Browse Items (2013 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Tricia Marshall"

Sub-titled 'Mosquito's at Swannington impatient to land. Eight verse poem about aircraft orbiting waiting to land.

Five verse song about an Irishman and the trouble R/T girls have with him.

Multi-line poem echoing chat between friends. Asking for cigarettes, mentioning going out, going to the NAAFI, domestic chores, boys.

Eight verse poem describing a station dance.

Two poems. The first about being Air Force GD (General Duties) and having job of cleaning floors and steps. The second about not envying WRENs.

Four verse poem about another WAAF who was in a billet with the author. Describes her and tells of getting drunk and being tangled in a fir tree.

Multi-line poem relates story of crews arriving back at fog bound airfield from operation to Berlin. Aircraft crashed and 18 aircrew were lying dead in medical centre. Laments hoping they did not die for nothing.

Multi-line poem mentions forty aircrew returning from Berlin trying to land on fogbound airfield, crashed and killed on Christmas eve.

Multi-line poem describing a station dance.

Multi-line poem describing a WAAF social visit, by invitation, to an American unit where they were entertained by the Glen Miller' orchestra.

Ode to a local village girl whose mother took in washing from aircrew. Refers to 100 Squadron. Two versions both annotated 'Kathryn Reid, (half pint)' and other notes.

Version of twelve days of Christmas but all verses about turkey.

Poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off watched by station commander and off duty WAAFs.

Three verse poem about the WAAF recruit process.

Thanks her for parcel. Says they had been unwell and advised her to visit that weekend. Adds gossip about events.

Writes that crew had just arrived back in the billet. States that she was one of the grandest straight forward WAAFs he had had the pleasure of meeting apart from his sweetheart.

Letter about time in Egypt. Describes location of camp and surrounds.

Several sectioned letter. Long description about how he feels in himself possibly over breakup. Feels sorry for himself. Talks of his dreams and relates his feelings through the war. Continues philosophising at length. Writes a lengthy story about…

From a relation of Bernard [Heaton] who had been killed. Asks for names and address of crew and talks of burial and expresses her feelings on loss. Thanks her for comforting letter.

Describes and evening out in Palestine including meeting prostitutes. Philosophises on Palestine being a wonderful country for broadening the mind. Mentions taking a dip before breakfast and leaving Tel Aviv by train back to Cairo. Mentions food…

Describes train journey through Egypt and Palestine/Transjordan. Detrains at Kantara (El Qantara) Mentions seeing Australians, Transjordan and Palestine police and that country is cleaner that Egypt. Leaves train at Lydda and describes activities…

Relates going to a store and choosing a salesgirl of similar size in order to get item of clothing for her. Asks what she does with her time and about boyfriends. Second page is torn and text missing. Seems to be proposing agenda for evening out.…

General philosophising about men and women. Continues with gossip about boy and girl friends. Hopes they are safe from air raids. Says there was nothing to worry about at his end of the globe. The boys out there were quite confident that they defeat…

Starts with comment on fallen comrades. Describes events since he returned from leave. Asks how things were with her and asks after boyfriends.

Writes about films and perceptions of England and America. Comments that thousands of GIs who would want to return to England in peace time because they had grown to love it. Mentions what was on radio. Second page torn and some text lost. Lists…
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