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  • Tags: bombing

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a city showing damaged multi-storey buildings. Captioned 'Hamburg'.
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of a city showing damaged multi-storey buildings at the bottom. Both submitted with description 'Oblique…

On the left an aerial inclined photograph of a river with city on the far bank. At the bottom two waterways divided by a split of land lead up to a river which runs left to right. There are long low buildings on the spit of land. On the far bank to…

Photograph one is a low level oblique aerial view of Hamburg. The urban industrial and residential areas have considerable visible bomb and fire damage.
Photograph two is a Brownie Box camera view of Hamburg.
Photograph three is a low level oblique…

A newspaper article about another attack on Hamburg. It is annotated 'No 6 2/3 8/43'.

Oblique aerial photograph of Hamburg docks showing a destroyed port area with almost all buildings and facilities damaged. The spire of St Michels church is to left of centre and that of St Nikolai is to the right. In front of these, the large…

Top - Title note Hamburg 1944 relates 431 squadron lost 48 aircraft between July 1943 and October 1944. Mentions that 5 aircraft were lost out of 17 dispatched to Hamburg om 29 July 1944.
Below - document listing all aircraft lost on squadron with…

Left - extract from "Raider" by Allen Jones [sic]. Extract from book gives account of Ned Sparkes aircraft during operation including description of attack by Junker 188 which hit a fuel tank which exploded and subsequent spin, regain control and…

Photo 1 and 2 are bombed buildings, annotated 'More rubble on the outskirts'.
Photo 3 is of buildings at the side of the river.
Photo 4 is the Sergeants' Mess & house in the background.
Photo 5 is prefab houses annotated 'The houses Hitler…

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Vertical aerial photograph of part of Hamburg showing bomb damage. Two large buildings and some smaller ones remain standing while most have been either destroyed completely or gutted. The upper, right area appears to be residential, though few…

Photo 1 is a bomb damaged view with a launch in the foreground, annotated 'The Old city from launch'.
Photo 2 is the dockyard with cranes , annotated 'Sunken shipping dock area'.
Photo 3 is a bridge with the city behind, annotated 'Hamburg from…

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An article about another attack on Hamburg. It is annotated 'No 6 2/3 8/43

Damage to the marshalling yards at Hamm showing a track twisted in the air.


Navigational computation for an operation to Hamm. Also included is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing operation.

Aerial inclined photograph showing city landscape in the lower two thirds with open country beyond. In the foreground a square grid of roads surrounded by multistory buildings. Many buildings are damaged or without roofs and a large number have been…

Photograph one is an oblique aerial photograph of Hamm, showing extensive damage and bomb craters throughout.
Photograph two is a vertical aerial photograph of Brest naval base and ports, with numbered annotation.

In the foreground is the destroyed Südbrücke Hamm railway bridge with four spans over the Rhine. The Düsseldorf suburb of Hamm is partially visible. The Südbrücke is in the distance, also destroyed.

Identification kindly provide by Mariano…

Top left - view down town street with rubble and destroyed buildings.
Top right - view across piles of building rubble with some destroyed structure standing.
Bottom left - destroyed shop with sign 'F W Woolworth', rubble inside and no…


Top - air-to-air photograph of two Hampdens in formation. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of two 106 Sqn Hampdens - ZN-K and ZN-F'.
Bottom - three Lancaster parked on dispersal with another two visible in the distance. Submitted with…

Photograph of railway yard, captioned 'Hanau Rail Center and Town, K3741 Dist 91C+', includes directional arrow. Bottom right caption: 2932. Top caption: '3042 106G.4272.14.FEB.45 F/36"//540 SQDN←'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hangelar (Bonn) airfield taken during a bombing operation. The image is orientated with south-east at the top edge. A large, bright glare obscures most of the ground detail but the River Seig is visible, meandering…

Mrs Hannah, K's account of the events at Wildemannsgasse 19 (“Pinne”).

Multiple explosions/fires in the Sudstadt district of Hannover and a Lancaster silhouetted well below bottom left.

Vertical aerial photograph of Hannover. The image is largely clear with only one flare in the top left. Street patterns and buildings are clearly visible. Captioned ‘2. J (Z6) 12 NT 26-27/1/42 F/8” [arrow] TX’
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