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  • Contributor is exactly "Claire Campbell"

Frank Wilcox was born in Wales and worked in aircraft manufacturing. He was later called up and served in the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. He was taken prisoner at Anzio and became a prisoner of war. When he was released and returned to the UK,…

The interview begins with some details of Fred’s life before being called up for service, including that his brother became a prisoner of the Japanese captured Hong Kong. Fred joined the Boy Scouts aged 11 years, and then the Air Training Corp…

Covers Eric's time training in Australia and his time in Britain with 627 Squadron flying Mosquito from RAF Woodhall Spa. He discusses the attack on Oslo on New Years Eve 1944. He flew a total of 45 operations, all with the same pilot, John Herriman.

Anthony Edward Mason grew up in the area around RAF Waddington and recalls some of the activity there during the war. He was seven when the Second world War commenced. He remembers the aircraft taking off at night and coming in to land in the…

Les joined the RAF in 1938 and was posted to RAF Eastchurch to learn his trade as an armourer. Once qualified he worked with the Fairey Battle and Bristol Beaufort, among others. After the he worked with Meteors, Hawker Hunters and the V-force. He…

Dennis Brader worked at the site of RAF Wickenby where he did ground maintenance.

Denis was twelve at the commencement of the Second Word War. He does not recall any air raid drills while at school. Denis had a variety of occupations after…

Anne Blood served as a WAAF at RAF Kirton in Lindsey and in Europe post war.

Mary was based at 12 Group RAF Kirton in Lindsey where she was a permanent staff the end of 1942. She was ‘a junior NCO in charge of the airmen’s Mess. Running…

Ken Neve (b.1925) served as a runner with the Home Guard before joining the Fleet Air Arm. He was posted to RAF Henlow as an engineer.

Ken served as the captain’s runner, under his father who was the captain, before the outbreak of the Second…

Leading Aircraftsman Richard Moore served as ground crew at RAF Locking, RAF Squires Gate and RAF Wickenby. He joined up at age eighteen and completed his basic training in Linconshire. He worked on the several types of aircraft. He was able to…

Leading aircraftsman George William Taplin, (b. 1922, 1650535 Royal Air Force), joined the RAF in 1940, and trained as an armourer. He served with 349 Belgian Squadron, 88, 342 and 226 Squadrons of the Free French Air Force. George was demobbed in…

SHarriganD[Ser#-DoB]v110002 BellGA.mp3
George Arthur Bell, (b. 1925), grew up in Lincolnshire. He was called up to the Army and was posted to India and Burma. George was demobed in 1946.

George lived around Boston a the beginning of the war. After leaving school he worked with his…

When he later joined the RAF in 1952, he worked in the technical stores.

Bernard can remember seeing much of the bomber action with the aircraft almost turning the sky black as they all left to participate in the ops over Occupied Europe.

Interview in two parts.
Part one.
Christopher Francis Allison, (b. 1925, 3007708, Royal Air Force) answers questions from school children about what it was like to fly in a Lancaster. He served as a flight engineer and was demobbed after two years…

Ken Duddell flew operations as a flight engineer with 460, 12 and 103 Squadrons.

Ken joined the RAF in January 1942 and qualified as a flight engineer in July 1943 at RAF St Athans. He passed through a number to RAF Stations before they were…

Peter Scoley was born on a farm which became RAF Metheringham during the war. After the war Peter and his wife were fundamental in creating a museum on the site.

Peter spent most of his life in and around farming near RAF Metheringham, which he…
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