Browse Items (217 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Wehrmacht"

Side view of an airborne Do 217.


Front quarter view of an airborne Do 217.


Head on view of airborne Do 217.


Small boat with cross on front of bridge tied up alongside a wooden pier. Other docks and ship in the background. Submitted with caption 'mreu6 001 Luftwaffe Air Sea Rescue launch used by us to travel between Friesian Islands'.

Propaganda booklet with illustrated articles on the current war situation as seen from the Allies' perspective. Authors include Winston Churchill, Henry Wallace, the archbishop of Canterbury, Richard Hillary and John Steinbeck.

Top left - side view of two destroyed Me 109s in a field.
Top right - front view of a destroyed Me 109 in a field.
Bottom left - side view of a destroyed me 109 in a field.
Bottom right - view of several destroyed German aircraft including a Me…


Propaganda leaflet aimed at the German speaking population.
Page 1. Hitler taking over command from his generals.
Page 2. Photos of German setbacks in Russia and Libya.
Page 3. Photo of the frozen corpse of a German soldier above the caption:…

Magazine containing foreword by the Queen of the Netherlands as well as: news about war progress; the Dutch Royal family; European resistance movements; why the German Blitzkrieg on Russia failed; Dutch flyers; church resistance; Malta surviving air…

Includes David Joseph's service in the RAF, his training in Canada and his operations on Halifaxes at RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor and his movements after being shot down 18 March 1944 and becoming a prisoner of war.

Article headlines: Crimea the final victory, died in thousands, one-man rafts. Account of defeat of 40,000 man German 17th Army defending the Crimea.

Douglas Robinson's crashed Halifax with a German airman sitting on the mid turret.

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Describes German air force attack on the city on 14 November 1940 giving detail of civilian damage and casualties. Compares it with bombing of Genoa and Turin which it claims as military. Includes photographs of damage to Coventry.

Article 1. Headlines: commons division after Beveridge debate, government majority of 216, Mr Morrison's reply to Labour amendment. Article 2. Headlines: Russians occupy Rzhev, a large haul of tanks and guns, continued advance from Khakov, railway…

Hitler admits, in radio address at 1am on 21st July, to German generals’ coup. Leaflet points to heightened tensions between army and party. Claims the latter wants to prolong the war for its own ends, whereas generals want peace, acting when their…

Artwork showing a fat man with resplendent uniform with many insignia, baton, peaked cap and boots with spurs. Captioned 'L/Cpl Goering, the pride of the lootwaffe'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img178'.

A German guard of honour watching over prisoners laying one of their number to rest. It is captioned 'Een vuurpeleton - een geestelijker en een baar... een helaas bijna dagelijks voorkomend beeld op het Kerkhof van de krijgsgevangenen' translated as…

Two photographs of groups of German POWs at Bushey Park.
On the reverse 'Top Pic. Subject front row 5th from left' and 'Bottom Pic. Subject front row centre- in uniform Bushey Park'.

Three articles about reprisals against British prisoners of war if German prisoners are fettered. Claims that Germans captured at Dieppe were chained. First: More British prisoners to be chained, fiercer German threats, Italians join the plot,…

Headline - Stuttgart badly hit, factories ablaze. Internal headlines - hard-pressed Germans, feeling the strain including some pilot accounts. Bombs in centre - fires joined into one, pilots account of fires. Eluded fighter, another would not fire,…

Map showing north Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, part of Belgium and France. Goes east to include Poland and parts of Lithuania. Symbols on map with legend on reverse. Symbols are of German air force aviation objects and defensive systems.

Draft of memoir with contents page - giving service history. Followed by pages with reference to photographs for name and rank, deferred service, ground training dates and places, training in Canada, back home for service flying, 5 Group, 51 base,…

Gives account of last (and 7th) operation to Schweinfurt 26/27 April 1944. His Lancaster was shot down and the pilot, wireless operator, flight engineer, and both gunners were killed. The bomb aimer and navigator (Bob Burns) were made prisoners of…

Article 1. Headlines: big Russian push on Moscow front, Soviet troops advance 20 miles over wide area, 10,000 Nazis die, five divisions routed: 300 localities liberated. Article 2. Headlines: Tunisia: Germans on defensive, forces await British push…

Three photographs, the first page has two photographs of a line of male guards, walking on a path around a space watched by a crowd of British servicemen, building in the background. Captioned 'Kramer The Beast of Belsen' added later…


Three photographs and a newspaper cutting. The first two show the graves at Belsen, one of them still open. The third shows a group of German servicemen. The newspaper cutting reports that allied servicemen have contributed some of their rations to…
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