Browse Items (35364 total)

Aerial inclined photograph of the city of Cologne looking north. The river Rhine goes from left to right with one large meander. Three bridges cross the river as to turns back to the right. The furthest bridge is destroyed with the right hand two…

Oblique aerial photograph of city landscape with multistory buildings and roads. The Wuppertal suspension railway follows the course of the Wupper river from lower right. A railway runs from top left in a slight curve to right middle keeping to the…

Oblique aerial photograph of Wuppertal with the suspension railway above and following the course of the river Wupper. The suspension railway runs from bottom left to top right. Above the river is a built up area amongst wooded hillside with open…

Oblique aerial photograph with Mohne Dam in the centre. Beyond is the Mohnesee and the Delecker Bridge crossing left to right with multiple piers. There are forests areas on the left side of the Mohnesee and in the foreground centre. At the bottom…

Oblique aerial photograph showing the southern two thirds of the Mohne Dam at the bottom left. On the near side of the spillway are two houses below a tree line bank. Beyond the dam is part of the Mohnesee surrounded by a mixture of open farmland and…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a large number of railway sidings running from left to right. At the bottom left is a railway turntable with a large number of tracks spreading out towards a large building on the right hand side with part of its…

Aerial inclined photograph showing railway sidings running diagonally from left to right with a large number of interspersed bomb craters. Around the craters in the bottom left quadrant the railway tracks have been twisted and broken. Three lines of…

Aerial inclined photograph showing city landscape in the lower two thirds with open country beyond. In the foreground a square grid of roads surrounded by multistory buildings. Many buildings are damaged or without roofs and a large number have been…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a snow covered city landscape with multistory buildings. A road leads from bottom centre towards the top left with another road joining it leading off towards the top right. In the foreground are a number of…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a factory complex surrounded at the top with multistory town buildings and to the left by gardens/allotments. In the centre a large factory complex with long buildings running diagonally right to left and above them…

Aerial inclined photograph showing snow covered, mostly industrial landscape. In the foreground multistory town buildings with some showing signs of damage. One quarter way up, just left of centre is a church with damaged tower and roof. Beyond this…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a large industrial area with destroyed roofs. Five long industrial buildings orientated diagonally from left down to right with roofs totally destroyed. In the centre at the is a large crater surrounded by buckled…

Aerial inclined photograph showing industrial buildings in a city landscape. At the bottom long factory buildings go from left to right with areas of damaged roofs on the nearside. Above this area another damaged industrial complex is orientated…

Aerial inclined photograph showing a town with almost all buildings damaged or completely destroyed. In the foreground parkland with trees and a few scattered damaged buildings. There are a number of bomb craters visible. In the centre the main part…

Aerial inclined photograph showing open countryside with fields, woods and occasional buildings. In the bottom left is a field containing a large number of gliders gathered and parked close together in a corner at the far end. There are a number of…

Aerial inclined photograph showing snow covered flat open countryside with a few marked field boundaries. In the foreground on the left part of a fenced field with a few boundary trees. In the distance more wooded countryside. Captioned 'Flooded area…

Aerial inclined photograph showing flooded fields with some boundary hedges and isolated buildings in the foreground. In the middle is a village orientated left to right across the scene. At the left end is a church surrounded by houses. In the…

Aerial inclined photograph showing flooded farmland. In the foreground a farmhouse with hedge lined fields/orchards to the right. A flooded road runs from bottom left towards the middle when it bends back towards the top left. Along the road are…

On the left an aerial vertical photograph showing a city with a river running through from left to right with port facilities on both sides. On the far side of the river towards the left is a small indented water basin with a few ships moored.…

Two side by side vertical photographs of Caen Carpiquet Airfield.
On the left a reconnaissance photograph orientated with east at the top. On the left side of the airfield with a single runway 13/31 running from bottom left towards the centre. A…

Aerial inclined photograph showing flat flooded land in the foreground and a coastal town in the distance. On the left side a inlet open into open sea. A river runs from middle right side towards the sea on the left. Beyond the river is a town on a…

On the left an aerial inclined photograph showing a city landscape with many multistory buildings. In the foreground several scattered damaged multistory buildings surrounded by rubble. In the centre buildings are more contiguous and intact but…

On the left an aerial inclined photograph looking north showing a city with a river on the right. In the centre Cologne Cathedral with the railway station just beyond. In the foreground several damaged multistory buildings and areas of rubble. In the…

On the left an aerial inclined photograph showing a wide river flowing right to left through the centre of a city of Cologne, In the centre the Hohenzollern railway bridge with the centre spans collapsed into the river. On the far side the railway…
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