Browse Items (16 total)

  • Collection: Bailey, John Derek

Half length portrait of Bill Bailey in cadet's uniform. Additional information 'JD Bailey age 18 yrs Aircrew Under Training October 1942'.
On the reverse is the photographer's stamp.

Head and shoulders portrait of Bill Bailey in uniform with brevet and medal ribbons. The photograph was taken to commemorate his promotion to Pilot Officer. Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A group of airmen standing at ease on parade. Bill Bailey is in the front most line, third from the left. Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.


Head and shoulders portrait of Wally Williams in civilian clothing. On the reverse 'Wally Williams E4 Snoop'.

Head and shoulders portrait of Sergeant Jock Greig in civilian clothing. On the reverse ' Haggis Jock'.

Head and shoulders portrait of Sergeant J G Anderson in civilian clothing. On the reverse 'JG Anderson (McGinty)'.

Head and shoulders portrait of Gus Leigh. On the reverse 'Wilf (Gus) Leigh'.

Head and shoulders portrait of Ron Archer in civilian clothes. On the reverse 'Ron H Archer'.

Side view, head and shoulders portrait of Bill Bailey in civilian clothes. On the reverse 'Bailey'.

Part two of the interview with Derek Bailey, a bomb aimer with 103 and 166 Squadrons.
Towards the end of the war, Derek underwent various bomber instructor courses and became a bombing instructor on Wellingtons at RAF Lossiemouth, for Free French…

A message from the Secretary of State for Air welcoming airmen into the RAF.

Cadet's Flight log of Bill Bailey issued by City of Leicester Wing, Air Training Corps. It records one flight in a Tiger Moth on 30 May 1942, duration 10 minutes
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