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  • Language is exactly "deu"

Two sided leaflet in German language concerning Bomber Command's 1000 bomber operations.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Gives personal details and next of kin. Includes b/w photograph and fingerprint. Stalag IX C. Two versions of the same item. Submitted with caption 'Photo of Bob Burns's German PoW ID card for Stalag IXC'.

Hitler admits, in radio address at 1am on 21st July, to German generals’ coup. Leaflet points to heightened tensions between army and party. Claims the latter wants to prolong the war for its own ends, whereas generals want peace, acting when their…

Four photographs on a card captioned 'Koln 1945'. Two are of the main bridges, road and rail, destroyed by the bombing and two views of the devastation around the cathedral.
On the reverse 'Morning after! Cologne Photographed by navigator W. Alan…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population
Page 1 outlines further reductions in civilian food rations in Germany and lists the causes. The second page compares the rationing experienced in World War 1 with that in World War 2.

Contrasts Germany after the First World War with the present, exhorting Germans to save their country. By drawing things quickly to a conclusion, Germany could avoid more destruction and successfully rebuild.

Two photographs show a German…

A German marching song but also a love song to Erica.

Propaganda leaflet featuring an aerial vertical photograph of Hamburg after a Royal Air Force operation. Buildings are either completely destroyed or gutted, light falling through the gaping windows. Text describes fronts closing in, the Royal Air…

Propaganda leaflet featuring an aerial vertical photograph of Hamburg after a Royal Air Force operation. Buildings are either completely destroyed or gutted, light falling through the gaping windows. Text describes fronts closing in, the Royal Air…

On the front 'Tag und Nacht' and formation of B -17 and Lancaster bombers. On the reverse German text.

A letter from Iga

Item 1 is a message in German, partly obscured.
Item 2 is a photograph of an officer at a desk signing a document.
Item 3 is a photograph of a Wellington with Polish markings on the nose. A group of men are underneath.

Rails against the marriage implementation regulations, which came into force on 1 April 1943. State has the right to decide whether marriage should be dissolved, and widow can then lose everything. It can apply if deceased has not yet filed for…


Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German speaking population.
Page 1. Hitler taking over command from his generals.
Page 2. Photos of German setbacks in Russia and Libya.
Page 3. Photo of the frozen corpse of a German soldier above the caption:…

Newspaper title

Exhorts German mothers and wives to write to their menfolk to bring peace and stop bloodshed, something it claims Hitler wishes to avoid. Reference made to the coup carried out by the German generals on 20 July. Contrasting photographs of loss of…


RAF Propaganda Newspaper ('Luftpost') aimed at the German-speaking population.
Page 1: Describes how the death and destruction meted out by the Luftwaffe to Germany's neighbours is being more than returned to German cities.
Page 2. Argues that the…


German U-boatmaker - what are you hoping for? Leaflet, in German with photographs of U-boat crew on a boat and another of a crew being led off a captured boat.

Reports that the American Army has crossed the Rhine near Mainz and provides a summary of President Roosevelt’s report to the American Congress on the Yalta Conference: the need for Germany’s unconditional surrender; the nature of Germany’s…

Four images, two of the front and two of the reverse of Dick Curnock's POW identity discs, complete with neck cord.

Propaganda booklet with illustrated articles on the current war situation as seen from the Allies' perspective. Authors include Winston Churchill, Henry Wallace, the archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Hillary and John Steinbeck.

Propaganda booklet with illustrated articles on the current war situation as seen from the Allies' perspective. Authors include Winston Churchill, Henry Wallace, the archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Hillary and John Steinbeck.

Contains photographs, silhouettes and drawings of British, American and Russian aircraft, showing dimensions, armament, armour plate or glass, and position of fuel tanks. Tables set out aircraft capabilities, including range and bomb loads.

Leaflet suggests how Germans can mitigate any difficulties of the post-war period through self-help to save their families and rebuild their homeland. Allowing ‘fanatics’ to blow up utilities would mean more suffering and greater difficulties in…

Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population.
Side 1 places Hitler's claim in 1941 that Russia was already destroyed alongside his 1942 announcement that the German army in the east needed reinforcement. Below is a description by…
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