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Draft version of four verse poem about LancasterJB596 crashing on Hatcliffe top when returning from operation to Berlin. Airfield was fogbound and crew were on 23rd operation. Handwritten annotation.Additional information on the crash is available…

Four verse poem about Lancaster JB596 crashing on Hatcliffe top when returning from operation to Berlin. Airfield was fogbound and crew were on 23rd operation.Additional information on the crash is available via theIBCC Losses Database.

Five verse poem about converting a squadron from Wellington to Stirling.

Poem about life and death of aircrew and hope they get home.


Two verse poem about the antics of crew of J for Jonny.

Poem describing loss of crew who crashed in fog on return from operation now lying in the medical centre on Christmas eve.

Poem describing loss of crew who crashed in fog on return from operation and WAAF who lost a diamond from a ring. Hope that crews did not die for nothing.

Untitled version of a poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off, watched by the station commander and off-duty WAAFs. Typewritten version with annotated handwritten revision notes.

Poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off watched by station commander and off duty WAAFs. Typewritten version with annotated revision notes.

The first three verses, 'when I fell over the horseshoe' are about a lucky charm. The second three verses, 'F for Freddy are being grounded' concerns a crew who finished their tour without ever washing shirts or socks.

Poem concerning a crew killed when crashing on return form operation to Berlin. Memorial at site.Additional information on the crash is available via theIBCC Losses Database.

Nine verse poem about WAAFs attending a WRENs party who outshine the navy ladies with the sailors. Comments on their revenge.

Poem about an encounter with a policemen accompanied by a WAAF officer.

Two poems. The first, 'A song of hate' concerns an Irish officer who troubles R/T operators. The second titled 'A ratty problem' is about rats in the tower and the signals section. References RAF Church Fenton.

Short, one verse poem worrying over someone flying.

Sub-titled 'Mosquito's at Swannington impatient to land. Eight verse poem about aircraft orbiting waiting to land.

Five verse song about an Irishman and the trouble R/T girls have with him.

Multi-line poem echoing chat between friends. Asking for cigarettes, mentioning going out, going to the NAAFI, domestic chores, boys.

Eight verse poem describing a station dance.

Two poems. The first about being Air Force GD (General Duties) and having job of cleaning floors and steps. The second about not envying WRENs.

Four verse poem about another WAAF who was in a billet with the author. Describes her and tells of getting drunk and being tangled in a fir tree.

Multi-line poem relates story of crews arriving back at fog bound airfield from operation to Berlin. Aircraft crashed and 18 aircrew were lying dead in medical centre. Laments hoping they did not die for nothing.

Multi-line poem mentions forty aircrew returning from Berlin trying to land on fogbound airfield, crashed and killed on Christmas eve.

Multi-line poem describing a station dance.

Three verse poem about Christmas. Relates to a children's party and mentions WAAF officer doing party planning, trying to bring cheer to Waltham station. On the reverse 'Keith Burrows, RAFA'.
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