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Patricia Cook was born in Lincoln, one of eight children, during the Second World War. She recalls having to sleep four to a bed and having to share their house with complete strangers. They had the Morrison shelter table in their front room. The…

Geoff grew up in Grimsby and remembers picking a butterfly bomb up and taking it home.

Geoff was born and lived in the same area of Grimsby all his life, at the date of his interview he was 93. The first part of the interview concentrated on his…

Rex was born in Toronto Canada in 1924 and grew up there, at aged 18 in 1942 he joined the RCAF as aircrew. He initially started training as the second member of a Mosquito crew but was later changed to wireless operator/air gunner and having…

Gwendoline Thickett grew up in Rotherham and was a young girl at school when the Second World War began. She was in Sunday School at her local church when the news of the declaration of war was announced. Her parents had already begun to prepare for…

Gino Muratori (b. 1929) recollects three Rimini bombings that occurred in November 1944, one of which was aimed at the Ausa river bridge. Mentions his grandmother losing two relatives when their boarding house was destroyed. Remembers how on 26…

Benito Colonna reminisces about the bombings of Rimini and other wartime experiences. Benito was with his mother when he witnessed the 1 November 1943 bombing: he saw aircraft approaching and bombing the town, concentrating the attack on the railway…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 140-1.jpg
Daniele Nesi claims he helped some English prisoners of war, from September 1943 to 1944, giving them food. He hid them in his hut in the woods.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 237-1.jpg
Dante Del Serra claims he helped fourteen allied prisoners of war, among them giving shelter to Charlie Russel, Ernest Edwards, Frederick Pears, George Wetherspoon, George Restorick, T Hall (2663672), Donald P Tarvis (2661005), Fred Polhill…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 176-1.jpg
Dante Puccianti claims he helped eleven English prisoners of war, from 10 September 1943 to 24 December 1943, bringing them food, and clothes in the woods where they hid. On 24 December they were taken to Monte Morello (Florence), where a Partisan…

Dave informs Betty that he wrote to her on the journey, both from the train and from the boat. He arrived in a thunderstorm and compares similarities between Canada and the towns near home.

Dave has returned to work, following four days' leave for Christmas in Winnipeg. He apologises for writing infrequently. Dave explains that he has saved Betty's Christmas present, until he can give it to her in person. He describes the intense work…

Dave warns his fiancée, Betty, that he had to change station again. The journey was long and tiring. It is located near the town of Assiniboia from which the station takes its name. He concludes with affection for Betty.

Dave confesses that he was waiting for Betty's letters and he was missing her. He talks about weather, flight hours, colleagues and free time.

Dave informs his fiancée, Betty, that he received twelve letters and that he wanted to reply to all of them. He remembers the past and says he went to Assiniboia. Dave reports about his flights and the course. He concludes with words of love for…

Dave is glad to have received news from his fiancée, Betty. He is still waiting for the 20-hours flight test. Dave has sent Betty a birthday present and wishes her well. He concludes with words of love, looking forward to seeing her again.

Dave writes that he received more letters and thanks Betty for sending a newspaper article. He is very busy with exams and has passed a flight test. Dave describes flight exercises and considers the possibility of changing camp after the course. He…

Dave writes about the pleasure in receiving letters from his fiancée, Betty. He begins to number his letters, starting at number 10. Dave tells about the new station, his desire to see new places and the impossibility of taking photographs. He…

Dave relays which letters he has recently received from Betty. He recalls a memory of time spent together; and looks forward to the day he can return home to marry her. Dave writes about the very cold weather and snow. He misses the cohort that he is…

Dave hopes his fiancée, Betty, had a happy birthday and asks if she has received his gift. He tells about the cold weather and snow, but says that the flights continue. Dave lists the films that he has recently watched; and expresses the desire to…

Dave informs Betty that he was unwell, but is now much better and continues with his flights. He hopes to return home soon, but fears he might be ordered to stay in Estevan after the course. Dave relays news that his instructor at Elementary Flying…

Dave advises his fiancée, Betty, that he has received a letter and a parcel. He informs her that he has settled in the new place, but has to work even harder than at Elementary Flying Training School. Dave explains that the course is difficult, but…

Dave has received letters from Betty and is waiting for a parcel. He describes working hard for various exams. Dave has not yet decided where to spend his Christmas holidays. Dave updates Betty on the latest films he has seen; and emphasizes his love…

Dave thanks his fiancée, Betty, for a letter and a photograph. He considers sending Betty a picture of himself. He hopes to have a rest during the Christmas holidays. Dave plans to send a parcel of items to Betty and describes a small financial…

Dave tells Betty he receives letters more often now. He then writes about the weather and comments that he will have his final exams in one month. Dave updates Betty on the last movies he saw; and on the people she knows who are also attending the…

Dave tells his fiancée, Betty, that he now receives her letters more often. He expresses homesickness and the desire to be with her, looking forward to finish the course. Dave says he saw some local Indians. The letter closes with words of love.
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