Browse Items (676 total)

  • Type starts with "Map"

Six items covering operations around Caen. The first is Edward's description of the operation, against troop concentrations. The second is his navigation plot. The third is a print of the expected H2S return of the target. Fourth is a collection of…

A 1:1000000 chart of Egypt overlaid with RAF airfields.

Four items, Edward's description of the operation against a gun battery, his navigation plot, a map showing the target and newspaper cuttings describing cross channel operations and heavy explosions.

Four items, the first a title page, the second Edward's navigation plot, the third a print of the expected H2S return and fourth part of an official report on the operation. This gives the number of aircraft taking part and their group, a weather…

Four items, Edward's description of the operation, where he comments on the anti-aircraft fire, conditions over the target, events during the trip and general observations. Edward's navigation plot, the expected H2S plot over the target and newspaper…

Map showing England western Europe.
It is unused.

A chart of central England used for navigation. It is annotated with navigational fixes. The position of a dinghy is marked with the date 23/6/42.
In the top corner is a photograph of an airman in the cockpit of his aircraft.
There is a yellow post…

A navigational chart of North West France with planned routes marked.
There is also a photograph of a pilot in a Wellington cockpit.

A chart of the Southern North Sea including Germany, Holland and Denmark with routes plotted on.

Ten charts and four log sheets.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Navigational computation and a chart for an operation to Chemnitz.

A 1:250000 chart of the Cherbourg area with a route plotted on.

Three items, Edward's description of the mining operation off Cherbourg, they were the only aircraft operating from their base that night. Edward's navigation plot and a map of the Cherbourg area.

A chart used for bombing of the centre of Lens. Magnetic bearings are plotted on the outside and range circles from the centre are overprinted. It is centered on the marshalling yards. All the detail is grey or black but the canals, ponds and lakes…

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Cologne.

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to the Cologne-Gremberg marshalling yards. On the reverse of the chart is a handwritten note [indecipherable].

Navigational computation and a chart for an operation to Gremberg Marshalling Yards, Cologne.

At top - title: 'Operations, 50 44 630 Squadrons, Manchester aircraft 333 1/2 operational hours, Lancaster aircraft'.
On the left and right - RAF bases and operations carried out from them.
On the right - a map on northern Europe and United…

Showing the position of the site of Jack's crash.

A brief description of the operation, his nav plot and a map showing the target.

Map of part of Holland, close to the German border and the Ruhr, showing the crash sites of a Halifax on the 18 December 1944 and a Manchester on 13 March 1942.

Five maps of varying scales showing the location of the crash site of ED945 near 's-Hertogenbosch. Second map has added text with map type, reference with impact point for aircraft and location of Mr Olislager's farmhouse.

A map of the world centred on Australia.

A chart of the routes taken by the Lancasters on the attack on the Tirpitz.

This was the operation on which Ian Wynn's aircraft was lost. Captain was Squadron Leader P R Turgel. Item contains: 1. A list of crews on the operation. 2. Map of routes to target. 3. Luftwaffe night fighter combat claims for 25/26 May 1943. 4.…
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