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  • Tags: Halifax

Fifty-six personnel in four rows in front of a four engine bomber. All personnel are wearing tunic and side caps apart from two officers in the back row. Officer in the centre of rear row has pilot's brevet and man on his right a half brevet.

An airman in flying kit standing at the front of his aircraft. A ground crew airman is working behind him. On the reverse 'George with Halifax'.

Seven airmen standing with their hands in their pockets in front of a Halifax. A member of the ground crew is behind.

A flying log book created for Kluva, temporary sergeant and assistant wireless operator, flight engineer and navigator, covering the period from 8 December 1942 to 20 June 1944. He was stationed at RAF Middleton St George and RAF Graveley. Aircraft…

An extract from a database with thumbnail photographs of Halifaxes from 35 Squadron. There are 15 records.

Five airmen squatting at the side of a Halifax.

Gerry Philbin's talents in hockey whilst serving in the RCAF are described. He then transferred to the UK to fly Halifaxes. During an operation they were shot down and only he and Sergeant Millard survived. He was captured but escaped with the help…

A port side view of a Halifax, SE-R, on the ground. At the top is a caption 'S3.2 19900192-051-6'

A port side view of a Halifax, SE-H, on the ground. At the top is a reference 'S3.R 19900192-051#1'

14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Halifax. On the nose is a X Terminator cartoon and crosses for 49 operations.

The front of a Halifax with its engines running. Behind are two more Halifaxes.


A port side view of a Halifax 'SE-U' taking off. At the side are five airmen and two women watching it leave.
A second image shows the same group with the two women waving.

A port side view of a Halifax, SE-R, taking off.

Sergeant Ted Lewis holding the barrel of a mid under gun under an aircraft.

A copy of a photograph of seven airmen at the tail of their Halifax III, ZL-K. Each airmen and their role is identified on the caption.
A second image is a better quality photograph of the seven airmen in a row,
Two of the men have POW added to…

Ten airmen in two rows in front of a Halifax. The front row is holding a flag made from ladies bloomers. The Halifax has 45 operations marked on, a woman and 'She too knows how!'

14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Halifax. On the nose of the Halifax is a cartoon with the name 'X Terminator'. 49 operations are marked.

Three ground crew are sitting on the nose of a Halifax. Painted on is 'The A Train' and a cartoon tiger in front of a maple leaf. 13 operations are marked with painted bombs.

Three Halifaxes on the ground, two with their engines running.


A port side view of a flying, silhouetted Halifax.


A starboard side view of a Halifax, BB324, 'ZA-X' taken from slightly above. The two starboard engines are stopped.

Nine airmen with their backs to the camera, walking to a Halifax. They are kitted up for flying with parachute harnesses and parachutes. On the cockpit is a member of the ground crew.

A Halifax taxying past an airman in a flying jacket. He is giving the crew a thumbs up.

Seven airmen grouped at the tail of a Halifax. Two are wearing lifejackets. The image is very blurred.

Two images of mines being loaded. In the first image one mine is in position on the rack and a second is on the trolley about to be winched up. An annotation reads 'Mines'.
In the second image a mine is on a trolley. Chalked on the mine is the…
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