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He has moved to Blackpool from Manchester. He complains about prices and how mean his landlady is. Jean is about to become a WAAF. He has been to a dance at the Winter Gardens.

Writes that he had spent time in Louisiana and that it was a long time since he had written in longhand. Comments on weather and says he buys every Vera Lynn record. Writes about shows he has seen. Continues with long rambling passage on thoughts and…

Starts with birth and childhood and description of living conditions. Discontinuous pages follow. Description of training instruction. Next page describes invitation and participation to American celebration. Mentions hangers with B-17s and Glen…

Commences with call up and journey to Innsworth camp. Describes accommodation, activities and compatriots in detail. Continues with very detailed description of training and activities at Compton Bassett. After a farewell concert was posted to Bawtry…

Six verse poem about a visit of WAAFs to an American celebration which involved Glen Miller band.

He thanks her for her letter and parcel. He and his friend went into York to watch a film. They have refurnished their hut with items borrowed from other huts.

Nine verse poem about WAAFs attending a WRENs party who outshine the navy ladies with the sailors. Comments on their revenge.

Eight verse poem describing a station dance.

Multi-line poem describing a station dance.

Multi-line poem describing a WAAF social visit, by invitation, to an American unit where they were entertained by the Glen Miller' orchestra.

Chat about show business shows and films. Other gossip and banter.

Programme with list of ground equipment, aircraft park and flying programme. Date 15 September 1945.

Invitation to birthday party and dance with details of events.

Writes of music and plays he had listened to on the radio. Continues about shows he will or had seen, including many British films. Mentions Italian film industry and winning a bet on a horse. Mentions activities and asked if she had received the…

Acknowledges receipt of her letter. Writes about her kind nature. Continues with description of his activities with his newspaper. Mentions he had tickets to the world series baseball and describes what baseball is about. Continues with news about…

Writes of listening to a music radio program. Continues with description of his job and work on army newspaper. Continues with news of show business. mentions news from England. Writes of his continued attempts to sort out paperwork for her to come…

The drawing has a map with a group of senior officers. One of them is using a pointer saying 'Here's Betty's Bar'. The heading is Betty's Bar York.
Captioned 'Cartoon in The Tatler November 1944.'

Jack is spending Christmas with his cousin near New York. He has been to a few films and shows. He has been promoted to Pilot Officer.

Bob Burns trained as a navigator and was posted to 106 Squadron at RAF Metheringham. His aircraft came under attack from a night fighter and the centrifugal force pinned the crew down and making an escape impossible.
Suddenly the aircraft broke in…

Invitation form CMC sergeants mess RAF Shallufa, and ticket to dance at the Maltese club Suez.

Two airmen with uniform shirt sleeves rolled up sitting across from each other round a small table, playing cards inside a tent.

Large two story building in town with square in front. Car and motor bike parked in front and people walking in street. Sign over door 'Garrison Theatre'. On the reverse 'Foggia'.

Two airmen, one standing, the other sitting in a large room with palms in pots and scattered arm chairs. Sign for restaurant and toilets. On the reverse 'EFI Foggia'.

Two photographs of the same event. A large group of men in uniform and women, some WAAFs but mostly civilian. On the reverse 'Rhodesian Dance, Assembly Rooms Lincoln'.

Outline street map with number locations.
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