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  • Tags: reconnaissance photograph

Reconnaissance photograph showing a railway line bottom left and an industrial area circled by a road in the centre. There are a number of craters to the right side of the industrial area. On the reverse 'Secret, Con G.412'

An extremely detailed account of the No 51 Squadron briefing for the operation to Essen on 28/29 November 1944 by Henry. It includes all the specialist officers as well as the Station Commander's brief. It also includes Henry's crew, Station and…

A vertical aerial photograph showing rail marshalling yard at Argentan. Road running parallel to railway tracks from lower left to upper right (now D158) with another joining from top left (now D238A). Argentan railway station is visible opposite…

A vertical aerial photograph of Berlin showing heavy bomb damage. The body of water is the Rummelsburger See, with the railway station of Ostkreuz to the left of it at the confluence of railway tracks running from lower left to top right and from…

Reconnaissance photograph showing central Berlin area (Moabit district- north of the Tiergarten ) Spree river curving from bottom left to top then top right with buildings and roads. Left centre is Hansa Platz.

Captioned between pages 51-52 of…

Reconnaissance photograph showing a city with river at the bottom (part of Charlottenburg and Moabit district). Annotated with divisions into numbered areas. Captioned between pages 56-57 of 1956 Memoir '“BERLIN”, after raid in 1944, 1. Machine…

A vertical aerial photograph of bombed buildings. These are two exhibition buildings of the Charlottenburg Fairgrounds adjacent to the Berlin Short Wave Radio transmitter. On the reverse is a typed note dated 18 April 1944 explaining the function of…

Reconnaissance photograph of the short wave radio station at Charlottenburg, Berlin. Small amount of bomb damage is visible, with a few roofless buildings, The radio mast (Funkturm) can be seen by its shadow from its base at the right towards the…

Seven items, Edward's description of the operation, his navigation plot, a map of Berlin. Press clippings captioned 'Vast areas of Berlin are like this' shows an area of about 280 acres showing the large amount of bomb damage. There is another press…

Left and right - side by side reconnaissance photographs showing the centre of the town of Bocholt with river Bocholter Aa flowing top to bottom with two distinctive bow’s to the right towards the top of the photograph. The large road crossing…

A vertical aerial photograph of a severely damaged oil plant at Bohlen. On the reverse 'Synthetic oil plant at Bohlen taken by recce aircraft 20/2/1945'.

Reconnaissance photograph at low level of goods yard with significant bomb damage with craters and destroyed buildings throughout. A drained canal runs top to bottom with large barge aground against quay and another smaller pair tied together at top.…

Four photographs of damage to German cities taken on two of the 'Cooks Tours' flown by no 153 Squadron.

The first has the caption 'T3 SCM 30.5.45//7" HAMM 2,000'. F/LT LANGFORD C.153 and shows Hamm railway marshalling yard with tracks running from…

Reconnaissance photograph of part of a city with damaged buildings.

Reconnaissance photograph of severely bomb damaged synthetic oil plant at Politz. Many bomb craters and destroyed buildings.

Three clippings from The Star, the first reviewing a book written by Constance Babington-Smith, Evidence in Camera describing the work done by the Photographic Interpreters.
The second a cartoon.
The third dated October 17th 1957 is a book review…

Reconnaissance photograph showing the town to the bottom right with port area in the top right quadrant. Many bomb craters can be seen around the port area. On the reverse 'Date 11.7.44, WS, G108, 51:04/5, photo 178'.

Reconnaissance photograph of the port of Boulogne. Numerous craters can be seen on land above the port entrance and around the dock area on the bottom of the image. Captioned 'Boulogne Sur Mer, K2494, scale 1:10,700'. On the reverse 'Date 11.7.44,…

Reconnaissance photograph of a port city with sea to the right and a river running centre right to left. Docks above and below river mouth. Photograph caption '622 W/642. I.P.R.U. 27.5.41. F/20:R↑'. Page caption 'Brest'.

An vertical aerial photograph of Brest docks. Annotated 'S/M Shelters'.

Reconnaissance photograph of a bend in the Waal river at Nijmegen, spanned by two cantilever bridges. The Waalbrug road bridge to the left and the Snelbinder rail bridge to the right. There are docks along river bank and jetties on the opposite side.…

Two side by side vertical photographs of Caen Carpiquet Airfield.
On the left a reconnaissance photograph orientated with east at the top. On the left side of the airfield with a single runway 13/31 running from bottom left towards the centre. A…

Reconnaissance photograph of a small town in an agricultural location. A river is winding through the left hand side of the photograph, and a road runs top to bottom. Between the road and the river is a railway line. Several trains can be seen in a…

Target photograph of an unidentified target, coastline and built-up area. Captioned '3026 D/490.542 SQDN 4 May 43 F/20→'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz in early 1945 showing widespread damage to buildings with large areas completely destroyed. Bomb craters can be seen in several places. A railway marshalling yard is to centre left and the railway lines then…
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