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Men in khaki uniforms attack a stable where three German soldiers are hiding. A German soldier has been hit and is falling onto the ground, while two of the soldiers in khaki have also been hit and are falling down. One German soldiers is firing a…

Four German soldiers have been captured by men in khaki and red uniforms. The Germans have thrown their guns to the ground and hold their arms up in the air in surrender. A large house and water-mill are visible in the background.


Six soldiers have captured three civilians near a high stone wall. One of the civilians has been shot in the face and is falling to the ground. The two remaining civilians have been blindfolded and have guns pointed to their heads. An officer is…

Vehicles with British flags are entering the town while civilians line the streets, waving and throwing flowers. In front of a large building, behind the fountain, the Italian, British and American flags are flying. An aircraft is flying over and two…

People are held back outside the gate of a walled yard as a trolley carrying an unexploded bomb is pulled by five men, four dressed in green and one in a white shirt with the colours of the Italian flag. A young boy has climbed a column just outside…

Members of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea are clearing the rubble and debris of a severely damaged terraced building. Another broken wall is visible on the right of the picture. A woman and a young girl are stopped by one of the men on the…

In a town square, a figure in priest's clothes approaches a partisan who is brandishing a sub-machine gun. Two other figures in uniform are featured on the right hand side. Three Italian flags are visible on a bell tower with a clock.

Label reads…

An enormous explosion is occurring above a built-up area. Buildings are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown into the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “HJROSHIMA E NAGASAKI 5-9 Agosto 1945.…

An enormous fireball is expanding above a built-up area, surrounded by rings of smoke. Building are destroyed and lattice structures have been thrown up in the air.

Inscriptions read “311”; signed by the author; Caption reads “(2)… alla…

While fire is engulfing the town, a mushroom-shaped fire-ball and smoke rise into the sky.

Inscriptions read “312”; signed by the author; caption reads “(3)… Poi sopra la palla di fuoco, apparve una colonna incandescente di colore rosso…

Buildings and people (visible as stick figures at the bottom of the image) are engulfed in flames as a column of fire and smoke rises into the sky.

Inscriptions read “313” signed by the author; caption reads “(4)… Alla fine quella sorta di…

Buildings are engulfed in flames and a mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke and fire starts to expand over the town. Mass devastation is visible.

Inscriptions read “314” signed by the author; caption reads “(5)…E finalmente la sommità si aprì…

A mushroom cloud is prominent in the top of the painting with a smaller cloud lower down on a pillar of flame. Below that is a scene of mass devastation.

Inscriptions read “315” signed by the author; caption reads “(6)… Poi la testa del…

An explosion destroys a check-point killing many soldiers. A machine gun emplacement is visible on the left hand side.

Caption reads “10” and “Novembre 1944. (4) Costretti dal fuoco dei partigiani, a starsene nell’interno della baracca,…

Nino Zanninello has been stopped by two of the soldiers manning a mountain check-point. One of the soldiers is holding onto the right handlebar of a bicycle, whilst another soldier is asking him questions and taking down notes.

Caption reads…

A group of partisans under cover behind rocks in the mountains are firing on a check-point. The figures below have been taken by surprise and are running around holding guns in the air. Two of the four partisans behind the rocks are firing with…

In a mountain landscape, a man disassembles a red bicycle. The frame hangs from a tree. Parts and tools are scattered across the ground.

Caption reads “107” and “Novembre 1944. (1) L’inverno si avvicina a grandi passi e necessitano i…

A Lancaster flies over the explosion of an Upkeep bouncing bomb against a dam. A second aircraft has been hit by anti-aircraft fire and is plunging towards the water, engulfed in flames and smoke. A third Lancaster is visible on the right with a bomb…

On a clear day, a four engined United States Army Air Force aircraft attacks the submarine U-156. Bullets are raining down on the figures on the deck of the submarine. Some of the figures are diving into the water, others are running for cover and…

A line up of seven aircrew in flying gear, standing informally next to a B-24. Four are wearing light coloured trousers; three are wearing standard footwear instead of flying boots; two have no parachute. Marston Mat is visible on the ground. Jim…


Helga Cent-Velden (b. 1926) recounts her life in Berlin, living under constant threat of bombing. She describes how her father tried to locate a suitable air raid shelter for the family and, especially, how he ruled out the Shell House because of a…

Eva Brossmer (b. 1925) remembers the incessant bombing of Berlin by the Allied Forces and explains how she and her mother fled to Südharz, trying to avoid the advancing Russians. She explains how German broadcasts did not mention their advance and…

Lidia Barberis (b. 1934) remembers her early life in Turin and Piedmont, under the constant threat of bombing. She describes her father being taken away by the SS, the daily chores and a precarious trip by horse-drawn cart. She also describes the…

Luciana Cella Guffanti (b. 1932) describes the role played by officers of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea during the bombings of Milan, especially when they had to persuade reluctant people to go to the shelters. She describes an occasion…

Rosanna Giungi (b. 1933) describes how Pippo disrupted daily life in wartime, especially affecting those close to the Modena-Brennero and Modena-Verona railway lines. She reminisces about the sight of Germany-bound trains packed with people…
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