Partial letter from Ford Killen



Partial letter from Ford Killen


Starts with comment on fallen comrades. Describes events since he returned from leave. Asks how things were with her and asks after boyfriends.




Two sided handwritten letter


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we saw in Greece & Crete. Not that we shall ever really forget them oh no! we shall never be satisfied untill [sic] we avenge our cobbers who fell at our side. However I do not wish to dwell upon the eternal subject of war so I will write about myself, that is if you don’t mind – or aren’t you bothered?

Since my return from leave (a fortnight ago) there have been several little interesting incidents in my somewhat monotonous existence. Firstly I was promoted to Gun Sgt (from Lance Sgt) This is nothing to boast about, on the contary [sic] one feels a little sorrowful about it because I was promoted simply because of casulities [sic] to higher ranks. I was also appointed a No 1 instructor which is rather [deleted] an [/deleted] responsible job.

Secondly we moved camp to another area which is rather a better camp in every respect.

Thirdly I was selected from my unit as an instructor to the Free Greek army over here so I am now actually in the Greek army.!

I have only been here a couple of days and have not yet actually started my job so I cannot as yet tell you much about

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to the heat and flies etc., I am very fit and happy so please do not worry about us, we can stand this country far better than the Ities or the Huns – they can’t take this desert life. How are thing in Romley nowadays, much different to the days we use to walk along Town St? Incidently [sic] Winnie, have you yet found another boy friend since the Des episode seems to be closed. You know young lady you must be [deleted] a [/deleted] difficult to please if as you say you cannot find the right type out of all the persons you meet from time to time – you [deleted] be [/deleted] will have to watch yourself or you will find yourself on the shelf. I guess if I was home I would tease the life out of you – and then maybe you would lose your temper and stamp those dainty feet of yours and I would probably have to climb down and apologise with a kiss (or kisses, that is if I didn’t have my face slapped for taking the first one!) Maybe I should not be discussing this kissing business so much as you will wonder if I am becoming soft in my old age, but someday I will tell you of the times when for months to-gether [sic] we have not even seen a white girl – and how



F Killen, “Partial letter from Ford Killen,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 23, 2024,

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