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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Victoria"

Certificate of service and discharge from RAAF as a Flight Sergeant, was issued when John was commissioned on 29 November 1944.

Made out to Geoffrey Maxwell Michell Langworthy. Gives description and airman ranks and trades held.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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Letter of appreciation for P J Hogan's service with the Royal Australian Air Force from the Air Member for Personnel

Covering remainder of letter containing data on batch 3.

Thanks him for his service in the Royal Australian Air Force.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Letter of appreciation for his service from Air Force Board of the Royal Australian Air Force. At the bottom a Caterpillar club certificate of membership made out to F/O D V Kelly.

Peter Isaacson biography relating to him surviving two tours in Bomber Command and then to being asked take a Lancaster to Australia westabout and describing his journey. Continues with early life moving to Australia, being selected for RAAF aircrew…

Catches up with recent mail. Says not to worry about life insurance and catches up with her news and other gossip of doings. Concludes with cricket commentary.


Says that things are going along fine but doing a bit more work and finds it interesting. Mentions seeing 'Blythe Spirit' and comments on surface mail. Poor photocopy cannot with start too faint to read.

Catches up with recent mail and mentions that many colleagues have not had much mail. Catches up on her activities at home and mentions shows he had seen. Says he had a small celebration recently.

Sends birthday wished to her and Eileen and says he could not afford much of presents. Describes a little of his his current situation and provides some gossip,

Writes that mail has caught up with him. Mentions Jim had been in hospital. Says he had been shifted about and describes activities on recent weekend in local town. Mentions chapel is only a few huts away from his and they have mass a couple of time…


Apologises for not writing recently but he had done little but fly. Tells story about crewmember. Mentions not receiving mail for a week and other gossip.

Writes about mail received and sent. Getting plenty of flying despite weather. Mentions that cricket is the rage on the station and has had a few games including international with the Australians on top. Catches up with other gossip.


Writes of recent activities and his finances. Mentions that he had been eating a lot of fruit and that food was not too bad. Comments that he had spent a lot on taxis but they were handy but the dancing was woeful but some of the girls were OK.

Writes about contents not to bother with in food parcels. Writes of not flying for 14 days and other activities. A large part of this letter was damaged and is unreadable.

Reports arrival of her previous letters and says he is now stationed in Hertfordshire a few miles from Royston. States that the Americans had left the place in a mess. Writes about Australian cricket side's scores and performance. Gives address of…

Comments on reliability of mail lately. Mentions leave and activities in Edinburgh with other members of crew. Writes of family issue with Kevin. A large part of this letter is damaged and unreadable.

Comments on arrival of mail and that some for others had gone astray. Describes leave spent in Ireland in Dublin. which he compares favourably with dirty, old depressing England. Enjoyed food over there that was not available in England and describes…

Thanks her for letters but says there had been little to write about his end and he was cheesed of with hanging about. Reports doing his first operation for seven weeks, it was an easy one but was hit by anti-aircraft fire. Talks a little of his new…

Reports arrival of recent mail. Writes that he has received letters from the parents of each of the boys who seem to have taken it well apart from on father who was upset when he wrote. Catches up with other news of acquaintances. Says life is…

Apologises for not sending birthday greetings. Catches up with news of friends who had lost colleagues. Says he does not need further parcels. Catches up with family news and says he has some addresses in Ireland. Catches up with more family gossip. …

Comments that there seems to have been little Australian air mail over for anyone the last month. Apologises for not writing and describes recent leave in London and day in Leeds. Reports arrival of parcels from home. Talks of future leave, one week…

Reports arrival of mail, catches up with news of home and asks after relatives. Reports arrival of parcels from home, that he would be on the move soon and was hoping for improved conditions which would alleviate need for food parcels. Discusses his…

Discusses recent mail arrival and frequency. Not doing much flying due to poor weather. Writes about going to York and seeing real snow for the first time in his life. Snow might relieve drabness of English towns and make it more like they imagined…
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