft – 23.10 – 01.30 hrs [symbol]
Portsmouth }
Billingham C/H – { 21.00 – 22.30 hrs [symbol]
{ 01.20 – 04.30 hrs

[underlined] ZB 886 [/underlined]

[underlined] L.F.B [/underlined] Felixstowe – 285°T from 0115 ─ 0215 hrs [symbol]

[underlined] Balloons. [/underlined] Harwich ─ 1500ft 01.00 – 02.30 hrs [symbol]

Billingham – C/H 21.50 – 23.20 hrs [symbol]
02.00 – 03.30 hrs

[underlined] GS 5609 B. [/underlined]

[underlined] LFB. [/underlined] Flamborough Head ─ 270°T from 02 05 ─ 0305hrs. [symbol]

[underlined] For all targets : [/underlined]

[underlined] Billingham Balloons : [/underlined] Close – hauled ( 21.00 ─ 23.20 [symbol]
( 01.20 ─ 04.30.

[underlined] Anson DG 814 :- [/underlined] Landed Middleton from Moreton in Marsh
en route Kinloss. Needs new propellor which is being sent [deleted] down [/deleted] up from Moreton. Staying overnight

[underlined] Beaufighters JL846 ─ JM327 [/underlined]. From Catfoss ─ staying overnight at Croft.

[page break]

Saturday. May 13th 1944

09.00 / Off duty. / HL Spence F/O
On duty / F.D. Cleland F/L.

10.00 / N/426 / is u/s at Woodbridge. Instructed K/426 and W/431 to call there on way back from Mildenhall and Tuddenham and each bring back half the crew of N/426. (Back by 1500hrs.)

14.45 / / [underlined] Air Sea Rescue. [/underlined
Aircraft engaged. / 3 Halis from 424 Squadron
Call Signs / WCF 63, 64, 65.

Search Area / 5514N 0028E ─ 5526N 0028E ─ 5514N 0112E ─ 5526N 0112E.
Starting Point / SW Corner, parallel track, west to east creeping north at 1/4 mi. vis.

Convoys etc. / No information available.

ASR Craft. / Will be at bases – operational readiness

Other ASR a/c. / None in this area.

Wind Force. / 020° ─ 20 at 2000’.

Sea Condition / Slight. Vis. 10 miles.

Narrative. / A number of pyrotechnics & flashing lights were seen on sea by number of aircraft last night.
A search was organized and sent out this morning at 07.00 hrs. but mist conditions made it only about 20% effective.

[symbol] [underlined] DFCO Note [/underlined] / If any results notify S/L Seabourne.

15.30 / A/Comm Hislop landed at Topcliffe from Morpeth at 15.12 hrs. Informed Air I. S.A.S.O.

16.00 / A.S. Rescue / Inf. AVM, SASO, AIR I, Controller, MET, SIGS
17.50 / All ops scrubbed by Bomber Command.

17.58 / L.F.B. / cancelled.
Balloons / cancelled.

18.30 / Off duty / FD Cleland F/L.
On duty / B.T. O’Beirn F/O

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[blank page]

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2110 / X/C C & B / 61 Base & Eastmoor Cancelled at Topcliffe, Wombleton & Eastmoor.

2200 / [underlined] Sea Search Report. [/underlined]
424/E – F/L Loudoun – no dinghy seen. Sighted floating object presumed to be a [indecipherable word] – pos’n 55 22 1/2 N. 0101E at 1940 hrs. HT 100’ ─ vis 5 miles. Sea calm – not much cloud ─ mist patches 500’ + General route out and back clear. ─ 16 Grp. inf.

2210 / Hurry ─ BV / ─ 160 PA ─ “W” G/C Bowling landed Topcliffe 2156 from Grantham. Stopping overnight ─ before proceeding Annan.

[underlined] SUNDAY MAY 14 th 1944 [/underlined]

0800 / HURRY – BV / - 160 – G/C Bowling left Topcliffe 0646 for Annan

0900 / Off duty F/O. O’Beirn.
On duty HL Spence F/O.

1000 / a/c Cat. D.F.C.O’s. to note / Immediately it is learned that an a/c away from base is Cat. A.c. Engineering Officer is to be informed & given serial number.

1124 / Movement W/c Wiser / To take 61 Base Oxford to Farnborough. On a 2-day course. OK’d by Air I providing the Base Commander’s permission is given. Passed to Farnborough Flying Control

1220 / L.F.B. [symbol] 15 [symbol] 16 / Hour on 325°T from 0330 – 0430hrs. Selsey Bill on 355°T from 0020 – 0120 hrs.

Balloons / Billingham – Close hauled 2115 – 2250 hrs.
and 0130 – 0430 hrs.

Langley } [deleted] close [/deleted] Control at 1500ft. from 2310 to 0430 hrs
Weybridge } [deleted] close [/deleted] Control at 1500ft. from 2310 to 0430 hrs
Southampton } [deleted] close [/deleted] Control at 1500ft. from 2310 to 0430 hrs
Portsmouth } [deleted] close [/deleted] Control at 1500ft. from 2310 to 0430 hrs

Yeovil – 1500ft. Control 2310 to 0230hrs

[page break]

Diversion Bases – Emergency.

[underlined] Sqn. No a/c Div Station [/underlined]

424 14 } Westcott
433 14 } Westcott
408 14 } Wing
426 12 } Wing
428 10 [deleted] Middle Wallop [/deleted] changed Boscombe Down


Idents –
RRK / A 50°21’N 00°47’ W 2nds S’Hampton Idents.
T.o.o. 0142.

[page break]

1530 / Emergency Div. Bass / Allotted by C.F.C. and allocated as on opposite page.

1600 / Bomb. Exercise “Snape” / Being executed this evening by Leeming & Skipton Squadrons. 61 Base aircraft not bombing but may use cameras.

1730 / Emery Dvn. Bass. / Ex C.F.C.:- Middle Wallop will not be serviceable. Suggest Boscombe Down. Passed to M.S.G.

1730 / Bomb. Exercise “Snape” / Ref. entry 1600 hrs. General notification to M.L.O. Individual movements to be passed in regular manner. 12 group will clear with local authorities

1830 / Off duty HL Spence F/o.

1830 / On Duty – F/L [signature] Mason.

2310 / ─ / Bombing operations cancelled by H.Q.B.C.

L.F.B. [symbol] 15 / Cancelled with F.C.L.O. H.Q.B.C.

Balloons / Effective until 0200 hrs.

Diversion Bases / Cancelled with F.C. 92.

23 35 / Boscombe Down / Provisional Diversion particulars passed.

23 45 / Binds. ! / From Croft, middleton, Base 62 and 4 Group ref not having been informed of the “PFF” demonstration on Snape Range by Leeming Skipton and Base CI. ─ “[indecipherable word], & [indecipherable word]!” {inserted} Surely included in summary of N/F to Stations [/inserted]


0001 / ident Bd. Connected.

0900 / off duty ─ F/L [signature] Mason.
On duty ─ B.T. O’Beirn F/O

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[underlined] GARDENS – SILVERTHORNE [/underlined] ─ 433 SQDN.

[symbol] L.F.B. – Flamboro Head – 280°T 0405 – 0505

[underlined] Z ─ 3 3 4 [/underlined]

[symbol] L.F.B. Selsey Bill ─ 350°T – 0115 – 0215
[underlined] Balloons [/underlined]
[symbol] 1500’ { Langley & Weybridge. ─ 2200 – 0230
{ Portsmouth & Southampton. 0045 – 0230

[underlined] Emergency Diversion Bases. [/underlined] Z ─ 3 3 4

427 SQDN – Silverstone
429 SQDN – Westcott
424 SQDN – Wing
433 SQDN – Wing

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MONDAY MAY 15 / 44.

0915 / 434/D / which landed Woodbridge on X/C with low brake pressure instructed to return as soon as possible. F/L. Smith [indecipherable word].
434/D – Returned to Croft.

0920 / martinet ─ permission granted to 61 Base to fly martinet from Walton to Leconfield to pick up spare parts.

1020 / Bombing (SNAPE) / – Re 1730 Entry 14/Snag. Leeming repair that civil defence, Army and N.F.S. were not informed, of the bombing.
Consulted M.L.O 12 Grp. He reports that they notified the
[symbol] / [underlined] Regional Commissioner [/underlined]
[symbol] / Nottingham who should have
[symbol] / notified the local authorities

1035 / 1659 / ─ Wish to take a screen crew to Coltishall to pick up an a/c allotted to 1659. – OK’d by air I

1035 / H2.S. Routes – Reversed Routes will come into effect 0001 hrs 20th may. 6 GP/S. 864/1/NAV. 13th may 1944. – See Bible

1300 / L.F B. & Balloons land on – see opp. page.

1400 / DIV.’N Bases allotted – Emergency only. – Stations given the “gen”

1545 / X/C. / Dishforth on Route 17 to-night [indecipherable word] to fly the overland return portion at 3000’ below cloud. O.K. for 12 Grp. M-LO

1830. / off Watch F/O O’Beirn.
On duty H.L.Spence. F/O.

2045 / L.F.B. & Balloons / For Bombing Target all times 2 hrs later.

2115 / ditto / Request for Balloons & L.F.B. for Z334 cancelled.

2115 / Emerg. Dom. Bases / Stood down.

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Belly Landing. ─ 1659 a/c ─ BB 248
Crew OK.
Informed: ─ A.Q.C. [symbol] ─ S.A.S.O. [symbol] ─ Controller [symbol]
G. A.I [symbol] ─ G.[indecipherable letter].I. [symbol] ─ Equipt. [symbol]
[indecipherable word]

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2055 / Belly Landing 1659 (BB248) / A/c circled for sometime, trying to get it’s undercarriage down. Although the “horn” was blaring, it was eventually thought possible that the wheels might actually be fully down (with a short causing the horn to operate), or sufficiently far down so that on touchdown it might lock fully. It was finally decided to land the aircraft on the runway. The undercarriage collapsed and a/c skidded along the runway on its belly. Crew O.K.
Time 1730hrs. a/c Cat. A.C.
Pilot ─ F/O R.Wilson (J25378)
Exercise ─ Fighter Affil
Preliminary crash report completed for G.A.I.

2250 / N.F. / Summary to C.F.C. & Stations (Bases)

[underlined] 16 MAY ─ 1944 [/ underlined]

0200 / Ident Board changed

0350 / Crash / From 4 Grp – Halifax a/c crashed at Helmsley Bombing Range. Advice received from Marston Moor who contacted Wombleton, from where a crash tender was dispatched plus ambulance & M.O.

0355 / Crash / Same information from 61 BASE.

Crash / 12 Group F.C.L.O. nor York 9 or 10 can give any gen on this crash.

0440 / Op a/c / All a/c returned from Gardening

0511 / N/F a/c 419/B on x/c [symbol] 17 Bomb (Snape) / All a/c down except 419/B. Had already contacted 12 Grp who say no crashes except for reported one at Helmsley. 9 Gp. F.C.L.O. say 2 crashes – (1) a Wellington
(2) a fading plot in YJ47 & lights in the Hills at 0236
Other fighter groups T.A.F.C. say NIL. Bombing Ranges at Both SNAPE & HELMSLEY had closed down & no one answered the phone. NIL RESULTS FROM STRENSALL.

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[underlined] 419/B – Lancaster X – KB 701 [/underlined]

[underlined] POSITION OF CRASH. [/underlined] nr. Potter House
near Helmsley (Sheet [symbol] 22 – 072119)

Crew of 7 all dead – A/c Burnt out.

Crash & guarding action taken by RCAF Wombelton.

2238 – Took off on a {X-C [symbol] 17 Bombing} exercise at Snape.
0313 ─ Acknowledged a weather message from M.St.G. H/F D/F.
0340 ─ 4 Grp & 61 Base – say an a/c crashed nr. Helmsley.
0700 ─ a/c identified as 419/B.

MU / SGT. / F.A.MILNE / R199345 } These bodies at RCAF Wombleton.
A/B / Lt. / E.N. FORDHAM / O886275 } These bodies at RCAF Wombleton.
R/G / SGT. / N.F. ALSOP / R143477 } These bodies at RCAF Wombleton.
[deleted] W.C. ANDRICH / R152304 [/deleted] } / MIS – IDENTIFIED.
NAV/ SGT / E.M. PARSONS / R113035 } These bodies at RCAF Wombleton.
CAPT / P/o / [inserted] J.G [/inserted] McMASTER / J.19923

[underlined] Advise [/underlined]
[symbol] A.O.C [symbol] GTI [symbol] Controller
[symbol] S.A.S.O. [symbol] GEgO [symbol] G.A.I
[symbol] AIR I [symbol] GEO [symbol] P4.

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0600 / 419/B / M.St.G F/C say 419/B acknowledged a weather [deleted] fix [/deleted] message at 0313. ─ no bearing was taken. Why not lay on that a snap bearing be Taken on every a/c calling Base D/F?

0600 / Crash / {PHONE – HELMSLEY 87 Helmsley Police} N.F.S, 61 Base 4 Gp F.C.L.O. R.O.C. still have no gen on crash.

0700 / [underlined] Crash / now identified as 419/B. [/underlined] [underlined] (see facing page) [/underlined] Advised 12Gp F/C

0900 / off duty / H/L Spence F/O.

0900 / On duty – F/L [signature] Mason [symbol]

1830 / On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1845 / X/C / – Wombleton plan X/C ─ 10 a/c. and Eastmoor 2 a/c on X/C. Checked with met. ─ Cloud base 1500’ ─ Tops 15000’ ─ danger of icing. ─ freezing level 2000’
Requested 61 Base to check carefully with met.

2000 / 62 Base / ─ Flying exercise scrubbed.

2030 / X/C ─ / Eastmoor cancelled X/C exercise.

2150 / X/C ─ / 61 Base cancelled X/C exercises C & B’s – Topcliffe until 0001hrs. and Dichforth [sic] until 0300hrs

2330 / V.I.P. / [censored text] Premier Wm. L. Mackenzie King visited the Operations Room. He was accompanied by A/M. Breadner, G.C Dunlop, and family. After introduction to the Operations staff, the premier and his party were shown about the Ops Room. AVM McEwen and S.A.S.O. explained the workings of Operations to the visitors.

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1666/B. ─ (DT 551)

Informed A.O.C. [symbol] S.A.S.O. [symbol]
Air I [symbol] Controller [symbol]
G.A.I. [symbol] G.T.I. [symbol]
Engr. [symbol] Equipt. [symbol]
S.F.C.O. [symbol]

[underlined] Crash [/underlined] 1664A. Hal V EB200. Pilot F.O Streight.

Pin-point : Sheet 21 ─ 875901 about 1 mi E of Dishforth
Time: Approx 01.55hrs.

Aircraft was in circuit with one engine feathered on return from X-Country. Another engine suddenly cut out and pilot decided to crash land. Landed on field but struck a hedge. Did not catch on fire. Aircraft is Cat E.
F/E Sgt Smith Killed.
NAV F/O Potts Injured (5SQ Dishforth)
MUG Sgt. Hamilton Badly injured (N.A. Hosp.)

All other crew members unhurt.
Controller [symbol]
AOC [symbol] SFCO [symbol] P4 [symbol]
AIR I [symbol] SASO [symbol]
GAI [symbol] GTI [symbol]
ENG [symbol] EQUIP [symbol]

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WED. MAY 17 1944.

0900 / Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L.Spence F/O

0945 / 433/W Manston / Permission granted to fly crew to pick up m/x aircraft if weather OK.

1135 / 1666/B Crash. (DT-551) / Time:- 1121 ─ Crew OK. Made a normal approach but ground looped on touching down. Port under carriage collapsed, caught fire but was extinguished quickly. Runway 10 (long one) in use. Cross wind. Wind N.E. by E. 15 miles gusting to 25.
Pilot ─ F/O Stewart
Instructor ─ F/O Heron
Detail:- Circuits & landings
Preliminary Crash Report sent to G.A.I A/C Cat E.

1155 / 408 Sqn Army Personnel Flying / Permission granted for 2 army personnel to go on details with 408 Sqn a/c ─ Bombing Fighter Office, Air – air Firing ─ at discretion of Station Commander, if individuals have O.K. from their own unit.

18.30 / Off duty / H L Spence F/O
On duty / FD Cleland F/L

[underlined] Thursday. May 18th 1944 [/underlined]

01.55 / Crash / See opposite page.

04.10 / Stirling T. / From Swinderby ─ landed at Linton ─ Hydraulics u/s. Swinderby informed.

05.00 / B/1659 / Landed Gamston at 01.33 with P.I.E. trouble. F/L Smith at Gransden informed

09.00 / Off duty / FD Cleland F/L On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0945 / Thunderstorm warning expected in all districts of England and Wales to-day. Requested F.C.O.’s at all stations to check carefully with met before authorising flights.

1000 / N.F. / S.O.C. requests SQDNS. To have their N.F. programme submitted to group by 1430.

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Wellington left Topcliffe 11-30hrs for Wellesbourne.

Stinson [inserted] Reliant [/inserted] ─ FK – 873 on way from Melton Mowbray to Domino landed mid – St – G. owing to weather. Staying overnight
Barracuda ─ MD-629 on way from Sherburn to Newcastle landed mid. ─ Expects to return to Sherburn. [inserted] [underlined] 1800hrs [/underlined] [/inserted] Staying overnight

Proposed Route 433 X/C. S/L Patterson
Skipton 10,000’
:54 5150N 0050W. 13,000’
1 : 33 5242N 0130E 15000’
2 : 37 5226N 0300W. 15000’
3 : 22 Snape – B.R. 8,000’ ─ Bombing – 13 tech Q2B.

433 ─ 18 HAL. H2S. SCRUBBED
432 ─ 10 HAL. SCRUBBED
16 59 ─ 5 HAL. SCRUBBED
16 66 ─ 6 HAL. SCRUBBED
16 64 ─ [underlined] 5 [/underlined] [inserted] 52 [/inserted] HAL. SCRUBBED

Halifax [symbol] – Immune “H” landed Topcliffe with a passenger for Middleton ─ Took off again for Blyton. At 1800

Wellington ─ TD/W from Ossington landed [underlined] Croft. [/underlined] at 1214. ─ Bogged at the end of runway.

Oxford [symbol]. ─ T 1501 – W/C Leach landed Croft 1801 from St Eval on way to Prestwich ─ staying overnight.

Auster MF-935 – Mr Edwards (ministry air production) from Rearsby on way to Arbroth [sic] landed Croft ─ staying overnight.

Expediter ─ (ATA) FT-979. Capt Ellis from White Waltham on way to Donnie Bristle. Staying overnight

[page break]

Thursday May 18th 1944.

1015 / 1659/B. D.F.C.O. { / Landed Gamston (93 group) from X/C. P.I.E. U/S. Engineer is checking and will inform us later C.T.I. wants crew to remain until a/c no S.

1200 / 433/ X/C / S/l Patterson requests F.AFF. for X/C to-night. 18 a/c. Contacted night Ops 12 Grp – major Holmes will arrange it [indecipherable word] W/X [indecipherable word] – Inf. S/L Patterson.

1250 / ACCIDENT MART. “V” (DALTON) / Martinet V/MS-869 taxied into a van and damaged port wing. Category “A”
Inf. – SOC [symbol] SASAO [symbol] AIR I Eng.O [symbol] G.A.I.O. [symbol] G.2.I. Equipt.

1430 / “Q” Site / – 61 Base report that a representative of Col. Currie visited Baltby “Q” site and requested that they do not operate on Saturday & Sunday 20th & 21. F.C. ok

1645 / 12 Grp / - a/c [inserted] Oxford [/inserted] seems to be lost near Middleton Inf. Mid. To keep a look out.

1650 / Oxford / - AB-710 on way from Heston to Milfield landed Middleton. At 1640 – owing to weather – staying overnight

1655 / Typhoon [symbol] / - MN 229 – on way from Heston to Milfield landed Walton owing to weather.

1710 / X/C ─ / Skipton, Eastmoor and Con units scrubbed X/C owing to weather. Inf. 12 Grp. x night Ops.

1710 / Leeming D.F.C.O. note { / a/c – LK-755 – W/C Smith wants D.F.C.O. to request that F/L Smith at Gransden check to-morrow to see if LK-755 (Cat A.C) at Honeybourne is serviceable. ─ Information to be passed to W/C Smith 6 Grp.

1800 / N.F. / No X/C.’s – C & Bs only at Wombleton 2230 – 0430

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Barracuda MD629 left Mid.S.G. at 2000hrs for Lossiemouth.

10.30 [underlined] Bullseye C95. [/underlined]

Route: [deleted] Base ─ Thetford – Folkestone – Henley on Thames – Bristol (flashlight target 00.30-00.55hrs) – Milford Haven – Fishguard – York – Grimsby – Base. [/deleted] (AMENDED 13.00hrs)

Heights: Hals. 17000ft. Lancs 20000ft.

[underlined] Notes [/underlined]
No starter beacon
Interception anywhere on route.
Crews to listen out for diversion or cancellation.

13.00 Route: Base – Leicester – Basingstoke – Bristol – Gt.Suffield – Base.
[underlined] Hals [/underlined] [underlined] Lancs [/underlined] zero hour:- 23.40-00.05hrs
1659 – [deleted] 5 [/deleted] 4
1664 3
1666 7
431 5
434 9
419 8
428 4
420 2
425 2
424 [underlined] 4 [/underlined]
41 8.

[underlined] For Bullseye [/underlined]
Billingham Balloons close-hauled 21.15-22.30hrs, 0015-0145hrs [symbol]

[underlined] For 1/J/197 [/underlined]
Oxfordness L.F.B 275°T – 02.00-03.00hrs. [symbol]
Harwich Balloons – 1500ft. from 01.00-02.50hrs. [symbol]

[underlined] For 10J/81 [/underlined]
[deleted] Worthing [/deleted] Selsey Bill L.F.B. 330°T – 01.50-02.50hrs. [symbol]
Langley Weybridge 1500ft – 00.20-02.50hrs [symbol]

[underlined] For Limpets & Trefoil [/underlined]
Landfall Beacon – Flamborough Head – 270°T – 0110-0210hrs. [symbol]

[page break]

[underlined] May 18th 1944 [/underlined]
1830 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn.
On duty H.L Spence F/O

May 19/44.

0200 / Ident board changed.

0900 / Off duty HLSpence F/O.
09.00 / On duty. / FD Cleland F/L.

11.30 / Diversion Bases / Asked CFC for 8 provisional weather bases tonight for 105 Hals & Lancs.

17.30 / Bullseye. / Cancelled by Air I – Weather reasons. ASGB & stations informed.

17.45 / Leeming Beam / U/S tonight. All stations informed & Controller.

18.25 / Diversion Bases / 408Sq. to Boscombe Down 23 Gp
424 Sq + 426 Sq to Moreton in Marsh 91 Gp
425 Sq to Westcott 92 Gp
420 Sq to Wing 92 Gp
433 Sq to Wyton 8 Gp
432 Sq to Woolfx Lodge 3
427 Sq6 to Newmarket 3 Gp
429 Sq to Tuddenham 3 Gp

18.30 / LF.B. Balloons / Flamborough Head – cancelled (Trefoils & Limpets II)
Billingham – cancelled (Bullseye.)

1830 / Off duty F/L CLELAND. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

2000 / SBA ─ / Manston & Carnaby ─ 61 Base wish the frequency & stud of there two – 61 Base Signals haven’t this information.
Reply. Carnaby SBA – Freq.34.4. Stud 6. No information on Manston.

2100 / Expediter [underlined] missing [/underlined] / FT-979 Beechcraft) left Croft at 1705 for Donni – Bristle. Donnie Bristle, & 12 Grp F.C.L.O. have no trace of him. Route – Croft Hexham, new Biggin, Berwick-on.Tweed East Linton, DoniBristle. ETA – 1820. Movement N1019.

[page break]

[underlined] No Non - Starters. [/underlined]

[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined]

420/R ─ S.O.E. U/S. – no Revs. S.I.E. – overheated and oil pressure low. OK’d by C.T.O.

[page break]

2130 / Proctor [symbol] / ─ F/C Donaldson landed Linton from Halton. ─ staying overnight. Informed F.C. Halton

2320 / Diversion / ─ Call signs & letters passed to Groups 11, 3, 91, 8, 92.

2350 / Diversion / 3 Grp. Report that Woolfox Lodge has vis down to 3000yd.

[underlined] Saturday May 20th [/underlined]

0005 / C.F.C. / ─ Considering Bury St Edmunds instead of Woolfox Lodge.

0015 / C.F.C. / Booked again as Woolfox Lodge is unfit. After [indecipherable word] Snatter Foulsham chosen for 432 Sqdn if Diversion necessary. C.F.C. tried to allot Mendlesham but as this station is not in Bomber Code and not on navigators flimmies we requested another station ─ Faversham was allotted.

0130 / 424 a/c / Decided to let Gardeners return to Base.

0210 / DIVERSION (By AIR 1) / ─ 427 to Newmarket, 429 to Tuddenham, 433 to Wyton. Informed 6 Grp stations and diversion bases.

0210 / Cloud marker beacon – at Boroughbridge land on – 0245 – 0345 ─ 4 Grp Ops inf. Base 62 inf.

0245 / 433/E / Leeming report him on DF asking if there is any message. Requested Leeming to send him BZOE (Land at Wyton).

0250 / 61 Base / Request Topcliffe & Dishforth to light up at 0300hrs until further advised to did 62 Base a/c if necessary.

[page break]

[underlined] SAT. MAY 20th [/underlined]

0315 / P/OTS. / ─ Few plots on our Board. Contacted R.O.C.L.O. and queried lack of plots. He said that they had been telling to us as requested. ─ Plots improved after that.

0400 / Cloud marker Beacon doused.

0410 / 62 Base a/c – all landed – none missing

0450 / Ops - / all a/c returned safely.

0500 / 427 & 429 a/c all serv. At Newmarket and Tuddenham.

0525 / Diversion summary passed to C.F.C.

0640 / MET / - Checked weather in regard to a/c landed away. Cloud base 500’ – 1000’ in base – and poor vis. – drizzle. – Cannot give OK. to return until weather improves in late morning.

0850 / Diversion reported to F/L Smith at Gransden

0900 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty HL Spence F/O

0930 / Proctor LZ-801 / A.T.A. Pilot (Flt. Capt. Hageneau) taxied into flight crew bus damaging 18” of wing tip. Can glue it up OK. Pilot finger trouble. Informed Air I A.O.C. & Controller.

1115 / LK-735 Leeming / Ref. entry 181710B. – a/c only requires wheel & tire [sic]. Van left Gransden with them this morning. When put on a/c should be serviceable & only requires M.V. check. W/C Smith’s office informed.

1148 / L.F.B. [symbol] 1 / At Filey – elev. 070° – bearing 250°T from 0400 to 0500hrs.

1145 / A/c away / Stood down until 1400hrs. Met still not good. To be checked again about 1245 – 1300hrs.

[page break]

1900 Crash. [underlined] 1659C.U/Z – LK 684. [/underlined]

While on circuits and landings made a heavy landing on the starboard wheel. Undercarriage collapsed. All crew OK but aircraft is Cat E.
Inf. Controller [symbol] G.Eq.O [symbol]
G.A.I. [symbol] G.ENG O. [symbol]
G.T.I. [symbol] S.F.C.O. [symbol]

Wind – dead down R/W 03.

[page break]

[underlined] Sat. – May. 20/44. [/underlined]
1130 – / Darky 61 Base Skipton Leeming / All heard Seaborne “C” calling (faintly) L my report another station replied giving course of 246° to [deleted] Milly [/deleted] Milfield at 1135 hrs. No such call sign. Nearest “Seabrook” is Sumburgh aircraft. 12 Group F.C.L.O. in picture but have no plots.

1200 / Expediter missing / Ref. entry 192100B. – landed at Boulmer.

1340 / a/c away / 3 Grp & 8 Grp. F.C. informed these a/c may take off at 1400 hrs. 92 Grp. F.C. requested to route 425/H via Peterborough All a/c to return below cloud. 429/H. at Peplow (93 Gr.) not to return until we give O.K. later this afternoon. 63 Base informed also 62 Base.

1415 / LK-755 / Ref. entries 181710B & 201115B. Information required by W/C Smith is, – what was wrong with the aircraft and what work had been done by the M.V. W/O. Barton is checking & will advise.

18-30 / Off duty / H L Spence F/O
On duty / FD Cleland F/L.

20.00 / a/c Away. / Information ie 1659B & 429 C passed to F/L Smith

22.40 Cloud Marker Beacon – ordered on from 03.45 – 04.45 hrs.

00.01 / [underlined] Sunday May 21 1944. [/underlined]

02.25 / Weather / Skipton reporting 10/10 cloud at 800ft.

03.00 / Weather / 61 Base not happy about weather.

03.30 / Weather / Our met. Still confident about bases, Told Skipton Silloth & Drem cast-iron – Acklington good and M.S.Y. probably 1800ft QBB – good vis.

04.00 / Weather / Skipton to use Dishforth for stacking aircraft if cloud base low. No need to direct.

04.54 / Last Oper. / aircraft down.

05.14 / Last a/c / down in Group.

[page break]

[underlined] Sunday May 21st 1944 [/underlined]

06.00 / A.S.R. / Ex 16 Group:
5245N 0203E
5256N 0239E
5313N 0225E
5300N 0147E
Direction: [deleted] NW-SE [/undeleted][inserted] SW 6NE [/inserted] creeping [inserted] NW [/inserted] NE.
Parallel track 1/4 mi. vis.
Time: 09.00
C/S: WCF 62 [inserted] T [/inserted], 63 [inserted] W. [/inserted]. 64 [inserted] D. [/inserted].
[symbol] On convoy area. Check Convoys first.
A/SR surface craft: Operational readiness at Yarmouth.

III Group searching area also – C/S: WCF 58-59
Area of their search {5239N 0240E
{5246N 0152E
{5256N 0155E
{5249N 0243E
W/Force & Dir: 020° – 12 knots.
Sea Conditions: Moderate.

Passed to 61 Base.

08.00 / A.S.R. / Passed to Croft – Offer of 3 a/c from 431 Sq.
09.00 / Off duty. / FD Cleland F/L On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1000 / 1659/H / – Instructed to get W/T & R/T repaired and return to-day.

1000 / Sea Search – 16Grp – All gen passed to Croft – No convoys en route.

1125 / 429/G / Permission granted by Air I for S/L Anderson to fly skeleton crew to Woodbridge to pick up. 429/G and also an [indecipherable word] at Linton.

1200 / Balloons / – Billingham – C/h. – [deleted] 2200 – 2315 [/deleted][inserted] 2130-2315 [/inserted][symbol]
[deleted] 0230 – 0400 [/deleted][inserted] 0200 – 0330 [/inserted]

1200 / Pundit / – Padannack – SD 264. pos’n [indecipherable word] – stn Z. inf. – who will send us [indecipherable word]. Then mid.S.G. to be informed.

[page break]

1205 / Parachute / – Croft F.C. report that Hurworth police saw a parachute descending at 1200hrs – no body on it.
Inf. 12 Grp F.C.L.O. who checked with R.O.C.L.O. – no gen.
Request that Hurworth police make further check.

1205 / 1659/H / – ready to leave Tilstock for Topcliffe – via Peterboro + Topcliffe beam – at 1200’. T.O. 1255

1355 / Sea search / – FCLO 12 Grp reports that 2 of our 431 search a/c are about 60 miles north of the search area.
No message received from them
Reckoned position is 5340’N 0120E. from 1400-1440. – This just north of homeward route.

1620 / Proctor / – LK-801 left Dishforth at 1615 for Winkton. – Route via Doncaster Nottingham, Oxford, Salisbury.

1645 / SEA search / – Nothing seen in the search area. A convoy of 20 – 30 ships at 5340 – 0100E at 1445 hrs. Visibility variable – not less than 1/4 mile, and better in the south.

1650 / Balloons / – Billingham – times amended. 2130 – 2315 and 0200 – 0330hrs.

1700 / Greater Circle Landing scheme – Practice at Tholthorpe – 2300 – 2315 – after a short X/C.

1830 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn – On duty F/O Spence

1945 / Sea search Met report. / Drawing line NW To SE. – On the N.E. side solid cloud down to 200ft. vis 200 to 400 yds, rain falling. Remainder of area – cloud base 600ft vis 2-4 miles occasionally broke to 7/10’s (thin layer) Wind at 300ft. 20 miles 350° Sea surface some swell, no breakers but enough wind to throw spray from tops of waves. Reported to 16 Group F.C.

[page break]

[underlined] Sunday. May 21st 1944. [/underlined]

2105 / F/L Pyle (F.C.O.) / Authority by Air I for [indecipherable word] to fly with S/L Beale this pm. on X-C & Great Circuit landing practice.

2115 / Ex. Croft:- Police at Hurworth report finding an [inserted] oblong [/inserted] plywood aircraft ammunition carrier
Description:- Painted gray [sic], numbered “2” with letters [circled] H.L.R.8 [/circled] and wording “Single end of link to bottom”. Found near Croft village. Police concerned there may have been ammunition in the carrier when it was precipitated from the aircraft.

2335 / Night Flying / Passed summary to C.F.C. and stations.

[underlined] Monday – May 22/44 [/underlined]

0200 / Ident Board changed.

0319 / All Op a/c landed.

0430 / A.S.R. Search / 16 Group request 8 aircraft. Informed them we could supply for 1100hr take-off, but could not know from which squadrons until after morning conference. They’re to call back.

0700 / A.S.R. Search / Details of search from 16 Grp F.C.

09.00 Off duty HL Spence F/O
On duty FD Cleland F/L.

10.30 / A.S.R. / All information passed to Croft. 9 aircraft from 434 Sq.

10.30 / Permission granted by Air I for 426 Sq to take an aircraft to Preston – also for 425 Sq to take one there for modification.

11.00 / [underlined] Attention ASRO. [/underlined] / Only 4 Lindholme dinghies on the whole station at Croft. Is this their quota?

13.30 / For / Landfall Beacons & Balloon arrangements on Z444A, Sprat & Gardens see overleaf :-

[page break]

[underlined] Gardens [/underlined]

Balloons. Billingham C/H 22.30 – 23.30 [symbol]
02.45 – 04.15
{ Langley 1500ft. 00.15 – 02.15 [symbol]
{Weybridge 1500ft. 00.15 – 02.15 [symbol]
{Portsmouth 1500ft 00.30 – 02.00 [symbol]
{Southampton 1500ft 00.30 – 02.00 [symbol]
Yeovil. 1500ft 00.30 – 01.00 [symbol]
02.20 – 02.50 [symbol]

LFB. Selsey Bill. 355°T from 01.15 – 02.15 [symbols]

[underlined] Z444A [/underlined]

Balloons: { Langley 1500ft [deleted] 2345 – 03.45 [/deleted] [inserted] 04.00 hrs [symbol]
{Weybridge 1500ft [deleted] 2345 – 03.45 [/deleted] [inserted] 04.00 hrs [symbol]
{Portsmouth 0045 – 0500 [symbol]
{Southampton 0045 – 0500 [symbol]

L.F.B. Selsey Bill 355°T from [deleted] 02.30 – 0330 [/deleted] hrs. [symbols][inserted] 0320 – 0420 [/inserted][symbol]

[underlined] Sprat [/underlined]
Balloons: Billingham C/H 21.15 – 23.00, 02.30 – 04.45 [symbol]

L.F.B. Flamborough Head 280°T from 02.30 – 03.30 [symbol]

[page break]

[underlined] Monday. May 22nd 1944. [/underlined]

13.32 / A.S.R / All 9 aircraft of 434 Squadron off.

1800 / Off duty. F/L. Cleland On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1820 / [underlined] Sea Search Report [/underlined] [inserted] AREA I [/inserted] 15 fishing trawlers at 5345N 0050E at 1630hrs. Height 500’. Sea Calm – no cloud at first – later 10/10 – 2000’.
Area II – nothing sighted in the area Convoy of 15 ships at 5400N 0012E at 1358 hrs – 300ft. Cloud at 7000’ 2/10 – vis 5 mi. Sea – Calm.
Area III – Search completed: nothing seen in the area. – Convoy of 27 ships. – Two pieces of o floating dock sighted from 1500’ at pos’n 5435N, 0035W. Time – 1700hrs. – Vis 10mi. Cloud 4/10 – 2000’ – Sea Calm. Passed to 16 Grp. F.C.

1830 / Balloons / + L.FB. – Times changed for Z444A.

1930 / [underlined] H2S [/underlined] - D.F.C.O / X/C at 61 Base scrubbed according to BC/30716/11/AIR/OPS. of 21st May 1944. And also – 6G/S54/1/AIR of 22nd May 1944. – Reference appendix “B” S.D. 158 (2). –
No flying over G.D.A’s T.F.N.

DITTO.- / F/L Rowe advised 61 Base to arrange RCAF. X/C routes to replace H2S Routes.

2107 / Fire – / near Linton reported by 12 Grp. – Linton burning rags on airfield.

2125 / Hal – SE/U – Circled Tholthorpe with U/C. partly down – headed north. Warned 61 & 63 Bases and Croft.
Crofts a/c – landed safely.

[page break]

[underlined] Non Starter [/underlined]

408/Z – Swung on take-off: damaged a/c. no spare a/c. C.T.O. Would not break take off. Had no spare.

[underlined] Early Returns. [/underlined]

408/Y – Severe icing C.T.O
408/K – P.O.E. + P.I.E overheating [inserted] OIL PRESSURE [/inserted] – due to icing
[symbol] 426/F – P.I.E. U/S. OK’d by C.T.O.
[symbol] 426/N – Hydraulics U/S. OK’d by C.T.O.
424 X – Too late for target – as he took off at 0038.

[underlined] Missing a/c [/underlined] – passed to W/C Guest.

408/A – DS – 759 CAPT – F/O SHERRILL T.R.
408/H – LL – 723 CAPT – W/CDR JACOBS D.S. D.F.C.
432/X – MZ – 506 CAPT F/O MATTHEWS
425/Y – LK – 801 CAPT P/O LAPORTE EE.

[underlined] Accident [/underlined] – Dishforth –

DH-J- at 0220 – while being marshalled it collided with DH/F standing in dispersal.
Danage – “F” – port elevator damaged
“J” – flare chute and lead to trailing aerial damaged.

Inf.- SASO, SFC.O. [symbol]
AIR I EQUIP. [symbol]
G.A.I.O. [symbol] ENG. [symbol]
G.T.I. [symbol] SOC [symbol]

[underlined] Accident [/underlined]

432/E – While taxiing out for take off the starboard wing struck an engine standing in dispersal – Clipped off starboard navigation light.
Inf. SASO G.T.I. [symbol] ENG. [symbol]
AIR I S.F.C.O. [symbol] EQUIP. [symbol]
GA.IO [symbol] S.O.C. [symbol]

[page break]

NW-785 20/5/44 / Carnaby – Serv. Except Belly Landing area
/ Manston - Serv. Except Belly Landing area
Two channels of white lighting in conjunction with one green channel.

2355 / Yeovil / Balloons – 16 Grp report that Yeovil balloons will be at 6500’ at 0001 hrs. Our a/c to be at 8000’

2359 / Balloons – on South Coast going up to 6500’ –

[underlined] Tuesday May 23rd 1944. [/underlined]

0020 / Crash / Leeming and Skipton report a crash west of Skipton. F.C.L.O. 12 Group give the position Z-7903 – due west of Kirklington. Skipton requested to take Crash action

0030 / Crash / Several flashes seen and explosions heard by Skipton Leeming and Topcliffe.

0035 / Crash / R.O.C.L.O. give the position as Z-7701. Say that R.O.C. – notified N.F.S. at Thirsk.

0051 / Crash / Loud explosion heard even as far as 6 Grp. Cannot get exact position of Crash. Sergeant at Snape had previously reported the crash, but after the explosion we could not contact him.

0110 / Balloons on South Coast now close-hauled.

0150 / Crash: “Snape” / Information from Leeming. Aircraft R. of 429 Sqdn: Position 150 feet south of Snape bombing Range: Fire tender was combating [sic] fire when the aircraft blew up killing one member of the fire party and injuring a medical officer and the fire officer who were immediately rushed off to hospital. One member of the aircraft crew

[page break]

[underlined] Crash [/underlined]

429/R – LV-989.
pos’n – 150’ south of Snape Bombing Range.

[underlined] Crew [/underlined] –
Capt. F/O Brown A.F. J-25827
NAV. F/O HUNTER W.G. – J-25758
B/A. SGT. LEITCH J.W – R-186879
F/E SGT VOSE P 2210136
W/OP. F/O SWORDY J.E. – J24061 – Baled out.
MU/G SGT MORRIS L.E. – R-106875
R/G F/O SCOTT W.E J29485

LAC SMITH – seriously injured by explosion – in north Allerton Hospital.
M.O. – Dr Hutchinson – slightly injured by explosion – N.A.Hosp
Fire Officer – F/O Hall – slightly injured by explosion.

[underlined] Guard [/underlined] – Leeming

[page break]


F/O Swardy baled out and is OK. No news of the rest of the crew or the cause of the crash as yet.

0200 / Gee – / N.E Chain which went u/s at approx. – 0045 is now S.

0210 / Bedale police – report that the crash was in north Allerton police area – phone n. allerton 180.

0235 / 429/R. / - Leeming report that LAC Smith of Leeming crash tender who was reported killed is still alive – in north Allerton Hospital. Other members of crash tender are O.K. Leeming fire officer & medical officers. (Dr Hutchinson) are in n. allerton hospital but not serious. Leemings crash tender is written off by the explosion.

0330 / FIX – 420/H – from Southampton – 5005N 0115E 3rd Class at 0320 hrs. – prefixed emergency; did not ask.

0430 / 429/R / – F/O Swardy is now reported to be badly shaken up. He was listening to Group frequency, when a/c seemed to shudder and pilot told crew to abandon a/c.

0430 / 408/X / – landed Woodbridge 0248. – W/op. slightly wounded. – Damage to tailplane and fuselage.

0435 / 420/H / landed Ford 0351. Collided with another a/c. Starboard fin and mid-upper turret damaged. M/UG – slight injury – Perspex in his eye.

0445 / 426/S / landed Ford at 0425 – M/Un/G. Sgt Murphy has head and leg injuries – not serious. a/c badly shot up.

[page break]

1666/X (JB. 969) – [underlined] Ditching [/underlined]
F/O. G.L.Heron. – Pilot. (J276817)

A.O.C. [symbol] Air I [symbol]
S.A.S.O Controller [symbol]
G.A.I. [symbol] G.I.I. [symbol]
Engr. [symbol] Equipt. [symbol]
S.F.C.O. [symbol]

PILOT: F/O G.L. Heron – J276817
NAV: P/O N.C. Christie – J29335
B/A: P/O J.L. Balmer – J28969
WOP: Sgt. J.F Beetham – R183519
AG. Sgt J.R. Archibald – R223627
M.U Sgt. ─ Pecks – R221129
F/E Sgt. ─ Kenwright – 2205643.

[page break]

0745 / a/c Away / – Reported to C.F.C.

0900 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L Spence. F/O.

1045 / 1659/B / Permission by Air I to fly skeleton crew to pick up m/n at Gamston.

1100 / Com Flt. Anson / Attached to Leeming. Arranged with them & 62 Base for its use by S/L Stanley & F/L. Justason. Pilot being furnished by 62 Base. E.T.O. – 1130hrs

Com Flt. Oxford / Reserved for W/C Palmar for 1200hrs. Going to Gransden Lodge for remainder of day.

1125 / 419/M. / S/L. Bales granted permission to take m/n & crew to Ashton Down to gather complete “gen” on conversion figures

1230 / 1666 – X (JB 969) [underlined] Ditching [/underlined] / Crashed in the sea off Whitby – 1/4 mile beyond the low water mark. A/c burned for half an hour and then sank. Crew ([deleted] 6 [/deleted] 7) picked up by cutter and will be at Whitby coast guard station by approx 1430 hours. Cause – eng caught fire. Incident first reported by a Martinet aircraft in the area.
The story confirmed [symbol] 12 Grp. F.C.L.O.
District officer Coast Guard
Whitby. Phone ext 107 or 285

1240 / 1666 – X (JB 969) [underlined] Ditching [/underlined] / Told 61 Base – crew O.K. and told them to send transport to pick up crew.

1300 / 426 – a/c / Air I says O.K. for an aircraft to go [deleted] to Leek [/deleted] for a crew which was shot-up and landed [deleted] laid [/deleted] at Ford last night. Told 62 Base.

1300 / Balloon “gen” in B FORM / Billingham – close. hauled 2220 – 2345
Billingham – close. hauled 0215 – 0400
Yeovil – 500’ 0015 – 0115
Weybridge 1500’ 0001 – 0230

LFB at Selsey on 355°T from 0115 TO 0215hrs.
This gen cleared with responsible FIGHTER GROUPS {BLO {FCLO

[page break]

[underlined] Local Bullseye [/underlined] – Form B. T-80

Starting point. (Beacon) normal – 2330
Route – Base, Norwich York, Newcastle (flashlight target), Middlesborough, Peterborough and Base.
Height – 17000’
Fighters and searchlights along the route.

[underlined] Squadron [/underlined] [underlined] Halifax [/underlined]

[underlined] Target – 11/J/172 [/underlined]
[symbol] [underlined] Balloons [/underlined] Billingham – C/R. – 2230 – 0030
0315 – 0515
[symbol] Langley, Weybridge} 0600
Portsmouth – 1500’} 0010 – 0330

[symbol] L.F. Beacon – Worthing [deleted] 11 [/deleted] 15 – 330°T 0230 – 0330

[underlined] Target Elver. [/underlined]

[symbol] Balloons – Billingham C.R. 2230 – 0030.
0410 – 0600
[symbol] Harwich – 1500’} – 0130 – 0245
} 0300 – 0430
[symbol] L.F. Beacon – Orfordness. – 310°T.
0150 – 0250 0300-0400
0320 – 0420

[page break]

[underlined] Tuesday May 23rd 1944. [/underlined]

1800 / Croft. Fighter Aff. / To assist fighters affiliating with Croft a/c (from 2300 hrs to 0030 hrs.) Leeming & Linton have been requested to have their Pundits flashing & outer circles lit for that time. Also Middleton’s.

18.30 / On duty:- FD Cleland F/L. Off duty:- H.L. Spence F/O

22.00 / 1666X – / Crew list passed to Flying Control, 16 Group.

[underlined] Wednesday May 24th 1944. [/underlined]

0900 / Off duty. F.D. Cleland F/L. On duty B.T.O’Beirn F/O

0945 / Fixes / – 62 Base report black smoke – 338°M 6 miles from Tholthorpe.

1130 / Bullseye. No B.C. Bullseye –
Local Bullseye. (12 Grp) – arranged by night Ops S/R H yams.
Inf. 61 & 62 Base. Sigs. Met.

1220 / 420/y / – Permission granted for m/n a/c to accompany 420/A to Preston for modification & bring back extra crew.

1220 / 408/ / AIR I refused permission to take ops a/c to Gransden. To pick up visual monica. If equipment needed to – night send an Oxford or non – ops a/c. If no needed to – night have equipment sent by train.

1230 / 420 / – Permission for Lac Hodkinson F.C. U/T to fly on training flight.

1440 / Local Bullseye – scrubbed – cloud in Northern area. – Inf. 61, 62 Bases and night ops 12 Grp. Met. & dye.

[boxed] D.F.C.O’s [/boxed] / The watch roster remains unchanged for F/LT’S [inserted] & F/O Wall [/inserted] F/O’s Spence and O’Beirn are to continue with the watch they are on (day or night) until the first stand-down, when they will exchange watches [signature]

1530 / Balloons & L.F. Beacons – arranged

[page break]

[underlined] Emergency Bases. [/underlined]

408 & 419 – [indecipherable word]
424 & 433 – Wendling
427 & 429 – Little Snoring
431 & 434 – Ford
428 & 426 – Odiham

Missing from ops.

419/A W.O.I Robinson D.M. [deleted] (AO [/deleted] (KB706)
429/L W.O.II Michael J.L. (HX352)
429/K F/L. Rawlinson I. (LW137)
429/N W.O.II Fernandez M.A. (LW124)
424/S P./O. F.W. Dolter (LW157)

[page break]

1600 / SD 264 / - Query from 63 Base – re HW-515 11th May 1944. – When does table III become effective.? At what hour on May 25th.
Reply – confirmed by A.M. –
Table III. – Wef. – at DUSK – 25/mag/44
Inf. 61, 63 Bases.

1800 / Emergency Bases allocated by C.F.C. Gen passed to stations.

1805 / FIX 1664/H. / - LVB/H – 1664 – 4956N 0624W. 1st at 1757 hrs. – Acb. – passed 61 Base.

1830 / Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L Spence F/O.

1930 / Balloons / Billingham close hauled also from 0230 to 0315 hrs.

2100 / A.S.R. Search / Ex 16 group:- Request for 3 aircraft from us.

[deleted] 1200 [/deleted] 0001 / ditto / Passed Search “gen” to Middleton 428 Squadron have offered a/c (E.T.O. 0700hrs)

[underlined] Thursday – May 25/44 [/underlined]

0200 / Ident Board changed.

0500 / a/c away / - Summary to C.F.C.

0505 / 431/L / Permission requested to fly crew and parts to Beaulieu for m/n aircraft.

0900 / 431/L / Ref. entry 0505 hrs. request cancelled.

1120 – 1240 / A.S.R. Branch / Recalled at instance [sic] F/C 16 Group who “messed up” message (told to return to base “at Catfoss) 6 Group Signals Contacted Pulham to send correct message, which was then sent to all but our a/c. Again contacted 16 Group to straighten it out. Finally our a/c returned to M.S.G. in spite of the confusion.

[page break]

[underlined] Rosemary [/underlined]

[symbol] L.F. Beacon. Flamboro Head – 295°T
[deleted] 0330 – 0430 [/deleted][inserted] 0400 – 0500 [/inserted] hrs.
[symbol] Balloons – Billingham c/h – 2300 – 0100 hrs
0330 – 0530 hrs

[underlined] Chub [/underlined]
[symbol] Billingham – c/h – 2130 – 2320
0330 – 0545
Thames Estuary} 1500’ – 0215 – 0400
Chelmsford} 1500’ – 0215 – 0400
Harwich} 1500’ – 2320 – 0020
[symbol] 12 Grp {Norwich} 0245 – 0430
[symbol] Bradwell Bay – 330°T = 0245 – 0345
[symbol] Southwold 295°T = 0250 = 0350

Anson – G1 – from Manby landed Skipton 1636 W.T. U/S. – en route Wigtown
Took off at 1606 for Wigtown.
a/c from Tr. F.C. Romsey.

[page break]

1300 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1320 / Sea search – Report – nothing seen in area – a few ships sighted off our coast.
Sea – calm. Not very choppy.
Vis – 2-3 miles. Cloud 10/10, 4000 – 5000’ & sun could be seen through it, – breaking toward the south. Inf. 16 Grp.

1430 / Diversion Board – 9 – requested in East Anglia.

1500 / 429/G- / (AL – G-) – took off from Woodbridge at 1400 hrs for Leeming but returned as undercarriage would not retract and top Rotor blew off. Inf. Leeming. – Took off again & landed Leeming

1845 / Diversion bases – passed to stations – emergency only.

2130 / Ops. / scrubbed. Cancelled balloons & L.F. Beacons.

2145 / Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O

2150 / Recall. / 61 Base re- unfit weather will contact A/C on way to return.

2230 / Recall / 61 Base sent recall on Stn. HF/DF & Hull.

2300 / Recall / All X/C A/C act recall except H of 1664.

[underlined] May. 26th 1944 [/underlined]

0130 / Recall / All A/C from 61 Base down safely. All aerodromes in Grp “Red”.

0230. / M.L.O.12. / Notified re all cessation of flying in Group.

0830 / On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

0945 / 432/R / OK to fly crew to Ashbourne to pick up m/n if weather is O.K.

[page break]

Signal – AF.289 26 MAY 1944 – Halifax LV 941 Completed. Aircrew required immediately. Serviced by 6 Group & [indecipherable word] party. – W/O Barton. – Woodbridge.

429 – LK-755 Serv at Honeybourne.

Crash. 1666/B. HR-834 at 1031 hrs 26/5/44
Pilot – R-112271 W/O Poiria P.N.
Position – Wombleton – beyond R/W – 23.
Exercise – A/A Firing & Practice Bombing
Category – E Burned.
Crews alive.
W/C Weiser 61 B.T.I reports that accident was unavoidable and that the pilot is to be -commended on his good handling of a/c.

Inf. – A.O.C. [symbol] SFCO [symbol]
SASO [symbol] ENG.O [symbol]
AIR I [symbol] EQUIP O [symbol]
SOC [symbol] G.A.I.O. [symbol]
G.T.I. [symbol]

S.O.E. cut on take off

[page break]

1200 / L.F.B. [symbol] 16. / Selsey Bill. exposed 340°T from 0120 – 0220 hrs.

Balloons at Langley, Weybridge, Portsmouth and Southampton will be controlled at 1500 ft. from 0001 to 0230 hrs.

LK 755 Leeming / Permission by Air I to fly crew to Honeybourne to pick up m/n.

1240. / Percival Q-6 / Ex. Middleton – Civilian aircraft “GAFIW” landed from Castle Bromwich. Pilot Mr. Hancock of Ministry of Aircraft Production.

1610 / Emergence Base. / C.F.C. confirms FORD will be standing by to receive our a/c in case of emergency. Passed to Skipton.

1737 / Emergency Base. / Ford standing by, but a provisional weather diversion arranged with CFC – Gransden Lodge. Passed to Skipton

OBSERVER TYPE PARACHUTE – No 17995 or No 47995
Passed to stations – 62 Base, 64 Base, and Skipton say not one of ours.

Advise 4 Gp when you get the final story.

[underlined] May 27th [/underlined]

0830 / on duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O Off duty F/L Cleland.

1015 / Re 1750 entry of parachute – Does not belong to 64, 63, 62, or 61 Base

1036 / Crash, 1666/B. / – QY/B. HR-834. on A/A flying and practice bombing – Pranged on take off on R/W 23 – Crew alive. a/c burned fiercely.

1125 / Oxford / – a/c Whitley from 4 Grp left Linton at 1120 for Driffield – Inf 4 Grp.

1130 / Route / Ops – (1) Oxford out at Bridport & return
(2) Reading Littlehampton & return
OK’d by M.L.O. 12 Grp.

[page break]

[underlined] Avenger – F.N. [/underlined] 784 Sub. Lieut Moir landed Skipton (1300 hrs) from Donibristle. Informed Inskys (9 group) and Donibristle (18 Grp)
T.O. for Ringway later.

[underlined] GARDENS. [/underlined]

Balloons – [symbol] Billingham c/h. – 2300 – 0030
0330 – 0500
[symbol] Yeovil – 1500’ 0010 – 0110
0200 – 0300
[symbol] Langley & Weybridge – 0010 – 0050.
[inserted] 500 [/inserted] 0120 – 0222.
[symbol] L.F. Beacon – Flamboro 295°T 0320 – 0420.

Balloons – Billingham. – c/h – 2300 – 0040
0330 – 0500
[symbol] Harwich 1500’ – 0050 – 0140; 0240 – 0340
[symbol] Thames Estuary} 1500’ – 2300 – 0140
[symbol] Chelmsford} 1500’ – 2350 – 0140

[symbol] Bradwell Bay – 330°T – 0055 – 0155
[symbol] Southwold 295°T – 0245 – 0345
[symbol Orfordness 305°T 0245 – 0345

[underlined] DIVERSION BASES (EMERGENCY) [/underlined]
[underlined] MAIN TARGETS. [/underlined]
408 & 426 SQDNS – Shipsham
420 & 425 SQDNS – Bungay
427 & 429 SQDNS – Seething
424 & 433 SQDNS – Woodbridge
432 & 419 SQDNS – Woodbridge
431 & 434 SQDNS – Old Buckenham

[underlined] GARDENS. [/underlined] – [underlined] HYACINTH [/underlined] & [underlined] SCALLOPS [/underlined]
433 SQD – Colerne & Ford

427 LK – 755 Serv at Honeyboune. Advised 63 Base.
Horsenden – 3 5316 I. Linton 1700 from Coxhill returning immediately.

[page break]

1210 / Darky / – Dalton answered a Darky Bridal “W” – gave him QDM to Warton. Inf. F.C.L.O. 12 Grp.

1315 / W/T message to 91 Grp – for Wellesbourne [indecipherable word] TRA O – pos’n – 5408N [underlined] 67 [/underlined] 48 W [underlined] ? [/underlined] at 1215
TRAT – pos’n 5410N 0050W. at 1226 – inf. 91 Grp.

[underlined] X/C Routes [/underlined] D.F.C.O’s note. – a/c on X/C training flights are [underlined] not [/underlined] to be routed south of a diagonal line Cromer (Norfolk coast) to Bridport. 6G/54/1/AIR 26/5/44

1515 / 433/L / Permission granted by Air I for trip with crew to pick up a/c at Woodbridge.

1600 / [underlined] Intruder [/underlined] / – 61 Base report an a/c (appeared like a JU / [deleted] 87 [/deleted] 88 or Dornier 21 [deleted] 5 [/deleted] [underlined] 4 [/underlined].) flying near Topcliffe.
Inf. R.O.C L.O. – 12 Grp.
1605 / [underlined] Intruder [/underlined] Black widow a/c. – new twin boom a/c with radial engine and American markings flying from Scamton [sic]. This is evidently the one seen by 61 Base.

1610 / Balloons and L.F. Beacons requested. C.F.C. Requested emergency bases.

1830 / Emergency Dvn. Bases. / Received from C.F.C. and allotted ason opposite page. Stations informed.

Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L Spence F/O

2000 / Billingham Balloons / Now to be close hauled from 2200 hrs to 0500 hrs. Croft informed.

2320 / Night Flying / Summary to C.F.C.

[underlined] Sunday – May 28/44 [/underlined]

0030 / Weather Diversion / Met. Confirmed diversion bases laid on were were [sic] out of the question; also risk of ground fog in south part of 6 Group.

[page break]

0100 / Weather diversion / Skipton concerned about ground fog which is appearing & disappearing.

0145 / ditto / Skipton still worried. Leeming O.K. and ready to handle Skipton’s

0200 / Ident Board changed

0215 / Met say 62 Base really only doubtful bases in 6 Gp. Checked with 12 Gp and Controller, Newcastle who say:-
Ackington can handle 12 – 15
Charter Hall can handle 20 – 25
Ouston 12 – 15
Winfield (emergency) 10 – 12
Scorton 20

C.F.C. advised of above after having obtained Chipping Warden, Westcott, Oakley, Edgehill. 6 Gp say 6 Gp div. to Shipdham O.K. (viz – better than 4 mis [sic] at Shipdham)
Bases in 90 Grps scarce as 4 Gp & 100 Gp already have laid on provisional weather diversions in this area. In view of this following diversions prepared.

0250 / sent on Group Freq. at 0250
{408 – Shipdham
{420 – Chipping Warden
{425 – Westcott
{426 – Oakley
{432 – on R/T to Acklington and 63 Base & Skipton aircraft to land at base and in case of any trouble proceed to Croft who were cast-iron. Everyone happy about this arrangement.

0320 / SKIPTON / m/n a/d u/s. Diverted 2 433 a/c to M.St G. This was a ground haze which came in and blanketed the ‘drome.

0338 / LEEMING / Above has happened to Leeming. Inf 12 & 13 Gp. to lay on and advised C.F.C. of the following diversion.
424 a/c – ACKLINGTON
429 a/c – OUSTON
427 a/c – CHARTER HALL
62 Base a/c – CROFT

[page break]

Missing from X – C
1659/R. (LL286)

Crew list

Pilot P/O Bradley. J.R. – J – 85652.
Nav. Sgt. Scott. T.F – R – 182724
WOp F/S. Blair W R – 119545
RG Sgt. Stevens [deleted] EV [/deleted] F.C. – R – 207875
B.A. F/O Gagnebin R.P. J – 29369
F.E. Sgt Pickering D.A 1198988
M.U.G. Sgt Nelson G.H R – 213165
F.E (Extra) Sgt Newlands J. 1823350.

[page break]

0340 / DIVERSION / Diversion “gen” passed to Croft & Controller Newcastle, who gave us the following R/T C/S Acklington – ROVUK Oustom – PUPPET charter Hall – CIVSTREET
Passed c/s to Leeming & Skipton F/C. Former called back to say these are incorrect. D.S.O. couldn’t help so we used what we had. Leeming F/C also said Controller had not informed the stations concerned. Newcastle denys [sic] this.

0340 / DIVERSION / C.F.C. says Shipdham now U/S. and they have made arrangements to divert to Bruntingthorpe. Good old 92.

0405 / BLOCKED RUNWAY EASTMOOR / Ex 62 Base – Eastmoor has a pranged a/c on runway in use. Gave them Scorton with a viz of 7 miles. Newcastle happy.

Thought Newcastle should be chewed off for effort – entry [deleted] 0305 [/deleted] 0340 hrs. In view of their good show I humbly bowed & said “Thank you.”

0436 / 432/a/c / Eventually landed at Eastmoor.

0400 / 1659/R Overdue / Overdue action taken by 61 Base. a/c not heard from following take off. No joy from 9 or 13 Groups. Later 9 Group advised Sealand had given a/c a 2nd class fix at 2317 hrs. pos. 5235N 0134W. Search of fresh sea area being instigated by 9 Group. 61 Base also to log on some cross countries along the route. Liaison to be with [deleted] 13 [/deleted] 15 Group.

0830 Off duty F/O Spence On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0930 / a/c away / Requested all of 99 a/c who landed away at 20 stations to return to base.

0935 / 1659/R / – Checked the fix shown by entry at 0400 – RAFNI. had no word
Sealand say it is called as given. Inf. 61 Base, S/L Seabourne W/C Milfield.

[page break]

Oxford – T 1343 left Skipton 1225 for Lindholme. Inf. Lindholme a/c & G/C aboard.

1200 / 28 th May – From station “Z”
Leeds Police Report. – Rec’d by station Z at 0138/28 –
A/C crashed in field 3 miles NW of Lindholme airfield near Doncaster – Machine completely smashed and burned out. Br . Hal. at 0250 to-day?
Crew of 7 all killed – a/c No BB.264

[underlined] Gardens [/underlined]

420/O – landed at Edgehill – short of petrol – ran off the end of R/W. Crew returned with F/420.

[page break]

1030 / Sea Search – organized . for search of 1659/R over Irish Sea.
15 Grp – 2 warwicks + others on X/C, on northern part
19 Grp – 2 Warwicks + others on X/C,
61 Base. – 2 Hal. on Route 17 Reversed.

1035 / Sea Search. – Re 0300 hr report from 429/O –
A/C shot down – crew baled out 5149N, 0146E
16 Grp have had 2 Anson out for 2 1/2 hrs. and boats also searching the area.

1200 / Search / 1659/R – Top. a/c delayed - owing to Air Ministry report of a crash at Lindholme – of Hal. BB – 264. –
Evidently not 1659 a/c – LL286

1230 / Ops. Route – 12 Grp – OK to go out at Bridport and Little Hampton 8000’t.

1210 / Sea Sighting – 9 Grp. – report that an a/c. sighted a dinghy south of Isle of Man with a number of bodies in it. Sea Search a/c directed to this spot while just a/c staged & circled. – 61 Base holding their a/c until further word heard.

Off duty B.T O’Beirn – On duty HL Spence

1345 / Balloons / Control at 1500ft. as follows:-
Langley } 2359 hrs to 0150 hrs.
Weybridge } 2359 hrs to 0150 hrs.
Yeovil – 0005 – 0040 & 0230 – 0320 hrs

1400 / Comm. Flt. Anson / Authority by S.A.S.O. to take parts to Congleton & Barford St. Johns in m/n.

1430. / Permission M.S.G. / Requested to fly Hal. To Waddington for H.2S installation & pick up specialist H2S crew to instal [sic] new Mark 10 in remainder of their a/c. No. crew to come by regular transport.

420 Hal. / Request to fly Hal. To Bruntingthorpe and Chipping Warden to deliver parts. No. By transport.

[page break]

[underlined] 1659/P. Accident (LL288) [/underlined]

Informed AOC [symbol], SaSo [symbol], Air I [symbol], Controller [symbol] SFCO [symbol] , G.T.I. [symbol], G.A.I.

Report – that 420/W (call sign S.G.X U)
Report was calling Chipping Warden at 03.30 / 28/5/44.
Checked – Chipping Warden did not receive the above call.
Report – that a/c seen in flames near Chipping Warden at 0320 / 28/5/44 ─ 92 Grp had an a/c burned at Silverstone – evidently this was the one seen.

[page break]

Permission 432 Sqn / WC. McKay requests permission to take 2 ground crew on retraction test.

Comm. Flt. Anson / Reserved for W/C White, S.L. [indecipherable word], F/Ln Holmes, etc for 1500 hrs, 29-5-44. to go to Hendon. Also [deleted] to [/deleted] 62 Base to furnish pilot.

[boxed] D.E.C.O’s [/boxed] / Instructions have been received from O.C. Unit, with reference to P.T., that, the following regulation will apply to this section as regards attendance:-
(1) Officers on night watch are not expected to be present as watch doesn’t finish until 09.00 hrs.

(2) Officer’s commencing watch at 09.00 hrs must attend that day’s P.T. parade

(3) Officer’s on a day-off are excused P.T. if [underlined] off the camp [/underlined] for one day. (24 hrs)

1500 / Weather Diversion / Middle Wallop allotted by C.F.C. 433 Sqn.

1405 / Take-off Accident [underlined] 1659/P [/underlined] / Swung to port on take off; undercarriage collapsed. Port Wing & undercarriage on the deck. 300 yds off runway.
[underlined] [indecipherable words] [/underlined]. Pilot F/S Hen. Crew O.K.

1530 / Sea Search 1659/R / False report as to dinghy & bodies. Liberator making sighting saw only wooden crate at pos 5356N 0452W. Anson doing square search in area. Pinnace searched area & found the wooden crate. W/C Newsome 1664 Sqn doing low level [inserted] (200-500ft) [/inserted] search to Mull Galloway – 10 miles south Edinburgh – Topcliffe. 1659 are doing 2000’ flight over remainder of land route to Welsh coast.

1830 / Off duty H.LSpence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
TO C.F.C. / Diversion summary posted. 108 a/c landed away at 23 stations.

[page break]

[underlined] 1659/R – Sea Search. [/underlined]

[underlined] May 28 [/underlined] – 5 Warwicks and 1 Anson searched – nil result Pinnace found and picked up the body of F/S Blair at 2208 hrs and took it to West Freugh.
Fortress went out and dropped flares and boats Continued search
Wigtown sent out Anson at 0455 to search all the sea area
5445N 0500W. 5435N 0440W.
5435N 0500W. 5443N 0430W
Height – 400’ 1/2 mile vis.

10 Ansons from Bishops Court to search area.
5450N 0510W 5430N 0430W
5430N 0510W. 5443N 0430W

Tidal drift E to NE. into the bay.
Search starting 8 miles south of position where body was found

Passed to 61 Base.

[page break]

1900 / Sea Search – Irish sea – nothing further sighted
1 a/c 1659 and 1 a/c 1664 searched over land but saw nothing.

2210 / 1659/R. S.Search / 9 Grp – Report – re 1659/R. – Body of F/S Blair – R119574 spotted by an a/c 300 yds off shore – near Mull of Galloway. – Body picked up by boat – Search proceeding in the area. Inf 61 Base. SASO S.O.S. S/L Seabourne.

[underlined] MONDAY MAY 29th [/underlined]

100 33 – on Scallops – Met advise that Skipton will be fit for them - ,
For those returning from Jelly Fish should get them down in Group - possibly mid. S. G. – Inf. Skipton mid. S. G – & 11 Grp.

0145 / 1659/R / – 15 Grp. that M.O. says that F/S Blair’s body had been in the sea about 24 hrs. – Had been spotted and picked up by boat [inserted] 2208 hrs/28 [/inserted] A fortress has continued the search dropping flares and boats are in the area. 15 Grp requested to continue search in the morning.

0250 / Intruders / – Opened lines for plotting. One hostile about the mouth of the Humber. And one following the coast north of Humber.

0311 / Air Raid Warning Purple – one intruder heading between Middleton and Leeming. Fighter followed him out to sea

0322 / All clear – Fighters continued pursuit – one shot down enemy a/c.

0400 / Ops / a/c landed O.K. at base (Skipton).

0900 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn – On duty H.L. Spence

[page break]

11.30. A/C belongs to Scorton. Scorton taking action.

[page break]

[underlined] Monday. May 29th 1944. [/underlined]
1120. / LK-755 / Permission given Leeming to fly crew to Honeybourne to pick up m/n.

Permission to fly. (Army personnel) / Ruling by S.S.S.O. –
Provided their Unit’s permission has been secured and the Base Commander is agreeable, there’s no objection by us at 6 Group, for station aircraft to take them along on ordinary training details

1130. / Crash. Nr Swinithwaite [symbol] / Ex Leeming:- Report of a crash from Leyburn police [inserted] N.F.S. [/inserted] Fire Tender despatched. Map – ref. Sheet 21 – pos. 311096. While it appears to be 4 Group area in view of hills and proximity informed Catterick. Also put Newcastle Controller in possession of the facts.

Com Flt. Oxford / Reserved for F/L. Rawson. 1330 hrs. remainder of day – within Group.

1210. / L.F.B’s / [symbol] 2 at Flamborough Head. exposed on 300°T from 0145 – 0245 hrs.

At Oxfordness – exposed on 300°T from 0120 to 0220 hrs.

Balloons / – [underlined] Billingham [/underlined] close hauled from 2230 – 2350 hrs. and 0200 – 0330 hrs.
[underlined] Harwich [/underlined] will be controlled at 1500ft from 0015 to 0200 hrs.

1300 / Off duty H.L. Spence F/O.

1400 / Permission To fly / Air I O.K.’s flight by a 426 a/c to Barford St. John to take a crew for 426/A.

1520 / REPORTED CRASH / From 61 Base – Crash near Helperby (Observer Corp post Y2) checked with R.O.C.R.O. & F.C.L.O who say NO CRASH
Told 61 Base

1735 / 1695 B.O.W. N/F / Request all outer circles on 2345 – 0030
Passed to 62, 63 and 64 Bases.

[page break]

[underlined] ALL DECO’s NOTE [/underlined] ref signal:- HW-7/29 MAY


[underlined] Gardens [/underlined]

[symbol] Yeovil – 1500’ 0010 – 0045
0210 – 0245
[symbol] Langley Weybridge – 1500’ 0020 – 0315
[symbol] Billingham c/h. 2210 – 0030
0245 – 0500.

[underlined] 4/J/189 [/underlined]
[symbol] Billingham – c/h. 2210 – 0030
0245 – 0500.
Langley & Weybridge. 1500’ 0020 – 0315
[deleted] Billingham [/deleted]
[symbol] Landfall Beach Hastings – 305° T. 0205 – 0305

[underlined] D.F.C.O’s [/underlined]

The map showing DGA’s in South of England which are to be avoided by both training and operational aircraft is on the second map mount under the clock and should be consulted when any route is doubtful as regards Gun Defended Areas.
[indecipherable letters] Fearnley S/Ldr.

[underlined] Z-431 [/underlined] [symbol] L.F. Beacon – Worthing – 330° T 0115-0215
[symbol] Balloons. Billingham c/h. 2100-2230 0215-0400
[symbol] Langley Weybridge } 1500’ 2300 – 0001
[symbol] Portsmouth } 1500’ 0115 – 0240

[page break]

[underlined] Monday May 29th 1944. [/underlined]

1725 / 433/X / Lands at Aldermaston with hydraulic trouble. He was advised by Skipton F/C to remain until 6 Gp Servicing Flight contacted him. I have been unable to see F/R Smith or W/O Barton. (F/L Smith informed)

2030 / 433/X / – Could not locate F/L Smith.
Have instructed crew to remain overnight. – Shall get F/L Smith to check it in the morning.

2030 / X/C / Scrubbed by all bases. SASO had previously asked to be informed before take off.

[underlined] TUESDAY MAY 30th [/underlined].

00.01 / Off duty. F/O O’Beirn.
On duty. F.D.Cleland F/L.

02.00 / Weather. / M.S.G. should be OK for Gardeners. 2300yds vis and NLC. Croft standing by – 3 mi. vis.

02.00 / A.S.R. / 3 a/c of 428 Sq. detailed for search tomorrow morning. Weather at sea very doubtful.
Chance of 10/10 ths sea fog.

09.00 / Off duty. F.D. Cleland
On duty N.A. Warwick F/O.

0935. / D.F.C.O’s / Please note opposite page.

1100. / C.F.C. / offer for 8-9 aerodromes within 91-92 Groups for possible weather diversion stations for tonights A/C.

1245 / Off duty F/O Warwick. On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1430 / Balloons and LF. Beacons arranged.

1604 / Cesna ([indecipherable word] “A”) / 37784 landed Croft en route to Ouston from Heston.
Vis was 1500yds at Croft and worse about Newcastle.
ROC were unable to get [indecipherable word] – confused it with Hal. Near Thalthorpe.

1800 / DIV. Bases – Request for Weather diversion for 2 a/c in Gardens. Other ops scrubbed

[page break]

Following a/c landed due to weather: staying overnight.

Argus 35342. 30-5 Tholthorpe – Warton.
Oxford DF415 30-5 Topcliffe – Lindholme.
Proctor HM315 30-5 Skipton – White Waltham.
Cessna 37784 30-5 Croft – Hendon

[page break]

1815 / DIV Base – for 428 – Emergency weather – Market Harborough. – passed gen to 64.

1825 / Darky / – mid report that Croft answering a darky Curley “D”. 12 Grp
– have no plot. – Landed Scorton.

1830 / Off duty B.T. O’Beirn
On duty – H.L.Spence. F/O.

2030. / L.F.B’s. & Balloons / Requests for m/n on 4/J/189 and Z-431 now cancelled.

2230 / Balloons. / Request for controller close haul of Balloons for Gardening aircraft cancelled.

Weather Dvn.Base / Cancelled Market Harborough with 92 Group.

N.F. / No night flying in Group.

[underlined] Wednesday – May 31/44. [/underlined]

[deleted] Morning Offer [/deleted]

0200 / Ident Board changed.

1045 / 420/U&T 420/K&B. / Permission to fly crew in 420/U to Bruntingthorpe to pick up 420/T. Also 420K with extra crew to Preston to pick up 420/B.

1600 / Wellington 22OTU Wellesbourne. / a/c which landed at Wombleton yesterday. 91 Group request he be sent on following crosscountry: Malton – Filey – 5408N 0200E – Wells – Hitchin (5157N 0015W) Lincoln – Priors Hardwick (Bombing Range) Base. To be given route forecast and briefed particularly of thunder storms. 6 Group met concerned about thunderstorms in Midlands west of 00°30’ W and south of Liverpool to Wash. 91 Group say OK for a/c to take off, as other of their's are doing the route. Pilot to be instructed to avoid the thunderstorms.

[page break]

[underlined] D.F.C.O’s. [/underlined] to note
Flying Restrictions HW.43 May 30.

N.E.F. 0001 hrs. 1st June TFN all non-operational flying by night is prohibited south of a line joining Ramsgate, Croydon, Winchester Exeter and Lands End – except
(a) Flights to & from stations located south of this line are permitted solely for purpose of entering or leaving area by shortest practical route having regard to regulations contained in SO 158(2) below 3,500ft ft or below cloud whichever is lower.
(b) Training flights for special exercises in connection with impending operations are permitted provided clearance is obtained in advance from the appropriate Air Defence Group Movement Liaison Section.
(c) Flights by Fighter aircraft under close R.I. Control by Ground Stations.

All aircrews to be warned.

[page break]

10.30. / Command BullsEye. / C – 96 tonight. Details passed to 61 Base. Operational squadrons not requested to participate – Controller stating they will not have any spare aircraft for it. Gen. passed to station – 61 Base.

1130. / Darky Egress H. / Ex Croft – Requested weather, stating he was on a heading of 340°. Was loud and clear at 1120 but then faded. No report from other stations in Group.

Com. Flt. Anson DJ618. / Left Hendon for Linton at 1044hrs. Informed W/C McCarthy.

1220 / NBL/O. Message / Ex Topcliffe for 22 O.T.U. Wellesbourne prefixed important. Pos 5433N 0155W T.O.O. 1158 received 1215 hrs: Informed 91 Group.

1147 / Fortress at Topcliffe / From Twinwood (Cranfield) landed after firing 2 white verseys. Was lost. Will continue to Prestwick this afternoon.
Informed 12 Group who wished a check made.

1255 / NB4/U message. / Ex Topcliffe. for 22 O.O.U. Wellesbourne Pos. 5422N 0142W T.O.O. 1230. rec. 1247 hrs. Informed 91Group.

1200 / Com Flt. Proctor / Reserved for S/L. Rawson for 1230 hrs. – To Wombleton, rest of day.

1550 / L.F.B. / [underlined] Orfordness [/underlined] – 300° T from 0045 – 0145 hrs.
[underlined] Dungeness [/underlined] – 295° T from 0030 – 0130 hrs.

Balloons / [underlined] Billingham [/underlined] close hauled 2115 – 0001 hrs 0130 – 0545 hrs.
[underlined] Harwick [/underlined] – 1500’ control 2345 – 0130 hrs.
[underlined] Yoevil [sic] [/underlined] – 1500’ control 0100 – 0245 hrs.
Langley }
Weybridge } – 1500’ control 2315 – 0130 hrs.
Portsmouth }

1655 / Crash / Ex 12 Group: Crash in Z [inserted] (7345) [/inserted] 7549 at Midridge Lane on L.N.E.R line (Nr Shildon) (Thunderbolt or) 4-eng. a/c (or both) Middleton to take action.

[page break]

[underlined] 500 1/E/15 [/underlined]

Balloons – Billingham – 2100 – 2300
0030 – 0230

[symbol] London, Thames Estuary } 1500ft
Canterbury, Chelmsford } 2315 – 0015
Dover }
Harwich – 1500’ 2359 – 0045

[symbol] L.F.Beacon
Orfordness – 305°T 2359 – 0059.

[underlined] 9/K/3. [/underlined]
[symbol] Balloons – Yeovil at 1500’ – 2310 – 0000
0030 – 0130

[underlined] Diversion Bases. Emergency [/underlined]

408 } Wing.
426 } Wing.
424 & 433 – Wesheath
420 & 425 – Silverstone
427 & 429 – Honeybourne.
432 } Woodbridge.
419 & 428 } Woodbridge.
431 & 434 } Woodbridge.

[page break]

1745 / Crash. (1654CU.) / Ref. entry 1655. – 12 Group have arranged for [deleted] Newcastle [/deleted][inserted] Northern Command [/inserted] to take care of guard for first 48 hrs. Also state aircraft is UG/A. – [inserted] 1654 5Grp [/inserted]. Crash is 2 miles west of [deleted] Skipton [/deleted][inserted] Wisely [/inserted] and all crew dead. Rumour by villagers that they saw one person bale out. This may have been tail unit which was reported as being some considerable distance away.

1800 / Command Bulls Eye. / All Groups have cancelled their offers to participate. Ours also withdrawn.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

2000 / Balloons & LF. Beacons times amended.

2045 / Diversion – Emergency Stations passed to stns.

2145 / Crash / – UG/A – is 1654 C.U. a/c – from Wigsley in 5 Grp. – Line busy

2235 / Crash 1654/A / Reported details to 5 Grp F.C. Regret the delay as we were busy.

2250 / 434/Z / Croft – a/c circling Croft – Cannot get wheels up –
S.O.P. instructed Croft to tell pilot to go out to sea and [indecipherable word] detail.

2310 / C.F.C. / – request us to arrange with Thornaby – to divert Granny “U” (Lane) – Thornaby agree.

2330 / 428/P / – Returning with aleo leg trouble. – Cannot land him at Woodbridge
– weather duff. – Requested 61 Base to have Dalton lay a cinder strip.

2335 / 428/P / – U/C only 1/2 way down. – Sending him to Dalton.

[page break]

[underlined] CRASHES [/underlined]

426/C LK-880 – Swung on landing from ops. And hit bomb dump. Crew OK.
Category AC or E
F/O Taylor WJ

425/P LW-375 – Pranged on the runway on landing at base; blocked the runway. Crew O.K.
Category – B
F/L Rance?

428/P JN-963. – Could not get wheels completely down – belly landed at Dalton
Crew O.K. [deleted] Cat A.C. [/deleted] or Cat [underlined] B [/underlined].
P/O Ganthorean

434/G. (LW 389) – Landed at Woodbridge. Amid thunder storm
Vis. Was low. S.O.E. was feathered. Landed downwind (25MI. NE) in heavy rain.
Was swept to stbd. Off flare path and hit a clump of trees.

[page break]

[underlined] June 1st [/underlined]

0020 / 1 Grp / – Diversion of 12 a/c – on X/C diverted to Dishforth

0112 / 428/P / – Belly landed OK at Dalton no one hurt

0115 / 425/P / – pranged at 0103 on landing at base – blocked the main R/W.

0220 / Diversion 428/G.B, Q,T,U,X – send message to “Land at St Eval”

0320 / 4 Grp - / Request provisional bases in 6 Grp. – Leeming. mid. Eastmoor & Thal. Assigned if required.

0420 / N.F. / Ceased – 4 Grp, 1 Grp & 5 Grp do not require us longer.
Closed down the stations:

0510 / Croft - / Power supply U/S for 2nd time to-night. Mid. Taking the darky watch.

0540 / (TO C.F.C) Diversion Summary – 8 a/c used bases assigned 4, used 4 other bases and 186 retuned to home base.
4 a/c from 5 Grp (Training) and
6 a/c from 1 Grp landed in 6 Grp.

0550 / Crash – 1654 CU. / 1654/A – Mid. is the nearest RAF station to Shildon and instructed to continue guarding the a/c.
Seven [indecipherable word] are at Middleton awaiting instructions from 5 Grp.

0710 / Re a/c away – Contacted 92 Grp, 8 Grp, 5 Grp and C.F.C. to get our a/c ready to take off between 0800 & 0900 hrs after getting our O.K.

0715 / 62 Base / – Linton & Thalthorpe partly u/s – bogged & pranged a/c.

0830 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L.Spence F/O.

[page break]

[underlined] Gardens [/underlined]

[underlined] Balloons [/underlined]

Billingham – close hauled 2200 – 2330 hrs.
0145 – 0345 hrs
Harwich – Controlled at 1500ft. – 2330 – 0200 hrs

[underlined] L.F.B. [/underlined]
Orfordness – on 305°T – 0045 – [underlined] 0145. [/underlined]

[underlined] Target 9/K/3. [/underlined]
Billingham Balloons close hauled – 2245 – 0030 hrs.
0330 – [underlined] 0515 [/underlined] hrs.
Yeovil – controlled at 1500ft – 0115 – [deleted] 0200 [/deleted] hrs [deleted] 0236 [inserted] to [/inserted] – 0320 hrs

[underlined] L.F.B. [/underlined]
Bridport – on 045° T – 0230 to 0330 hrs.

[underlined] Target. 4/J/100. [/underlined]
[underlined] Balloons. [/underlined]
Langley & Weybridge. – controlled at 1500ft. from [deleted] 2320 [/deleted] 2300 hrs to [deleted] 2350 [/deleted] 2329 hrs.
Billingham – close hauled – [underlined] 2120 [/underlined] – 2250 hrs & 0125 – 0245 hrs.
[underlined] L.F.B. [/underlined]
Orfordness 305°T from [underlined] 0020 [/underlined] – 0120 hrs.

[page break]

1320 / 44/F / Ex 5 Group. OK’ d return to base.

1245 / 1657/W&C. / Ex 1 Group a/c to stand by at 1400 hrs for. T.O. but await final OK.

1320 / A/C away. / Ex 6 Group Met. – Still feel conditions en route ropey for return to bases.
Belt of rain & low cloud from Liverpool to Ipswich; cloud in Lincolnshire 1000ft. & lower, similar at St Eval; Irish sea area also bad.

Balloons. L.F.B’s. / See opposite page.

1415 / 207/H&J. / 5 Group OK’d return to base. Pilot to be given route forecast & if necessary could be routed out over sea and in on eastern lattice line. In any [indecipherable word] over low ground. 62 & 64 Base informed.

1430 / 1656/MUL 1667/W / Ex 1 Group: OK for return – all to go to Sandtoft as Lindholme U/S.

1415 / 1662/D / Ex 1 Group: OK. For return.

1530 / a/c away / Controller checked Met and could see no possibility of these aircraft returning this afternoon.

1655 / 431/P. / Checked Met & Controller OK’ d return.

1710 / 421/T / OK’ d return.

1720 / 428/U / If standing by, to return to base, bringing crew of 434/G. If not ready to take off check further with us before taking off.

1800 / 434/T } OK’d return. 1830. – 434/T – not tonight – weather
408/H } OK’d return. 1830. – 434/T – not tonight – weather
426/E } OK’d return. 1830. – 434/T – not tonight – weather

1810 / 428/G BQXT / Return OK’d. Fly at approx. 8000ft.
(X & Q – not here. – others Ret.
1825 / Balloons & L.F.B. / Requests to cover 9/K/3 & 4/J/100 cancelled.

[page break]

Mustang V5M from middle Wallop, landed Middleton

[page break]

1850 Off duty – F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

2045 / Anson / Permission granted for Linton to take crew down to-morrow to pick up 426/E at Westiam.

[underlined] June 2 1944 [/underlined]

0020 [underlined] Cloud marker Beacon [/underlined].. Met advice is no cloud – 2000’ – lowering to 1500’ or less. – laid on for 61 Base & Ops. Inf. [indecipherable word] & Finlay, 12 Grp & 4 Grp.

0240 / Diversion – 4 Grp request provisional bases if the cloud lowers suddenly – Offered Dishforth & Topcliffe.

0300 / C.F.C. / – Diversion summary passed to CFC. 10 a/c returned to base – one to Wittering.

0400 / 4 Grp / – No diversion to us.

0820 / 1656/M / Instructed to return to Sandtoft (1 Grp)

0820 / Oxford / – Mid – S.G. request permission to take repair parts for Q/428 & X/428 at St Eval. (OK’d – Air I)

0900 Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L. Spence F/O

0910 / 425/F / Air I authorized flight to Preston with skeleton crew to pick up m/n provided a/c to be used is not required on ops tonight.

0930 / 432 Sqn. MZ590 & 672 / To be flown to Preston for modification.
Will not interfere with today’s offer – either a/c or crews. OK’d by Air I – good crews to be used as civilian airfield is small.

1220 / Swordfish LF 272 Force Landed. / Landed in field to west of Leeming airfield. Anticipated by F.C. Leeming & tender & ambulance dispatched. No harm to either a/c or Pilot.
A.T.A. Pilot from Sherburn en route to Donnibristle [sic].
Sherburn informed by Leeming.

[page break]

[underlined] Gardening [/underlined]

[underlined] Balloons [/underlined]:

Harwich – 1500ft. control 0030 – 0240 hrs

Portsmouth } 1500ft. control 0001 – 0300 hrs.
Southampton } 1500ft. control 0001 – 0300 hrs.
Langley } 1500ft. control 2300 – 0300 hrs.
Weybridge } 1500ft. control 2300 – 0300 hrs.

Billingham – close hauled [deleted] 2230 [/deleted] 2200 – 0001 hrs
and 0300 – 0450 hrs.

[underlined] Landfall Beacons [/underlined].

Worthing – bearing 340°T – 0145 – 0245 hrs.
Orfordness – bearing 305°T – 0135 – 0235 hrs.
Flamborough – bearing 270°T – 0215 – 0315 hrs.

[underlined] 4/J/140. [/underlined]

[underlined] Balloons [/underlined]
Langley } 1500ft. Control 2230 – 0300 hrs.
Weybridge } 1500ft. Control 2230 – 0300 hrs.

[underlined] Landfall Beacon [/underlined].
Hastings – bearing 295°T – 0017 – 0117 hrs.

[underlined] Diversion – Emergency Bases [/underlined].

433 Sqdn – Foulsham
428 & 432 – Wanborough
408 & 426 – Market Harborough
420 & 425 – Bruntingthorpe

[page break]

1200 / Low Flying. 8 gr a/c TL-C / Shot up Dishforth 5 times at zero feet between 1130 & 1150 hrs. Air I informed. Also 8 Group F/C. who are to investigate & advise.

1225 / 427/J / Permission by S.A.S.O. to fly crew to Winfield to pick up m/n.

LV-988 Skipton / F/L Smith to check re status [indecipherable word] of m/n aircraft at Manston & advise.

1330 / L.F.B. Balloons / Arranged as on opposite page.

1620 / Emergency Dvn. Bass. / Requested 3 in 92 Gr. & 1 in East Anglia.

1830 Off duty F/O Spence On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1900 / Diversion stations allocated & gen passed.

2225 / RAFNI / – Report QBB 800’ – decreasing – Concerned about our Bullseye a/c – Checked with met – Tops 4500’

2300 / 61 Base / F/A at Walton – Request for outer circle lights within Grp. from 2330 – 0030 – Arranged.

2330 / Smoke & flames between Middleton and Thornaby – by mid. Inf. ROCLO.

2340 / Parachute – F.C.L.O. – 12 Grp – report a parachute or parachutes near Stockton-on-Tees. Inf. Mid.

[underlined] June 3rd [/underlined]

0110 / Beaufighter – 412 Grp – a/c in trouble –
– A Beaufighter being directed by searchlights to Thornaby.
6 Grp stations inf.

0450 / TO C.F.C. / – all [inserted] 94 [/inserted] ops a/c landed at homebase.

0900 / Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

[page break]

[underlined] Balloons. [/underlined]

Langley } Controlled at 1500ft. from 2315 hrs. to 0230 hrs.
Weybridge } Controlled at 1500ft. from 2315 hrs. to 0230 hrs.

Dover. – Controlled at 2000ft. from 2359 to 0100 hrs. X
Harwich – Controlled at 1500ft. from 0030 to 0145 hrs.

Billingham – close hauled from 2130 to 2300 hrs
and 0115 to 0415 hrs X

[underlined] Landfall Beacons [/underlined]

Orfordness – bearing 305°T – from 0040 to 0140 hrs.
Rye. ([symbol] 14) – bearing 295°T – from 0100 to 0200 hrs. X
Little Hampton – bearing 340°T – from 0045 to 0145 hrs.
Flamboro ([symbol] 2) – bearing 270°T from 0140 to 0240 hrs.

[underlined] Provisional Weather Bases [/underlined].

419 – West Raynham – 100 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
431 – Foulsham 100 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
434 – Downham Market 8 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
427 – Wyton 8 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
429 – Bourn 8 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
424 – Chedburgh 8 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
408 – Mildenhall 3 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
426 – Tuddenham 3 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
420 – Waterbeach 3 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
425 – Newmarket 3 Grp } Ops Scrubbed
Definite W/X Diversion. { 428 – [deleted] Witchford [sic] [/deleted] 3 Grp Waterbeach
Definite W/X Diversion. { 433 – Little Snoring 100 Grp

[page break]

[underlined] Sat. June 3/44 [/underlined]
0900 / On duty H.L.Spence F/O.

1300 / Balloons & L.F.B. / Arranged as on opposite page.

1400 / Well “N” 105 O.T.U. / Landed at Croft. from Bramcote – reason W/I, Intercom & Eng. U/S. Bramcote [deleted] and [/deleted] informed by Croft direct.

1405 / V.I.P. / A.O.C. landed at Dishforth in a Hudson from Hendon. No prior notice of the movement was received by F.C. here at 6 Group or 61 Base.

1600 / Emerg. Weather Dvn.Bases. / Preliminary warning passed to C.F.C. for 6 Bases in East Anglia (Orfordness to Wash) and 6 in 92 Group area (West of London). Met do not desire at moment to commit themselves to any cast iron safe areas.

1522 / 1666/F U.C. Collapse. [underlined] (W-1235) [/underlined] / Ex 61 Base:-
Pilot:- P/O Howe (pupil on 1st solo.)
No instructor in aircraft.
Normal approach but a very bumpy landing, as a result of which the undercarriage collapsed. Runway 05 in use.
Met: - S.W. Wind 13 MPH. Cl. 9/10 [indecipherable word]. Base 2000’ vis. 15 miles. Crew OK.
A.O.C. S.A.S.O. [symbol] Air I [symbol]
Cont. [symbol] G.A.I. [symbol] G.T.I. [symbol]
Equipt [symbol] Engig. [symbol]
Crash report to G.A.I.

1800 to / Dvn. Bases. / Received from C.F.C. – [deleted] West Raynham [/deleted], and allotted as on opposite page

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence, On duty B. O’Beirn F/O

1900 / Diversion gen passed to stations.
– Provisional weather bases.

2000 / D.F.CO’s note. [underlined] Black Widow [/underlined] – 62 Base F.C. report that this type of a/c approached within 500 yds of Lintons bombers

[page break]

[underlined] 0500 [/underlined]
Mid. St. Geo. re. overdue Action Signal A-7136 – re Auster MZ- [deleted] 818 [/deleted] 181. A/C had been at M.S.G. since June [deleted] 2nd [/deleted][inserted]3rd. [/inserted] No signal action had been taken by M.S.G. to [deleted] hi [/deleted] its Parent Station Tangmere or Pt. of destination Milfield = Air Ministry phoned & information passed, instructed M.S.G. to taken immediate signal action to Milfield rpt’d Tangmere.

[page break]

recently, and that aircrew were [indecipherable word] by these “intrudes. like“ approached
Contacted F.C.L O. 12 Grp. who is to check and ask for a discontinuance of these actions
Seaton F-C. reply that some of their pilots were testing their radar equipment and became too eager and approached our a/c. Seaton are issuing instructions for these approaches to cease.

2200 / Diversion – Definite 433 to Little Snoring 428 to Waterbeach. – gen passed.

[underlined] Sunday. June 4. 1944. [/underlined]

0050 / Diversion- Signal – sent on Group Ops. 433 & 419.

0055 / Mid. – / Darky – heard by mid & Croft – “I am crashing” – Inf. ROCLO.

0057 / Darky / – 64 Base & 62 Base lit up. 12 Grp believe mid Darky due to skip distance. Mosquito over Linton headed South.

0150 / 4 Grp / – May wish to divert to us, our stations [indecipherable word].

0230 / A0966 / – 3 June – Special Routeing areas off South Coast. Teleprinter copy sent to all the stations.

0230 / Diversion Summary to C.F.C. – 15 of 433 to Little Snoring 100 Grp. 10 of 428 to Waterbeach.

0400 [symbol] / Diversion / 4 Grp. re. closing down as they have coped with own A/C O.K.

0700. / DIV. A/C / Checked with Met. re. return of A/C away & not happy.
Will check at 10 [underlined] 00 [/underlined] hrs. 100 Grp & 3 Grp informed.

[page break]

R/433 – Serv. 1800 hrs. 4/June – Requires crew.

I/433 – U/S – Crew remaining at L. Snoring.

[page break]

[underlined] JUNE 4-1944: [/underlined]

0900 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

1140 / A/c away / 3 Grp. told to route 428 a/c via Spalding, York, North Allerton Base, and 100 Grp to route 433 a/c via Spalding, York & Base. This covers low ground because of low cloud (down to 1,000ft & less in places). Crews to fly below cloud or not more than 6-7000ft (freezing level 8,000ft.) Conferred with Met. Controllers instructions. Skipton & M.St. G. informed.

1245 / L.F.B. At Orfordness – 305°T from [deleted] 0300 –0130 [/deleted] hrs. [inserted] 0300 – 0400 hrs [/inserted]

Balloons. / Harwich – 1500’ Control – from [deleted] 0030 [/deleted] to [deleted] 0130 [/deleted] hrs [inserted] 0300 – 0400 hrs
Canterbury – 1500’ Control } – from [deleted] 2345 [/deleted] to [deleted] 0045 [/deleted] [inserted] 0215 – 0315 hrs [/underlined]
Thames Est. – 1500’ Control } – from [deleted] 2345 [/deleted] to [deleted] 0045 [/deleted] [inserted][underlined] 0215 – 0315 hrs [/underlined][/inserted]
Dover – 2000’ Control } – from [deleted] 2345 [/deleted] to [deleted] 0045 [/deleted] [inserted][underlined] 0215 – 0315 hrs [/underlined][/inserted]
Billingham – close hauled from [deleted] 2145 [/deleted][inserted] 0015 [/inserted] to [deleted] 2315 [/deleted][inserted] 0145 hrs.[/inserted]
from [deleted] 0115 to 0315 [/deleted] hrs [inserted] 03:45 to 05:45 hrs [/inserted]

a/c away / Told 100Grp to have 433/I & E check with us further before taking off.

1515 / D.F.C.O’s N.B. / Ref. new column “Operations” in “Night Flying Training Report”. These figures are to be completed here at Group by D.F.C.O. (or desk)

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.O’Beirn F/O

2230 / Balloons & LF. Beacon times amended. No diversion bases laid on.

2330 / Lossiemouth request possible diversion base at Middleton. Inf. C.F.C.

[underlined] Monday June 5th [/underlined]

0015 / 13 Grp / – Diversion of 24 Wellingtons from Lossiemouth.
Offered Topcliffe & Dishforth.

0145 / 13 Grp / – “A” from Lossiemouth landed Topcliffe at 0130. – No definite diversion to 61 Base.

[page break]

0820 Diversion Summary to CFC. – all 69 of 6 Grp landed at base.
A/2207U. Lossiemouth landed Topcliffe.

0900 / Off duty [deleted] H L Sp [/deleted] F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L. Spence F/O

0945 / 433/R / Permission requested to fly skeleton crew to Little Snoring to pick up m/n. Crews concerned not in morning offer. Ruling by Air I & Controller:- “If a/c to be used could be used on ops. tonight movement is not sanctioned. – Skipton informed.
Final decision Crew of 433/I to bring back 433/R.

1040. / 426/R. Mod. / Permission refused to fly a/c to Preston for modification & to pick up 426/L today. (Controller 62 Base failed to inform the Squadron & a/c took off without O.K.)

1245. / Ops. Clearance / Gun Defended areas. Route cleared with A.A.L.O. 9 Group; A.A.L.O, F.C.L.O. and ML.O. 10 Group; and A.A.L.O. 11 Group Latter request times for firing restriction.

Com Flight Anson / Received for 433 Sqn. Skipton to take crew to Little Snoring to pick up m/n a/c. Crew not one already detailed for ops tonight.

1600 / Balloons / Billingham. – close hauled – {2130 – 2300 hrs 0100 – 0800 hrs [symbol]
Thames Est. – 1500’ Control – {2245 – 0010 hrs 0230 – 0330 hrs [symbol]
Port Talbot } 1500ft. Control from 0115 hrs to 0600 hrs [symbol]
Barry } 1500ft. Control from 0115 hrs to 0600 hrs [symbol]
Cardiff } 1500ft. Control from 0115 hrs to 0600 hrs [symbol]
Swansea } 1500ft. Control from 0115 hrs to 0600 hrs [symbol]
Newport } 1500ft. Control from 0115 hrs to 0600 hrs [symbol]
Bristol } 1500ft. Control from 0115 hrs to 0600 hrs [symbol]
Weston-S-M } 1500ft. Control from 0115 hrs to 0600 hrs [symbol]

L.F.B. / Sidmouth (Special) will be on a bearing of 345°T
from 0115 to 0215 hrs and
from 0430 to 0545 hrs

1720 / L.F.B. / Ex 10 Group: Beacon at Sidmouth not available

[page break]

Emergency Diversion Bases.

419 & 428 – Calerne – 10 Grp.
431 & 434 – Lyneham – 44 Grp. Trans. Com.
427 & 429 – Moreton Valence – 25 Grp
424 & 433 – Pershore 44 Grp. – Trans. Com.
408 & 426, 432 – Honeybourne – 91 Grp.
420 & 425 – Long Marston 91 Grp.

[page break]

1815 / Emerg. Dvn. Bases / Ex C.F.C. – All the Stations in south of 10 Group will be standing by but none definitely allotted. 5 or 4 (1 for each of our bases) will be given us later.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence, On duty B. O’Beirn F/O.

1915 / Emergency Diversion Bases allocated

2000 / Routeing – of 6 Grp ops to AA.L.O. 11 Grp; A.S.LO 10 Grp. M LO. & AA L.O. 12 Grp; AA LO; 9 Grp.

2015 / Diversion gen to stations.

2020 / X/C [symbol] – Routes must stop north of 5400N to-night – height 6500 – Ruling by SASO. Inf. 61 base.

2225 / Routes / – 12 Grp – Will not accept Bombing nor Fighter Affiliation.
Only X/C & C&B permitted. No X/C over the North Sea. Inf. 61 Base

2350 / Diversion “gen” passed – to Emergency Base.

Tuesday. [underlined] June 6. 1944 [/underlined]

0043 / Re Diversion [underlined] 91 Grp. [/underlined] / 91 Gp called to say could we releive [sic] congestion in their group by accepting two other stations.

[underlined] Made following agreement. [/underlined]
420 by R/T from Long Marston – Enstone
432 by R/T from Honeybourne – Moreton Marsh with provision that any emergency aircraft should land at first station.

0137 / Crash / – FC.L.O 12 Grp & 62 Base report a crash 1 mile east of Tholthorpe

0140 / Crash / position E – 9785. –
Linton taking crash action as Tholthorpe spare tender is u/s.

0220 / Crash / 62 Base report that Tollerton police and Easingwold police have no news of a crash. ROCLO. 12 Grp no more “gen”

[page break]

[underlined] Ref. entry 1305. [/underlined]

Ex-Bircham Newton. at 0300 hours Kings Lynn Police reported a crash. Only meager details available. Story:- a/c was on fire and exploded in the air before crashing and pieces scattered considerable distance. Some on Bircham Newton’s bombing range where crash occurred. 7 bodies found.

[page break]

0300 / Re crash / – Reports not confirmed. Linton Crash party can find nothing and ROCLO Can only confirm flash or flashes in the sky. Instructed Linton tender to return to base.

0300 / [deleted] S [/deleted] andras D.F.CO’s note. / – [inserted] C.F.C. [/inserted] Bomber Command permit use of sandras in 6 group during U.S. Bullseye owing to any northern location. Informed all stations.

0230 / Diversion Summary – one a/c landed at Moreton Valence (25 Grp), and 2 a/c at Honeybourne 91 Grp – 226 landed at base – one missing. – passed to C.F.C.

0900 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn.
On duty H.L. Spence.

0910 / Flying restriction / Ex M.L.O. 12 Group – a/c are not to fly in area to the south of 53°00N, east of 0200°W, nor to cross the east coast south of Flamborough Head. Passed to stations.

1115 / Flying Restriction / Ruling by S.A.S.O. – Training aircraft are not to fly south of 53°00’N by day or night. Informed 61 Base &

Topcliffe D/F. / Ex. C.S.O. Topcliffe H7/D7 now closed down on Bomber Command’s order.
1666 Sq. will use Middleton
1664 will use Linton
1659 will use Leeming.
61 Base asked to provide these H7D7’s with the Basic QFE’s and variations every day.

1300 / Permission granted by SASO for 433 Sq to take crew down to Little Snoring to pick up R/433. Informed 61 Base that they could use the Anson if required.

1300 / [deleted] R [/deleted] L/429 / left Honeybourne for Leeming.

1305 / 426/0 (ops.) / Ex. C.F.C. & Bircham Newton. a/c crashed at Bircham Newton, [inserted] some [/inserted] bombs exploded; all crew killed.
62 Base informed.

[page break]

[underlined] Emergency Diversion Bases. [/underlined]

419,428,424 – Calerne – 10 Grp.
408, 426, 432 – Honeybourne – 91 Grp.
420, 425 433 – Long Marston – 91 Grp.
431 434 – Lyneham 44 Grp T.C.
427, 429 – Moreton Valence – 25 Grp

[underlined] Definite Weather Diversion. [/underlined] at 0120 hrs 7 June.

419 – Calerne 10 Grp.
428 – Westcott – 92 Grp.
408 – Honeybourne – 91 Grp.
426 – Oakley 92 Grp.
432 – Wing 92 Grp.
420 – Wellesbourne 91 Grp.
425 – Tiverton 92 Grp.

[underlined] Provisional Weather Diversion Bases [/underlined].

431 – Lyneham – 10 Grp.
434 – Little Horwood - 92 Grp.
427 – Moreton Valence – 25 Grp. (10 Grp)
429 – Cranfield –
424 – Long Marston 91 Grp.
433 – Weston Zoyland –

[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined].

431/O – { SBA U/S. W/T faint
{ Gee U/S.

433/S – P.O.F. U/S moj cut confirmed by C.T.O.

[underlined] G/426 [/underlined] – Abandon of a/c.

S.O.S. sent when over occupied territory. When over target 500lb Bomb dropped thru his wing. On return to English Coast, Pilot ordered crew to bale out and headed a/c out to sea before jumping himself. 5 of crew are at R.A.F. Hope Cove (only slightly injured) Exeter state the remaining 2 are also accounted for and OK. a/c crashed 1/2 mile out to sea. Gave W/T. c/s “PNR”

[page break]

1730. / Dvn. Bases / Requested Emergency bases from C.F.C.

1815 / Balloons / Yoevil [sic] – [deleted] 1 [/deleted] 500ft Control – 2315 to 0340 hrs [symbol]
Bristol } – [deleted] 1 [/deleted] 500ft Control – 2300 to 0400 hrs [symbol]
[deleted] Weston [/deleted] } – [deleted] 1 [/deleted] 500ft Control – 2300 to 0400 hrs [symbol]

Billingham – close hauled – 2050 – 2400 hrs
0200 – 0600 hrs [symbol]

1830 Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1900 / Diversion bases assigned – Gen passed to stations.
Requested Moreton Valence to have bawser [sic] of 100 octane standing- by

1930 / A-7558 / – 6 June – Amendment to SD 214 –
Correction 2nd live – Dusk of 6th June to dawn 7th June – by phone from A.MINISTRY – passed to 61, 62, 63, 64 [indecipherable letters].

1930 Route / – Ops – Cleared with 12 Grp MLO. X 10 Grp A.A.L.O.

2220 / Red flares – Tholthorpe saw a double red flare in direction of Eastmoor – ROCLO – has no report – probably Eastmoor A.F.C. signal.

2310 / Diversion Bases – Request 8 more Diversion bases. – C.F.C. will try but cannot promise one base per squadron.

2345 / Call signs passed to 10 Grp & 91 Grp.

[underlined] Wednesday June 7th 1944 [/underlined]

0105 / DIVERSION / S.O.C. in consultation with met & Air I decided to divert all a/c. – Inf. Stations.

0120 / Diversion signal sent to 408, 426, 420, 425, 432, 419. 428.
Inf. Above stations.

0150 Diversion S.O.C. decided not to divert 427, 429, 431, 434, 424 or 433.

[page break]

8/9 June.

Landed away – 92 a/c at 16 stations.

[underlined] S.F.C.O. [/underlined]
N.B. – Storm 1700 hrs. – Seems like a “buck passing” job on the part of Wellesbourne without asking our wishes.

[page break]

0230 / a/c Away / – Instructed [inserted] 10 Grp. [/inserted] 91 Grp & 92 Grp to instruct our a/c on R/T to proceed to base, as bases now fit. Only 428 sqdn a/c were to land away at Westheath.

0400 / 426/G (LW-377) / – Crew baled out at Hope Cove (near Torquay) – a/c crashed into sea 1/2 mile offshore.

0500 / a/c away – Informed 91, 92, 10 Grp, for all a/c away to return immediately.

0800 / 92 Group – Slow departure of a/c re-instructed them to get a/c off from Westeath, Oakley [indecipherable word]

0805 / C-M-C- / B.C. – Orders all a/c away to return to base at once.
Sent urgent request to 91, & 92 Groups.

0900 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L Spence F/O.

1020 / 426 a/c at Woodbridge / Permission granted to fly Hal to Woodbridge to pick up an a/c there; also necessary ground crew for D.I.

1200 / S/L McNeil / Request to use Com. Flt. a/c to fly to R.A.F. Hospital Scunthorpe refused. To use transport.

1500 / Emerg Div. Base / Requested St Eval as base for our Gardeners this evening in case of emergency.

1256 / Crash nr Marston Moor / 426/L reported a/c burning on ground at pos. 5358N 0113W. R.O.C.L.O. 12 Group advises crash in hand. Marston Moor a/c. 62 Base informed.

1600 / Emerg. Dvn. Base / Ex C.F.C. St. Eval OK for emergency purposes.

1700 / U/425 / Took off from Honeybourne to pick up crew of 420/S at Wellesbourne. Could not get his U.C. locked and was sent on to his base Tholthorpe. 62 informed. (W/C McCarthy

[page break]

Well B – 20 OTU. – from Elgin (set of [sic] Lossiemouth landed mid – S.G. owing to weather. Staying over night – mid informing his base

Well “N” – landed Croft 0027 from Castle Donnington (93 Grp)
Carburetor [sic] U/S – staying over night

OB/N –

[page break]

[inserted] 5330 – 6 Grp. [/inserted]

1830 / L.F.B. [symbol] 2. / At Flamboro Hd will be exposed on a bearing of 280°T from 0310 hrs to 0410 hrs; and from 0420 hrs to 0520 hrs. [symbol]

Balloons / Billingham [symbol] – close hauled –
from 2200 to 0040 hrs. and
from 0315 to 0600 hrs.

[symbol] / Thames Estuary – 1500ft. Control
from 0001 to 0140 hrs.
from 0310 to 0410 hrs.

[symbol] / Chelmsford – 1500ft. control.
from 0310 to 0420 hrs

[symbol] / Canterbury – 1500ft. control
from 0150 hrs to 0230 hrs.

[symbol] / Harwich – 1500ft. control
from 0200 hrs to 0300 hrs.

1820 / Off duty – F/O Spence [inserted] On duty [/inserted] B.. O’Beirn F/O.

A/426 / – at Wescoth – Tire [sic] Changed – Ready for morning of June 8. – Crew back.

2350 / Intruders – MLO 12 Grp report 3 Liberators shot down near Bury St Edmunds.
Message sent to our a/c on Target 4802E/12 – “Enemy a/c on track” on 2350 hrs group broadcast – this to be repeated again at 0020 if necessary.

[underlined] Thursday June 8th [/underlined]

0001 / Bullseye – message in Bomber Code to all a/c – on MF “K” and on Stn HF/DF – at 2330 – “Check winds. less than forecast

0020 / Intruder – warning for 4802E/12 & 24/C/31 a/c.

0055 / L.F. Beacon [symbol] 2 – is blacked out – cannot be supplied.

[page break]

426/U –

Landed Bradwell Bay at 0222 hrs 8th June – Flak damage.
Four of crew are O.K.
Three of crew baled out over France.

[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined] –

432/R – S.O.E. U/S confirmed by C.T.O.

1666/A – LV-279 HAL II

Pilot – P/O GILL A.T.
NAV. P/O HAWKINS W.B. J-35828.
B/A Sgt ASTLES W.W. R-169396
W/OP F/Sgt BANNER W.J R-127993
R/G. P/O WARNS R.F. J-39032.
M/UG. P/O Wilson T.H J-39036.
F/ENG Sgt Ryan

Crashed at Gilling East near Wombleton

[page break]

[underlined] Thursday. June 8th 1944 [/underlined]

0100 / Hostiles have disappeared. Three Liberators believed shot down.

02.00 / 61 Base. / Report from some of their aircraft re icing between 7-13000 ft over bases. They suggest bringing bullseye aircraft back on last leg from Warwick to base at 5000 ft. Our met. agree this is advisable. Message sent out by us on MF/DF at 02.30 “Fly at 5000 last leg”.

0300 / Diversion – Mid have vis 3000 yds cloud base at 350’ – suggested diverted to Skipton – Skipton perimeter track partly blocked do not wish diversion of Mid. a/c.
Requested Dishforth to stand by for 419 a/c.

0330 / 419 / – Mid. Vis 3 miles cloud base 1000’
– a/c will try to land at Mid. and if conditions not per, they will go to Dishforth.

0345 / 429 – Diverted by RT to Chalforth
427 – Diverted by RT to Eastmoor

0355 / 433 / Diverted by RT to Topcliffe

0400 / Crash / – Reported by ROCLO & Wombleton.

0530 / Ops. / All a/c landed in 6 Group except 5 missing a/c; 429/V crashed at RAF Benson; 426/U landed Bradwell Bay with flak damage.
4 Group, on our request had offered Burn, Riccall and Marston Moor for our late a/c.

0540 / Crash 1666/A / – Crashed at 0358 hrs near Gilling East and Stonegrove (A-1399.) – Cloud base 800 – 2000’ vis. 2 miles. – B/A identified.

0550 / 429/V / – Crashed at R.A.F. Benson.
Three of crew baled out over France when a/c damaged by flak. Pilot S/L Anderson severely injured in his back. F/Eng. flew the a/c as far

[page break]

[underlined] 408/Q [/underlined] – 62 Base report that at 0346 hrs. Linton gave an aircraft using 408 Sqn a/c call sign (or similar) a position for entry in the circuit but did not get an acknowledgment. Their listening contend ‘they’ heard a reply however. No other contact was made.

[page break]

429/U Crash. / as Chalgrove. – Hampstead Norris directed a/c to Woodbridge, but crew did not understand the message and continued to circle Chalgrove. Finally Hampstead ordered the crew to bale out
Three of crew put the unconscious pilot out on a static line and then baled out themselves.
Sgt [indecipherable word], Sgt Mangaine and Sgt Ritchie landed OK.
Chalgrove station commander sent out Tiger Cubs who spotted S/L Anderson, and directed an ambulance to him. M.O. reports that S/L Anderson died of his wound either before landing or shortly after landing, although his parachute had opened and ha had made a normal landing.
11 Grp. F.C. think that Chalgrove stn C.O. should be commended for their prompt efficient finding of the pilot.
Above reported to 63 Base as details came in.

0630 / a/c away within the Group instructed to return to bases.

0640 / 426/U / – Four of crew baled out over France – Remainder of crew landed a/c safely at Bradwell Bay despite flak damage to a/c.

0700 / 420 / – Request by W/C McCarthy to pick up a a/c at Woodbridge.

0930 / Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

1100 / 426/U / At Bradwell Bay. Crew (3) to be picked up by 432 Sqn a/c going to Woodbridge also following equipment.
Camera Equipt, Gee Monica & 4 Crystals.
F.C.L.O. 11 to inform Bradwell Bay

[page break]

Take-off accident – 420/R. (MZ569)
Pilot – F/O Zavitz
Informed A.O.C. Air I S.A.S.O. [symbol]
Controller G.A.I. [symbol] G.T.I. [symbol]
Equipt [symbol] Eung [symbol]

Note A.S.C. & Air I not available to inform.

[page break]

432 a/c Woodbridge / Permission refused by Air I for a/c to also go to Bradwell Bay to pick up crew (3) & equipment from 426/U, but OK’d to go to Woodbridge. Later the SAS.O. authorized the landing at Bradwell Bay.

426/A. / Permission granted for 426/L to take crew to Westcott to pick up 426/A; Also to continue to Hope Cove to pick up 4 of crew of 426/G who bailed [sic] out night of 6 – 7/6/44. Route OK’d by 12 Group.

424 a/c (LV988) / Serviceable at Manston. Permission granted to fly crew [inserted] down [/inserted] to pick it up
Route cleared by M.L.O. 11. Skipton informed.

1400 / M.St G. Offord / Permission granted to fly to Prestwick for Lanc parts urgently required.

1345 / 1659/W (Handmade R/T US) / Sent to Carnaby – no brake pressure. Landed OK. should be able to return this P.M. C.S.U. trouble P.O.E.

1440 / Gardeners Emerg. Dvn Base. / Requested St Eval from C.F.C. for emergency. No good from Met Standpoint. Will give us another after Met conference.

1530. / S/L. Hamer / Permission by S.A.S.O. for [indecipherable word] to fly.

1530. / 1664 a/c. Low flying / Permission by S.A.S.O. to fly at 500ft from Skipton to Topcliffe villages. Army personnel in a/c to study the effectiveness of camouflage

1511 / 420/R accident / On circuits & landings. Tire [sic] burst on take off, got about 20ft in air, came down, bounced, lost control, starboard undercarriage collapsed. [inserted] prop damaged [/inserted]! Believed to be write-off. Crew O.K. Obstructing runway 24.
Prelim. Report to G.A.I.

1630 / 420/D / by S.A.S.O. authorized to go to Preston for modification; crew to return in other a/c.

[page break]

1645 / S/L Homing Cl. Mkr Beacon LFB [symbol] 2 / Ex Church Fenton S.L.L.O.
Limited homing available north of Humber; no cloud marker beacon; No L.F.B. [symbol] 2 possible I.F.N.

1745 / Balloons / Yoevil [sic] – 1500 ft. Control 0020 – 0050 hrs.
0245 – 0330 hrs.

Bristol } 500ft. Control 0001 – 0055 hrs.
Weston } 500ft. Control 0250 – 0350 hrs.

Brockworth – 500ft. Control 2345 – 0030 hrs
0245 – 0350 hrs.

Billingham – Close hauled – 2120 – 2330 hrs.
0330 – 0630 hrs.

1810 / Ops. route. / Cleared passage over Coventry 2355-0005 hrs & 0330 – 0340 hrs with A.A.L.O 9 Group.

1815 / Gardening U/C Dvn. / Requested definite Base for 428 a/c from C.F.C. Suggested Pershore. Will advise.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O.

1900 / Diversion stations granted by C.F.C. allotted to stations and gen passed to stations on scrambler.

1905 / [underlined] Whitely [/underlined] “KNZ”-“P” / “P” en route Kinloss to Honeybourne diverted by 91 Grp to Topcliffe (I – 2005) – Staying overnight owing to weather.

1955 / Broadcast to D.F.C.O at all stations. – To Contact D.S.O and get latest gen on met reports, passing of weather & QFE’s in emergency.
[indecipherable word] being sent to D.S.O. to-night.

2310 / Recall TO “KXU” a/c H.S.T.Y.I. / 428 – 5 a/c on Beecher – W/X at Pershore not fit for return.
Recall being sent on Group ops. freq. – Inf. Mid.

[page break]

Provisional Weather Diversions.
[underlined] TO [/underlined] 6 Grp

Croft – 15 SQD – 10 LANCS. (3 Grp)
Croft – 622 SQD – 10 LANCS. 3 Grp

MID.S.G – 514 SQD – 10 LANCS 3 Grp

EASTMOOR – 75 SQD – 20 LANCS. 3 Grp


Dishforth – 20 (8PFF).

[underlined] Weather Diversion Bases. [/underlined] – allocated

433 & 424 – Hutton Cranswick – 12 Grp.
427 & 429 – Valley – 9 Grp – (Middleton
408 & 426 – Nutts Corner RAFNI.
432 – Dishforth
420 & 425 – Hawarden – 9 Grp.

[page break]

2310 / 3 Grp & 8 Grp – C.F.C. ask offers for a possible diversion to us 0300 – 0500 hrs.
SASO & SOC consulted. Offers mid – 15. Croft – 20 Womb. 20 Dish – 20, East – 10 – possibly 20 more to Topcliffe after 0500hrs.

2315 / Flares / – Yellow flares – 10 miles N.E. of Tholthorpe reported by Tholthorpe & Skipton. White flare dropped near Raskelf “Q” set.
R.O.C.L.O. say flares are in use as glider practice in progress in Eastmoor direction.

[underlined] Friday June 9 [/underlined]

0005 / [underlined] Gardeners [/underlined] 428 / E,& C. returned to base – Instructed on R/T to lose petrol on Intruder Evasion Route –
Several errors – Recall was sent to “KXU”, a/c H,S.T.Y I., and not to “PSS” – a/c E, & C.
Evidently an error by mid signal

0006 / [underlined] Gardeners [/underlined] 428 / D.S.O. 6 Grp. & D.F.C.O. at Mid say that “KXU” is correct call sign. Requested a further check.

0010 / [underlined] Gardeners [/underlined] 428 / Recall to a/c of both call signs “KXU” & “PSS” now to be sent out on 0020 hr Grp broadcast.

0100 / 3 Grp – / Provisional Diversion from 3 Grp – see opposite page.

0210 / 3 Grp / – Coping – will not divert to us. – Weather improving.

0300 / 6 Grp / – vis at Leeming 3-4000 yds.
Cloud base – 800’
Shepton almost the same.
Have been constantly checking with met for possible diversion bases.

0400 / New diversions laid on
See opposite page.
Definite weather diversions

[page break]

[underlined] Crash [/underlined].

426/J LW-598.

0411 hrs –
Position – at Newton Village near Linton
a/c seen to catch fire. Hit houses, but no civilian injured.

Pilot P/O Craig NL. – alive
M U/AG: Sgt Neill – R.C. alive
B/A P/O Holenchuk – W – Died.
NAV. W/O2 Southeram A – Died.
WAG. WOI Parker RC. Died.
FE Sgt Howard FH Died
A/G Sgt Hughes JP Died.
2nd Pilot P/O Parker DR Died.

Inf – AOC. [symbol] SFCO [symbol]
SASO [symbol] EQUIP [symbol]
AIR I [symbol] ENG [symbol]
SOC [symbol] P4 [symbol]
C of A [symbol]

[page break]

0405 / Diversions – Weather closing in – 6 Grp all red – 4 Grp – have only 3 green stations to land 100 a/c, 12 Grp can only offer us Hutton, Cranswick, and 9 Grp Hawarden.

0430 / Vis. and cloud base improving at Mid. – As W/C Turnbull would not divert his a/c to Valley they were now sent to Mid.
Skipton – coped, Dishforth and Dalton helped out.
408 & 426 diverted to Nutts Corner N.I. – Good show.

0430 / Crash 426/J / – Crashed in bad weather at Newton village near Linton. Pilot and MUG. alive
Six other members of crew killed.
Linton sent crash party. R.O.C.L.O.
12 Grp had no plots.

0600 / All a/c landed safely at bases except above crash.

0615 / A/C / Within 6 Grp away from bases instructed to return home where bases were fit – Leeming. Mid. Dishforth.

0800 / 429/L / – Touched down at 0411 hrs at Leeming, ran off runway into river bank – U/C collapsed. [inserted] Cat a.c. [/inserted]
0800 / 425/R / – Collected an outer Circle cable, which wrapped around two engines landed at Dishforth.

0800 / a/c away – All a/c outside of 6 Grp will be unable to return before 1300 hrs as met cannot promise definite improvement.

Halifax / KN/”G” at Mid. from Elvington to remain for instructions about 1100 hrs.

[page break]

Provisional Weather
[underlined] Diversion Bases [/underlined]

[underlined] a/c [/underlined] Station
428 Sqn. – 10. [deleted] Wyton [/deleted] Gaydon.
433 Sqn. – 4 [deleted] Wellesbourne. [/deleted] Wyton
424 Sqn. – 10 Wellesbourne
408 Sqn. – 10 Little Horwood
426 Sqn. – 10 Wing
432 Sqn. – 10 Chipping Warden
420 Sqn. – 10 Oakley
425 Sqn – 10 Westcott
431 Sqn – 13 Silverstone
434 Sqn – 13 Turweston
419 Sqn. – 14 Enstone

[page break]

0900 / Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O.

0900 / C.F.C. / – 60 a/c diverted to 16 stations

On duty H.L. Spence. F/O.

1100 / a/c away / In Rafui to take off at 1300hrs.
At west Freugh & Cark to take off as soon as possible.
Remainder to take off at 1300 hrs or as soon as possible
All to fly high to avoid hills & high ground but below 9000ft (freezing level) To get Met forecast.
Informed West Freugh & Rafui: F.C.L.O. 9 also informing Cark & Wrexham [inserted] Pershore [/inserted] (direct lines) as well as Valley & Hawarden.
Stations & C.F.C informed.

1715 / Emerg & Prov. Weather Dvn. Bases. / Requested 1 base in East Anglia and 9 in Eastern Wales, Pershore area.

[underlined] Balloons [symbol] [/underlined] / [underlined] Billingham [/underlined] – close hauled – from 2020 hrs to 2310 hrs & from 0230 hrs to 0515 hrs.

[symbol] / [underlined] Thames Est. [/underlined] } 1500ft. Control – 0015 hrs. to 0330 hrs.
[underlined] Chelmsford [/underlined] } 1500ft. Control – 0015 hrs. to 0330 hrs.

[symbol] / [underlined] Yoevil [sic] [/underlined] – [deleted] 1 [/deleted] 500ft. Control } – 0140hrs to 0255 hrs.
[underlined] Brockworth [/underlined] – 500ft Control } – 0140hrs to 0255 hrs.

[symbol] / [underlined] Thames Est. [/underlined] – 1500ft. Control – [underlined] 2230 [/underlined] hrs to 2330 hrs.

1905 / Prov Weather Dion. Base / For Jellyfish Gardeners – [deleted] 428 [/deleted] 433 Sqn – Wyton. – Ex [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] C.F.C.

1945 / Ditto / Received from C.F.C. and allotted Bases as on opposite page. Passes to Stations.

2230 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

2300 / Emergency Diversion Bases given our call signs.

2359 / Weather looks favourable for return of A/c.

[page break]

Crash – 1659/V DK-235

0125 hrs – at Topcliffe aerodrome.
Exercise – Circuits and landing.
Position – Runway –
Weather – Fit.
Category – E – Burned out.
1st pilot – P/O McNeill.
Instructor F/O Goddard – Crew – O.K.
2nd Pilot F/O Morris.

Inf. A.O.C. [symbol] S.O.C. [symbol] ENG. O. [symbol]
SASO [symbol] S.F.C.O [symbol] G.A.I. [symbol]
AIR I [symbol] EQUIP. [symbol] GT.I [symbol]

[page break]

Saturday June 10

0125 / 1659/V [underlined] Crash [/underlined] / – Crashed on Topcliffe aerodrome.
(Incorrect see 0302 entry) / { Starboard inner and starboard outer engine and main plane caught fire in the air and the pilot landed it on the runway. Crew escaped – OK.

0210 / TO 91 & 92 Grps – Stood down – a/c returning to base.

0300 / 408/E / On X/C – . ETA – 0132 – not accounted for. 12 Grp & 9 Grp – have no trace of him. Inf. 62 Base.

0302 / 1659/V / – Ref. entry 0125hrs. – Correction a/c was not on fire in the air.
It made a normal approach swung to starboard on landing and Port outer caught fire when the undercarriage collapsed.
Aircraft burned – Cat E.
Obstructing R1 21/03 and 27/09.
Aircraft burned Category E.

0340 / 408/E / Landed at base. 13 Grp helped by giving us a plot on his position 30 minutes earlier.

0420 / a/c away – 420/E at Oakley. S. & ready to leave at 0530 hrs.
425/H – Engine trouble.

0450 / Ops / – all a/c down safely – no non-starters nor early returns nil missing.

0450 / a/c away – TUC.F.C. – 2 a/c landed at diversion bases.

0500. / 92 Grp. / re. E/420: at Oakley OK for him to return.

0535 / 92 Grp / E/420 airborne for base 62 Base informed.

0600 / 92 Grp / H/425 at Westcott airborne for base – 62 informed.

0700 / 92 Grp / H/425 landed at Base.

[page break]

[underlined] Definite Petrol Diversion Base [/underlined]

428 – {Beeches – 5 } – Colerne.
{artichokes 5 } – Colerne.

[underlined] Emergency Diversion Bases [/underlined]

428 – Sultana II – 2 – Colerne.

419 & 432 – Pershore.
431 & 434 – Silverstone
427 & 429 – Wing.
424 & 433 – Westcott. – 92 Grp.
420 & 425 – Enstone (Sat. of Moreton in Marsh

[underlined] Target – 24/C/31 [/underlined] June 10/11 at 2020 hrs

Balloons –
[symbol] Billingham. close-hauled – 2120 – 2250
0320 – 0500
[symbol] Thames Estuary – 1500’ 2320 – 0020
[symbol] Yeovil – 1500’ 0220 – 0320
[symbol] Brockworth – 1500’ 0230 – 0330

[page break]

[underlined JUNE 10th 1944. [/underlined]

0900 / Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

0940 / 434/S. / At Woodbridge. Croft sending a/c on acceptance test, will also take crew down. OK’d by Air I

1045 / 1664 a/c P.D. & R. / Weather deteriorating. 61 Base requested diversion station for m/n. 4 Group offered Driffield – accepted.

1055 / 1664 a/c P.D. & R. / Panic over – landed at base – 4 Grp informed

1545 / 420/S. / Permission by Controller for crew to be flown to Wellesbourne to pick up m/n. Warned 62 Base that the station was using 1050 yd runway, with good wind.

1610 / [underlined] Balloons. [/underlined] / For Gardeners –
[underlined] Billingham [/underlined] close hauled from 2045 hrs to 2300 hrs from 0400 hrs to 0600 hrs.

1620 / Petrol Dvn. Base / Warned C.F.C. Petrol Diversion base required for Gardeners somewhere between Lands End and Pershore.

1635 / Petrol Dvn. Base / Colerne offered by Central Flying Control for definite diversion base – Beeches & Artichokes

1745 / Emerg. Bases. / Requested 5 Stations from C.F.C. in 91,92 & 10 Groups area.

1750. / Balloons. / Bristol } Control at 500ft. from 0400 to 0500 hrs.
Weston } Control at 500ft. from 0400 to 0500 hrs.
Brockworth } Control at 500ft. from 0400 to 0500 hrs.

Cleared with A.A.L.O. 12 Hals going to Colerne might infringe Bristol & Weston.
Defended areas at approx. 0425 and requested safe passage.

1830 / Emerg Dvn. Bases / Received from C.F.C. & allotted as on opposite page.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1945 / Diversion gen passed to 6 Grp stations

[page break]

408/E – Belly landed Linton.

Inf- SASO [symbol] SOC [symbol] EQUIPT [symbol]
AOC [symbol] SF.CO. [symbol]
AIR I [symbol] ENG.O [symbol]
G.A.I [symbol]

[page break]

2020 / Balloons requested – see previous page

2035 / 428/ / – Definite petrol diversion for Beeches and Artichoke – Colerne
Emergency diversion for Sultana II – Colerne
Asked Mid. D.F.C.O to check with watchkeeper.

2115 / DIVERSION – to Colerne – Call signs etc passed to 10 Grp.

2230 / 408/E [underlined] CRASH [/underlined] DS-656. / – Belly landed at Linton. Detailed for X – Country and practice bombing, “E” blew a tire [sic] on take off. Pilot dropped his bombs at Strensall and belly landed on the grass on the port side of R/W 22. A/c stopped 180 ft clear of R/W. S.I. engine caught fire, and the Crash party had the fire out by 2237 – Crew O.K.
Pilot – W/O Harlow.

2232 / 428/G BLEW TIRE [sic] ON TAKE-off / – on “Garden” detail, blew a starboard tire on take-off. A/c almost nosed in so mid F.C. believe pilot is aware of it although he maintained R/T silence. Continued on detail.

2232 / 419/E. / – Swung on take off, headed south gaining height slowly. Asked 63 Base & 61 Base to keep a watch – no further report.

2255 / 1659/R / – Topcliffe reports an a/c heading eastward from them with smoke pouring from it.
ROCLO give the plot as B-5 74 in Z 80. – Pilot feathered the engine and smoke decreased.
– Landed safely on 3 engines at 2309.

2300 / 428/G. / SASO, and S.O.C. in touch with

[page break]

2300 / 428/G. / Squadron Commander of 428. – Decided to have 428/G. land with his wheels down.
Requested Colerne to warn “G” on R/T that his starboard tire is flat and that 6 Grp request the pilot to land with wheels down.

2359 / Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O.

[underlined] Sunday June 11 [/underlined]

0001 / On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

0045 / [deleted] 1664/H [/deleted] 1664/H / Landed at Silloth – Receiver U/S. Instructed to return to base continuing from point 6 on his route. – 0145 hrs. Landed. 0555hrs.

0647 / 428/G. / On arrival over Colerne (about 0520 hrs.) m/n came upon R/T and instead of landing, decided to continue on to base. Much concern about his endurance.
Finally made a splendid landing on one wheel, holding starboard wheel above runway and then settling easily.

0700 / a/c away / Summary to C.F.C.

0955 / 432/H. Jett. / OK from M.L.O. to jettison 2 Long delays at pos. 5410N – 0130E. 62 Base informed.

1600 / 1664 Sqn Liaison / Request to fly a/c to Honeybourne for liaison visit. Return same day [inserted] 12-6-44 [/inserted] OK’d by Air I.

1445 / 425/L / Request to fly skeleton crew to Long Marston to pick up m/n. OK by Controller.

1610 / [underlined] Balloons. / Billingham [/underlined] close-hauled 2100 – 2300 hrs. 0330 – 0630 hrs.

[underlined] Bristol [/underlined] – } 500ft Control 0345 hrs to 0530 hrs
[underlined] Weston [/underlined] – } 500ft Control 0345 hrs to 0530 hrs
[underlined] Brockworth [/underlined] – } 500ft Control 0345 hrs to 0530 hrs

1610 / Defended Area. Bristol-Weston / Cleared with A.A.L.O. 10 passage of 2 a/c 0410 and 2 a/c at 0450 hrs.

[page break]

[underlined] CRASH – 428/D). [/underlined] – JN 953 [underlined] 12 JUNE 1944 [/underlined]

NAV. / F/O / SAVAGE, / O.K.
B.A. / F/O / BLAKELY, / O.K.

[underlined] POSITION[/underlined] – STRENSALL BOMBING RANGE.

Informed. A.O.C. [symbol] S.A.S.O. [symbol] Air I [symbol]
Cont [symbol] Eng. [symbol] Equipt. [symbol]
GTI [symbol] G.A.I. [symbol]

[page break]

1620. / [underlined] Petrol [/underlined] Diversion / For Gardeners on Artichokes & Beeches.
Arranged for [underlined] Colerne [/underlined]. M.St G. informed.

1616. / 101 Sqn Lanc / Landed Linton from Ludford Magna & returned.

1750. / Eastmoor attached Aircrew / Permission by SAS.O. The aircrew attached to Eastmoor from Bournemouth may accompany crews on X – country tonight.

432/a/c [symbol] Mod. / Permission by S.A.S.O. for m/n a/c to be taken to Preston for modification. – crew to return in 432/C

1830 / Off duty – F/O Spence. On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

2145 / Diversion gen – 49/C

[underlined] Monday June 12th [/underlined]

0001 / Off duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O
0033 / glow in sky / Dalton via 61 Base reports glow in the sky 30 miles E.S.E of Dalton. 12 F.C.L.O. confirms a crash in Strensall area.

0035 / 62 Base on Crash / Eastmoor – Tender – Ambulance & N.F.S. to crash
Awaiting [indecipherable word] pements. Told 12 Gp. 4 Gp F/C & 61 Base.

0105 / 62 Base on Crash 428/D / Eastmoor confirm – Crashed aircraft was 428/D. F/O Savage, a crew member; who said other crew members had baled out. Eastmoor has sent transport. to collect crew members. Told 62 Base to confirm Eastmoor had police looking for crew members.

0150 / Emergency circuit in V.01 / From 12 F.C.L.O. A/c doing emergency circuits in V 01 & flashing downward ident. Lights. Warned 61 Base. Opened up 9 R.O.C.L.O. line
Asked Wombleton for pyrotechnic display.

0215 / Emergency circuit in V.01 / Above flap cancelled by 12 Gp F.C.L.O. Advised 61 Base.

[deleted] 0900 [/deleted] / [deleted] On [/deleted]

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0221 / 428/O [symbol] Crew / Wingco says let the crew get some sleep and come home in the a.m. “Bringing equipment and parachutes with ‘em”. (0225) Pilot went down with crash & badly shocked, but was able to advise rescuers that his crew had bailed [sic] out.

0325 / 1666/S / Landed Carnaby 0325. One engine U/S. No lights.
Crew O.K. staying overnight. Told 61 BASE.

0330 / 1659/O / Landed at Eval. S & P.E. I. low oil pressure.

0325 / 1666/S / Landed at Carnaby. P.O.E. U/S.

0900 / On duty H.L. Spence F/O.

429/M / Permission requested to fly crew to Woodbridge to pick up 426/M.

0950 / 1666/Y / Serviceable at Woodhall Spa. Air I authorized flying crew down to pick it up.

1030 / 429/M / Serviceable at Woodbridge. Authorization given with proviso that neither crews nor a/c are included in today’s offer.

1045 / 425/T / Permission by Air I to fly m/n to preston for modification. Crew to return in 425/W.

1130 / 432/F / Serviceable at Wing. Authorization by Air I to fly crew down provided neither a/c or crews required to-day
62 informed.

Balloons / For Gardeners.

[symbol] Billingham – close hauled. – 2100 – [inserted] 2359 [/inserted] 2230 hrs. 0415 [inserted] 0203 [/inserted] – 0630 hrs.

[symbol] Bristol } [deleted] 1 [/deleted] 500ft. control – 0350 – 0515 hrs.
[symbol] Weston } [deleted] 1 [/deleted] 500ft. control – 0350 – 0515 hrs.
[symbol] Brockworth } [deleted] 1 [/deleted] 500ft. control – 0350 – 0515 hrs.

[symbol] Cleared with A.A.L.O. 10 Group that 2 a/c at 0343 & 2 at 0423 hrs would be near or might infringe Defended areas Weston Super Mare and Bristol.

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[underlined] Emergency Diversion Bases. [/underlined] 6/C/96 & 5/C/24

Sqn. / No. a/c. / Station / Group.

419 / 16 / Woodbridge / C.F.C.
408 / 16 / } Foulsham / 100
426 / 15 / } Foulsham / 100
420 / 15 / } Little Snoring / 100
425 / 15/ } Little Snoring / 100
432 / 15 / Woodbridge / C.F.C.
431 / 15 / } West Raynham / 100
434 / 15 / } West Raynham / 100
427 / 15 / } Wyton / 8
429 / 15 / } Wyton / 8
424 / 15 / } Docking / 16
433 / 15 / } Docking / 16

[underlined] Petrol Diversion Base. – Definite. [/underlined] – Gardeners

419 4 Colerne 10

[underlined] Balloons – [/underlined] 6/C/96 & 5/C/24

[symbol] Billingham – close-hauled – 2100 – 2359. hrs
– 0200 – 0500 hrs

[symbol] Chelmsford - } 0030 – 0110 hrs
1500’ 2315 – 2355 hrs
[symbol] Thames Estuary } 0030 – 0110 hrs
1500’ 2315 – 2355 hrs

[symbol] Norwich – 1500’ – 0110 – 0150
0220 – 0300

[symbol] Harwich – 1500’ – 0150 – 0300.

[page break]

1300 / Pet. Divn for Gardeners. / Checked Met & received Colerne from C.F.C.

1537 / D/C 3. / Landed at Skipton F/O Jones. Taking off shortly for Aldermaston.

1715 / Emergency Dvn. Bases. / Requested 6 Emergency bases from C.F.C. in north part of East Anglia.

1730 / Emergency Dvn. Bases. / Received from C.F.C. and allotted as on opposite page.

1830 / Off duty F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1900 / Balloons requested for two main targets.

2155 / 426/M / – Going to “Q” site to jettison.
Could not retract his u/c.
Dropped normal bombs on “Linton” Q site

2215 / 426/M / – Request from 62 base to drop the 2 long delay bombs on “Q” site or within 5 mile of the coast. (2 x 500 L.D)

2220 / 426/M / M.L.O 12 Grp gives permission to jettison the long delay bombs 5 mile from shore off Flamborough provided the pilot is certain that the sea is clear of shipping.
If possible the pilot is to go 30 miles out to sea off Flamborough.

2250 / Bomb Disposal Squad – Snaith – 6 Grp requested [deleted] that [/deleted] them to dispose of the bombs.
Location – “Q” site – Sheet 27
Ref – 032819 – Acorn Farm – 4 miles east of Linton.
1[deleted]4[/deleted][inserted] 0 [/inserted] x 500 G.P. fuzed [sic] .T.D. .025 [symbol] 30 tail pestal
Speed – 145 – 150 m.p.h. Ht – 500’ (APPROX)
Dropped safe. buried 8’ deep about 600’ from the shelter.

2300 / Colerne / – 10 Grp – not happy about weather for return of our gardeners.

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[underlined] Non-Starters [/underlined] –

424/X – Too late for T.O.

[underlined] Early Returns [/underlined]
426/M – U/C – U/S – Confirmed by G.T.O.

420/F – CSU. SIE. U/S – over reving. OK’d CTO

424/H – P.O.E. U/S. – Broken Throttle Control Rod JETT. over sea

434/E – P.O.E – Sleeve Seizure –
Reduction gear casing was loose - - Engine change. C.T.O

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2345 / Met. advise Wellesbourne is diversion base for our gardeners (4)

[underlined] Tuesday June 13 [/underlined]

0050 / C.F.C. / & 91 Grp – Requested an optional diversion base if Colerne unfit.

0130 / 426/M – / Ref. 2220 hr entry June 12th.
Jettisoned 2 bombs (long delay – 6-36 hrs. at position 5418N 0147E. at 2258hrs. from 2000’ – Inf 12 Grp M.L.O.

434/E / – Jettisoned all his bombs including 2 long delay bombs at 5418N 0014W.
– a/c was losing height. jettisoned live. Inf 12 Grp M.L O.

420/F / Jettisoned his bombs safe at 0003 hrs – position 5418N 0040E from 6000’ – Inf 12 Grp M.LO.

0200 / 1695/Q / – Hurricane LF – 564 – during C & B’s at Dalton, over-taxied into a hedge, smashed a prop.

0230 / Diversion of 428 sqdn gardeners to Wellesbourne
Mountford – Colerne weather unfit

0300 / 424/H / – Jettison at 5348N 0057E at 0120.

0640 / a/c away instructed to remain if not already airborne. Weather deteriorating on route.

1006 / 427/E / – Shot up – at Woodbridge – Cat. A.C.
Asked C.F.C. to have the crew return by train. Inf. 63 Base.

1100 / 62 Base S.F.C.O. – reports that 426/M dropped only 10 bombs on Linton “Q” site, not 14.
Informed Bomb Disposal Squad Snaith – who are proceeding with the work this morning.

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[underlined] Tuesday. June 13th 1944 [/underlined]

1135 / Explosions reported by 12 Grp F-C. near Leeming.
Leeming demolished one bomb behind the bomb dump. Inf. 12 Grp F.C.

0100 / Off duty – B.T. O’Beirn F/O

1445 / 426/M Bombs / D.F.C.O. sixty [inserted] two [/inserted]-base now say – 8 bombs dropped on Q-site – remainder with Long Delays in the sea.

Local Bulls’eye to 62 Base. / Information re 12 Gp. Local Bull’s Eye passed to 62 Base. [deleted] Base [/deleted] [inserted] Cottesmore [/inserted] – North Walsham – Peterboro – york – Flamboro Head – Peterboro – Base.
Time at North Walsham 2345 hrs.
Height 16-18000 feet.

X-Country / Unapproved cross-country passed to Skipton for checking on S.O. 300. Time approx. 5hrs. To be cleared later.

Permission to fly a/c / Station Commander, Dishforth, given permission to fly Group Communication Flight a/c for 1 1/2 hr. in Local Flying Area, by S.A.S.O.

1535 / K/428 / Left Wellesbourne 1535. Told M st G. F/C.

1600 / Army Officers Flying / 62 Base query re – Army Officers Flying. At the discretion stn. C.O. provided “brown types” have their unit commander’s approval.

1615 / 2 away off. 1 F/LT. / Given permission to fly on a X-country with 431 Sqdn. as Station C.O. affirmed they have their Unit Commander’s approval.

1650 / Suggested that we get from Air I or S.A.S.O. – A ruling [inserted] on paper [/inserted] re. [indecipherable word] A.F.U Pilots (Bournemouth) flying on training details – X/C’s & Bull’s eyes.
To date it is this.
(a) At Squadrons they are to fly only with more experienced crews.
(b) At H.C.U.’s only with screened captains.

[deleted] 1830 / Off duty F/L SR Wyman [/deleted]
[deleted] On duty F D Cleland F/L [/deleted]

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Bullseye – Command Bullsye [sic] – C-98.
Exercise Catseye
Ref. – A.D.G.B./F/29412/Ops 3P
4th June 1944.

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[underlined] Tuesday June 14th 1944. [/underlined]

1720 / [underlined] From Leeming [/underlined]. – Preliminary warning only.
T.I. demonstration at Snape. Between 0100 & 0110.
At least 4 Squadrons taking part.
Advised 4 Gp; 61 Base [symbol]
62 Base [symbol]
1730. / 64 Base – Croft.

1800 / To 12 Gp F/C – The two Hurricanes, which landed at Wombleton are being refuelled and then going on to Grangemouth.

18.30 / Off duty. SR Wyman F/L
On duty. FD Cleland F/L

20.00 / Information for Base 62. No P61’s on tonights’ Bullseye.

21.00 / Billingham Balloons close-hauled from 22.30 – 02.30 hrs.

20.00 / Details of Leeming’s T.I. demonstration at Snape tonight passed to FCLO, MLO, ROCLO 12 Gp., 4 Gp. and Stations.

21.00 / Contacted Scorton Air Operations and passed on complaint from 64 Base that P61’s were interfering with operational take-offs at Midd. & Croft last night.

Wednesday – June 14/44

03:37 / 1659/S Landed Port Ellen. Stooged around the area for an hour or so and was homed to P.E. on showing distress.
Reason given – bad weather. Staying overnight.

08.45 / Anson reserved from 61 Base for AOC & 3 others Friday afternoon at 14.30 hrs to go to Hendon. Pilot required. Return on Sat.

0900 / Off duty F/L Cleland, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0930 / R/434 – at West Raynham – Cat. A.C. hole in rear. – Inf. S/L Seath via Croft D.F.C.O. – Crew instructed yesterday to return by rail.

1120 / Requested return of S/1659 from Port Ellen. Gave a suggested route to avoid the hills. Inf. 15 grp.

1230 / Command Bullseye C-98 – Request for offers to 61 Base and 64 Base

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[underlined] Emergency Bases [/underlined]

408 and 426 – CHEDBURGH
420 and 425 – WRATTING COMMON
419 and 428 – NEWMARKET
427 and 429 – FOULSHAM.
424 and 433 – LITTLE SNORING
431 and 434 – WYTON

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1500 / Form B – / T83 dispatched – 1659 wished to withdraw their offer of 4 a/c but Air I requested that their a/c participate

1730 / Emergency Bases allocated by C.F.C. & passed to Stations 1900 hrs.

1830. / Off duty F/O O’Beirn.
On duty H.L Spence F/O.

2100 / Balloons / Billingham close hauled 2145 – 2300; 0030 – 0600 hrs [symbol]

Harwich & Norwich – 1500ft. Control 2330 to 0315 hrs. [symbol]

Thames Est. & Chelmsford – 1500ft. control 0240 to 0430 hrs. [symbol]

2225 / S/L Hamer / Permission granted by Air I for S/L Hamer to fly in an a/c (as passenger) doing Circuits & Landings. Instructor will be in aircraft.

[underlined] Thursday – June 15/44. [/underlined]

[deleted] 0039 [/deleted][inserted] 0055 [/inserted] / 1659/J / Landed at Carnaby – no brake pressure. Staying over night – 0300hrs. – Serviceable.

0147 / Darky Damsel/W 10/O.T.U. WHITLEY / Heard by Dalton, Topcliffe & Middleton. Acknowledged I.F.E. from M.S.G. Landed there 0157 hrs. Informed 91 Group. Port Engine U/S. Staying overnight. – (from Abingdon).

0315 / 431/S Landing Accident. / Stbd undercarriage collapsed. Aircraft swung off runway. R/W. 27/09 & 33/15 unserviceable. Hydraulics U/S. Cat A.C.
Air I [symbol] A.O.C. [symbol] S.A.S.O. [symbol] GA.I. [symbol] Equipt [symbol] Engig. [symbol]

0900 / Off duty – F/O Spence, On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0930 / 62 Base – Request permission for 432/S to be flown to Preston for modifications – Crew to bring back 432/V now S. AIR I grant permission for non-op. crew.

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[underlined] VISITORS [/underlined]

Wellington – OP-357. L. Dishforth. 1435 hrs from Halfpenny Green. – a/c from Honeybourne. Liaison visit.

Oxford – V 3602 L. Dalton at 1315 hrs. from Gransden Lodge, for re-fueling [sic] en route Leeming. – W/O Barton.

Heck – GAEMR. l. Dishforth at 1436 from Tholthorpe.

Oxford – LX-513 l. Linton from Tatenhill 0115hr

Anson DG-786 l. Linton from Ouston 1523

[underlined] Balloons [/underlined]
12-G. Billingham – Close hauled – 1940 – 2145 [symbol]
2359 – 0130 [symbol]

12 G Norwich – 1500’ 2300 – 0115 [symbol]

11 G Chelmsford. – 1500’ 2150 – 2345 [ symbol]
11 G Thames Estuary – 1500’ 2200 – 2345 [symbol]
11 G Harwich – 1500’ 2300 – 0115 [symbol]

[underlined] Diversion Bases – Provisional Weather [/underlined]

Sqn. No a/c. [box deleted] Group. Base.
419 13L 3 RDU.S. Bury St. Edmunds
428 6L 3 RDU.S. Bury St. Edmunds
431 13 H 3 RDU.S. Horsham
434 13 H 3 RDU.S. Mendlesham
427 13 H 2UDU.S Knettishall
429 13 H 2 UDU.S. Wendling
433 13 H 2 UDU.S. Bungay
408 13 L 3rd U.S. Attlebridge
426 13 H Deepham Green
420 13 H Sudbury
425 13 H Snetterton Heath
432 13 H Great Ashfield

[page break]

1020 / (Phone – Whitby 545 } / Now warning A-752. 14/6/44
Firing will take place on Flyingdale [sic] Range on June 15 and 16 from 2300 hrs to 0300 hrs.
POSITION – 9 miles south of Whitby
– A.F.V. Range – Inf. 63 Base.

1210 / 426/M Bombs. / – 62 Base report only 8 bombs dropped on “Q” site. Inf. Bomb Disposal Squad Snaith who have accounted for 8 bombs. Drawing off their party.

1230 / 62 Base (Outfit period) / Intell. – Ref – Sq. A/748/13 June
– Query – period commence 1530B.
– Has it been 1530 Z (G.MT.) previously & now changing to 1530 B. ?

1500 / To C.F.C. / Request for 13 provisional weather bases in East Anglia.
Suggested Woodbridge and Manston for emergency if a/c are shot up.

1520 / Re 62 Base (Outfit period) / – After a check with Cyphers and B. Command – Period commenced 1530 [underlined] B [/underlined]. Inf . 62 Base Intell.

1800 / Balloons – requested from B.L.O 11 & 12 Grp. – see opposite page.

1820 – 1945 / Diversion Bases / Received 10 Bases from C.F.C. Requested 2 more. Received them; Had to change a couple due to serviceability on checking U.S.B.D’s. Considerable “ado” compiling all necessary information & getting it passed to stations. Allotted as on opposite page.

2130. / Met Div’n. / Weather deteriorating and likelihood of diversion more imminent.
Complete “gen” passed to 2nd & 3rd U.S.B.D’s. Definite decision to be made 2230 hrs.

2230 / Met Div’n. / Met picture improved, - S.A.S.O. & Controller decided a/c to come home. 2nd & 3rd. U.S.B.D’s. & C.F.C. informed.

[page break]

Missing 425/Q – LW 715 – F/O Kirk.

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2320 / Met. / Cloud Base lowering – Middleton & Croft yellow, Leeming Base 1000 ft. Checked with Met & Controller & 4 Group for possible assistance if as, & when required Carnaby, Lissett Catfoss will be lit up on return of our a/c.

[underlined] Friday – June 16/44 [/underlined]

0030 / Ops. / All stations coping & satisfied.

0130 / 4 Gr Dvn. / Warning from 4 Group they might require some help. Stations standing by.

0230 / 4 Gr Dvn. / 4 Group coping – Stations stood down.

0245 / A/c away. / Summary to C.F.C.

0730 / A/c away. / Checked Met. & told had U.S BW. to have 429/U & 433/D return as soon as possible.

0900 / Off duty F/O Spence , On duty B.T. O’Beirn F/O

0915 / 432/H / requested that m/n a/c be instructed to return if seen.

0920 / Anson to Hendon. Checked forecast weather for F/L Holmes and party to Hendon from Dishforth. Requested a good pilot & W O.P & navigator if pilot wishes.

1130 / 1664/R Accident Pilot F/O Kelly / – EB – 158 – On check dual, circuits and landings. – On final landing the rudder strap jammed between rudder bar and fuselage – a/c ran into engine stand – sheared off port outer prop and damaged the flaps. Cat “A” R Inf. SASO. [symbol], AIR [symbol] SOC. [symbol] S.F.C.O [symbol] ENG. [symbol] EQUIP [symbol]

1150 / [underlined] crash [/underlined] LL-550 (LINTON / – New a/c for Tholthorpe was on its way to Tholthorpe from Linton.
Did not get airborne – Crashed off the runway between the bomb dump and the aerodrome.
Pilot reported a mag. drop on S.I.

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but it cleared up during run – up
Pilot could not get over 85 M.P.H on take off.
Category – Provisional Cat. “B”
Inf. SASO AIR I S.O.C. SFCO. [symbol] ENG. [symbol] [inserted] EQUIP [symbol] [/inserted]

1620 / TO C.F.C. D.F.C.O. NOTE } / Request for 6 emergency bases
C.F.C. reply that Woodbridge will serve for any number of emergencies. They argue that since our weather forecast for return is fit, they cannot give us additional emergency bases, as it interferes with other groups.
Took the matter up with S.F.C.O who discussed it with S.A.S.O.

SASO’s / Ruling – 6 Grp will not request emergency bases but will use Woodbridge, Carnaby and Manston. (However provisional weather bases or petrol bases are to be requested when necessary).

1630 / 61 Base / – Request full details of aerodromes north of 5400N – in order to give more gen about diversion bases and their facilities – passed the matter on to S/L Stanley.

1700 / 64 Base (OXFORD) / – Request permission from [inserted] G/C SAMPSON [/inserted] W/Co Dunphy
Engineer to be flown to Aston Down (9 Grp) to-morrow morning.
(20MU) Off by Air I M.St.G. informed.

1701 / 61 Base / F.C. – Request that MF be increased in time in order to give weather information to a/c if conditions deteriorate. Took the matter up with the Controller and D.S.O.
D.S.O. ruled that M.F. is being used for Ops. – further that if the weather deteriorates they can send the information on HF DF. (Emergency

1740 / DIVERSION – PROV. Weather bases for 61 Base Bullseye a/c allocated. see opposite page.

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[underlined] X1/A/97 – [/underlined]

[underlined] Balloons – [/underlined]

{ Chelmsford – 1500’ – { 0220 – 0310
{ Thames Estuary { 0220 – 0310
Langley & Weybridge – 1500’ – 0350 – 0450

Billingham – close hauled –
2215 – 2345 & 0300 – 0415 hrs.

[underlined] 1666/Z. [/underlined]

Later reports & investigation revealed, that at approx. 10,000 ft. a/c encountered icing, dove to 6,000ft. & 5 of the crew baled out. Pilot regained control and landed at Marston Moor at 2355hrs., with 2 other crew members. – All OK.
F.C.L.O. 12 in the picture at all times.

2350 Fire Nr. Helmsley (Burk Farm) Ex. 61 Base. – Report fire seen shortly after an a/c was heard, either by police at Helmsley or Helmsley Bombing Range [inserted] about 2 miles north of the range [/inserted]. F.C.L.O. 12 & R.O.C.L.O; also F.C.O. 4 Group informed. Latter confirmed fire seen near Helmsley R.O.C.L.O. 12 later confirmed there was a fire in that area (moor fire) which was being attended to by the local civil authorities
No action required by Wombleton.

[page break]

1830 / Balloons – requested from BL.O. for Target X1/A/97

Off duty F/O O’Beirn
On duty H.L. Spence F/O

2025 / Balloons / Requested for G.2. 1517.

2100 / Rascoff Q Site / Ex 61 Base – U.S. I.F.N. – Decarbonising Engine

Met. / At 1900 Met forecasted for 0100 – 0300 hrs, a change in wind to N.E., and Strato Cumulus cloud, main base 1500 ft with 3-6/10ths patches down to 800 – 1200 ft. Later, (approx. 2000hrs.) reported some clearing up of viz. main cloud base 2000ft. with patches at 1200 – 1500 anticipated at that time. In both cases greater improvement was to be expected after 0300 hrs.

2320 / 1666/Z (QY-Z) Pilot P/O Laballe. / Checked 61 Base on [indecipherable word] of crew baling out was Harrogate. They knew nothing at the base but learned later that the crew of the hfx had baled out, and 5 of them were at village of Plumpton near Harrogate. They were Navigator, Mid-Upper, Rear Gunner & 2 Flt Engineers. They called thru to Wombleton direct stating all the crew had jumped clear.
Previously ROCLO 12 had reported a Halifax in VE 6070 and in VE 7251 going south east. It had circled for some time as though lost but showed no distress. Informed 61 Base thinking it might be their late starter on Bulls Eye who was cutting over to St Annes On Sea to pick up the route at Great Ormes Head, and wondered if they had any contact with that aircraft.
No joy!
(see opposite page.)

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Odstone Bombing Range pos 51°33’15”N 01°39’00”W
Snape Bombing Range pos 54°16’N 01°34’W – 1 MILE off SNAPE VILLAGE 1 1/2 M. W by S of LEEMING PUNDIT
ST Tudwals Island 52°48’20”N 04°27’36”W
(H2S. Bombing daylight only)

Bradbury Bombing Range pos. 54°37’25”N 01°31’28”W.

Cat A – Repaired by sqdn in 8 days
AC – By contractor or MU on site
B – Dismantled & rebuilt at factory
E – Reduced to spares
E1 – Salvage.
E2 – Burned out


“Flying Control Log Book,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

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