Browse Items (737 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Steve Baldwin "

John was tasked with investigating Peter Stevens' RAF record in order to ascertain his suitability for British citizenship. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…

Letter thanks Peter Stevens for the masterly way he brought his aircraft and crew back from operation on 6 August 1941, and as a result saved his son's life.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

Don Falgate's ATU course from RAF Penrhos. Ten officers in two rows, all with half wing brevet. Signatures on reverse. Captioned 'ATU (Advanced Flying Unit) course at RAF Penrhos, North Wales . 1 month course of training on Wellington aircraft.…

Don Falgate's pre-Advanced Flying Unit formal course photograph, 32 Officers and senior non-commissioned officers, arranged in four rows. Signatures on the reverse. Captioned 'Students of pre AFU (Advanced Flying Unit) RAF Perth Scotland, about…

Formal course photograph No 63 Air Bomber course, in four rows, in front of hangar doors. Captioned 'No 63 Air Bomber course, RCAF Picton, Ontario, Canada. Self back row extreme right. Photo 1942'. Signatures on reverse include: R. Moore, J.C.…

Top, the right wing of the Halifax with members of 517 Squadron in uniform, one row standing on the wing, two rows standing beneath the wing, one row seated and one row sitting on the ground.
Bottom, shows two men in sports kit, running across the…

Newspaper cuttings noting that amongst other casualties that Sergeant J D Hudson is missing. Also noted 'Blenheim crash landed Cape Bon, navigator Hudson J D, pilot Riddick, known as John but probably Sgt D C B N, air gunner Randall, D W G (known as…

Album page with three clippings, one from from The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post dated Tuesday May 18 1943 showing a number of Lancasters over a city, captioned '617 Lancs'. One summarising the news from around November 1944, including the sinking…

On the front a photograph of the Grand Hotel above the beach with Scarborough in the background. On the reverse he thanks parents for letter and chocolate and other items. Request they send pyjamas. Speaks of weather and upcoming examinations.…

Title 'The Sands, South Bay, Scarborough' In the foreground a beach and sea with boats and people bathing. Behind the beach the ground rises. On the left a large multistory hotel and to the right other buildings. On the reverse, addressed to his…

Writes from Swift Current that he has been very busy but had hitch hiked to Regina on day off and visit to McNelley's. Describes visit to the town with daughter and then took train back. Describes railway station and Canadian trains. Mentions final…


Cannot understand why they have received so few letters from him and lists those he has sent. Continues that he has finished final examinations and describes navigation exam. States that they other exams and in particular theory of flight for which…

Written from Swift Current. Writes that snow has prevented flying and they have little to do as examinations are over but some people have failed them. Mentions that the C.G.I relented on the resit of the engines examination. Discusses future course…

Written from Swift Current and states he has passed examinations and gives scores. Writes that he is pleased to be going Medicine Hat on twins along with most of his room mates. States when he is moving and but before that they are redeploying…

Writes from Medicine Hat thanking them for letters and asking them to continue writing; he is unable to reciprocate due to work load. Started flying Harvard and does not think it is worth waiting for next course on Oxford. Writes about flying,…

Writes from Medicine Hat that he is having his first Sunday morning off. Writes of flying schedule, early starts, poor weather and lack of winter flying kit but this has now been issued. Tells of Christmas excursion by train to Calgary and activities…

Writes from Medicine Hat comparing Harvard and Oxford aircraft. Mentions that they are starting night flying and writes about navigation and cross country training generally. Talks of ground examinations and concludes with mention of bonus from…

Writes from Medicine Hat complaining of lack of mail. Talks about lack of rationing in Canada apart from sugar. Writes of inspector general's visit and that his course will get their wings on Friday 13th. Mentions old friend and talks of ground…

Writes from Medicine Hat with only four days to go. Still has some flying required to reach his 90 hours and weather has been poor. Outbreak of scarlet fever might delay departure. Still has C.F.I test to go and has found out he has been recommended…

Writes from ITW in Scarborough that he arrived there safely. Says he has got through navigation exam and they are going to Canada or America and not Rhodesia. Writes about packing kit and going to the beach. Continues with talk of mail and that kit…


Writes that he has now moved to Winslow, Cheshire and about his journey and activities after arrival. There is little to do and passes available for Manchester and surrounding towns. Mentions meeting and old friend and more on activities as well as…

Writes from Swift Current that they still have not started flying. They have been issued with text books on flying and are doing lots of sports. Mentions the weather and the time his latest letter took to get from England. States that they will get…

Written from Medicine Hat and relates previous adventures while attempting a cross country flight in formation to Bowden, Alberta via Medicine Hat. Explains that he ran out of fuel and force landed near Medicine Hat and that many others suffered the…

Written from Medicine Hat announcing the course had finished and listing his ground examination results. Says that he has completed night flying but still has to do flight commander, C.F.I and final link trainer test. Writes that he passed his final…

Newspaper account of parents' receipt of Hedley Madgett's Distinguished Flying Medal who was now presumed to have lost his life during low level attack on Peenemunde on 17/18 August 1943. Describes citation including attack on Oberhausen where…
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