Letter from Pat Hogan to Miss Marie Hogan



Letter from Pat Hogan to Miss Marie Hogan


Reports arrival of recent mail. Writes that he has received letters from the parents of each of the boys who seem to have taken it well apart from on father who was upset when he wrote. Catches up with other news of acquaintances. Says life is monotonous but the weather is better. Comments that it could not last much longer but he would have liked another crack at it before it was over. Discusses activities at home and at his location. Mentions parties planned for various events. Continues with other gossip and tells he not to worry as he has not developed the "twitch" prevalent amongst operational aircrew.




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Four sided handwritten airmail letter


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A436464 F/S HOGAN P.


Dear Marie,

Thanks firstly for the cable & the couple of airgraphs which have arrived over the last 2 days (today's was only written on the 2nd). I've been doing pretty well recently with mail. News certainly gets around. One day I had 12 & yesterday [indecipherable number].

I've had airletters from the parents of each of the boys & it gives me wonderful satisfaction to know that I appear to have been at least some consolation in each case. They have all taken it very well indeed although Dr Shelton was particularly upset when he wrote me.

In all I got & dispatched [indecipherable number] group photographs to friends & relatives – I sent one home. I don't

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know why but I'm already starting to get parcels from round England here as well as some very enticing invitations.

Maurice Dyer, with whom as you will no doubt remember, I've been so pally since [indecipherable word] did not come back here last Sunday. I guess I'd better write his wife one of these days.

Still bludging around & getting no air under my feet. Rather monotonous but it is not so bad now that we are having weather almost worthy of an Australian spring. McDonald still has not left the conversion unit & the way things are going I think we've just about had it. It can't last much longer over here. However I would like to have had another crack before it packs in.

You seem to have been very busy over Easter but it is probably better that way that being quietly on your own. Pleased to know the old fair was once more a success.

Thank the rest of the family for letters. I'll eventually get round to answering them. This is my 6th tonight

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“Willie” Williams my new bomb aimer has just come in to see me. He is rather flushed as he nicked off to Bridlington today & sunbathed. I wish he’d have come to suggest it to me before he went.

We had intended having a big beano this week Roger Laing & Wally’s 21st were coming off as well as Alan’s 22nd, my 23rd all within 6th & 16th April. Roger is in getting drunk tonight (his birthday) but as I didn’t even feel like it for my own, I didn’t bother tonight.

I’d forgotten about the [indecipherable word] fiver you’d better take out some more tickets on my behalf. Sorry to hear the Phelan kids have been sick. Did the drought break?

Thanks again for all the Masses etc. over the prang. And the letters, Pleased the concert went off O.K.

Well, Marie, space is rather limited so I’ll bid you all the best again. There is no need to worry I haven’t so much as developed the familiar “twitch” so prevalent amongst operational aircrew. My only regret is that I don’t look like having another crack.

Love to all, Pat.

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Miss Marie Hogan
67 Chapel St.,
Bendigo Vic.

A436464 F/S HOGAN P.



P J Hogan, “Letter from Pat Hogan to Miss Marie Hogan ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 22, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/31951.

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