Browse Items (35952 total)

Pages from Jack's diary for 6 June 1940 to 21 June 1940 describing the withdrawal through France and his subsequent evacuation from Jersey by ship. He describes the advancing Germany Army, crowds of refugees, packing and destroying equipment that had…

Head and shoulders photograph of Benjamin Ramsden in uniform with pilot's brevet. It is taken outdoors with trees in the background

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Seven aircrew pose in front of a Lancaster. Standing at the rear are four non commissioned officers. Crouched at the front are Septimus Robinson (far left), an officer pilot and another non commissioned officer aircrew member.

A letter written by the Commodore Superintendent Piers Keane Kekewich to the Admiralty, detailing the various reports on the the Malta Dockyard during the war.


Pilot’s flying log book for Flight Sergeant Herbert Ashton Clark from 7 November 1934 to 26 February 1937. Detailing flying training as a pilot at No 2 Flying Training School and then operational posting to Iraq. Served at RAF Digby, RAF Andover,…

Full length studio portrait of Corporal Kathleen Cross in uniform.

A head and shoulders portrait of Hugh Forth with his pilot's wings. On the reverse 'Wing Commander Hugh Ogilvie Forth. Please return to Ian Forth'.

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A drawing and a photograph both mounted on an album page.
Left: A commemorative sketch of a Lancaster flying above clouds or smoke, with its bomb bay doors open. Below is written: 'SGT BROOME. F/LT WALKER. SGT WARD. 44 SQUADRON TURIN. 4/5.2.43, …

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J Penswick, air gunner, covering the period from 25 October 1942 to 19 May 1945. Detailing his flying training, operation flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Morpeth, RAF North…

Ten servicemen most wearing battledress and side caps and one with overalls sitting on the starboard inner engine of a Lancaster.

Photograph of wedding group, page captioned 'October 4th Ramsey Hants 1944.'

A squadron photograph with them men grouped in two rows in front of a Mosquito.
A second uncropped image is also included. Captioned 'It's January 1944, RAF number 924532, Flight Lieutenant Navigator Ernest John Saunders, later to become DSO, DFC…

Flying log book for Peter Lovatt covering the period from 12 April 1944 to 20 June 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Burnaston (16 EFTS), RAF Barrow/Walney Island (10 AGS), RAF Oulton (223 Squadron).…

Pilots flying log book for J Barnes, covering the period from 10 December 1940 to 6 march 1946 and 24 September 1948 to 2 march 1951. Detailing his flying training, Instructor duties, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was stationed at…

Poland's highest military award. 301 Bomber Squadron Land of Pomerania, Defenders of Warsaw

16 airmen arranged in two rows. They are trainees and are wearing sidecaps with white flashes. They have a sign with 'Class 'K' Course 66 Air Bombers Dafoe - Sask.' On the reverse is written 'November 1942'.

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An airman wearing flying helmet and goggles in the cockpit of a biplane with blind flying hood folded down. On the reverse 'John Turner, Penny and Carols dad'.

Item 1 - A note '"Call Up" to St John's Wood Training at Bridlington & then Yatesbury Wilts'
Item 2 - A head and shoulders photograph of Dennis Bradbury in trainee side cap.
Item 3 - Head and shoulders photographs of four trainees including Dennis…

Fifty one personnel of differing ranks, some in the rear are RAF trainees wearing tunic and white flash side caps, other may be staff or from other air forces (Turkish). Personnel in front are sitting and those behind standing. In the background an…

Text on cover reads 'Letters written by W E Akrill (Billy) (aged 13), to his father, who was in hospital in 1935'. Includes two colour drawings taken from Billy Akrill's letters. Top drawing shows a hill with trees on left side and house on top, a…

Top left - newspaper article 'Americans don't know us say s"goodwill gunner".' Noted that Warrant Officer Arthur Pearce has just returned from goodwill tour of the United States with a view that Americans know nothing about Britain and have no idea…
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