Letter from Pat Hogan to his father



Letter from Pat Hogan to his father


Apologises for not writing recently but he had done little but fly. Tells story about crewmember. Mentions not receiving mail for a week and other gossip.




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One page handwritten letter


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Mr [indecipherable] HOGAN

Sender’s Address A 436464 F/Sgt HOGAN [indecipherable] RAAF [indecipherable] LONDON W.C.2. 12-8-44.

Dear Dad, I know it’s a while since I wrote but you’ll have to forgive me. In the first place I’ve done little here but fly mostly & long hours in the air make one very weary, [indecipherable] if one even pretends to be a navigator, consequently any spare hours are usually spent on the cot instead of whizzing round about. We had our first casualty in the crew the other day when the mid-upper was mucking about with fire-arms & stopped a slug in the [indecipherable]. Hence we are now waiting on a new gunner. Dave did not die & may pull through with a bit of luck but, of course, will never fly again.

I haven’t received any mail for over a week & everybody else seems to be much in the same boat. Perhaps Auspo decided to partake of the August holidays which seems to be all the rage lately. Good luck to them anyhow. I guess a bit of a let up would be a relief to anyone in London these days.

How is everybody at home? Still in the pink I hope. This will have to suffice for the present – even if I could think of something to write I doubt whether my pen could make the grade anyhow. Love to all at home. Pat.



P J Hogan, “Letter from Pat Hogan to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 25, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/32048.

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