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  • Tags: RAF Halton

Brief but detailed notes of John Alfred Wright's life and Royal Air Force service, places he lived and the dates, stations that he served at, ranks held, medals awarded.

Joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long association with 57 Squadron then flying Blenheims as part of British Expeditionary Force in France followed by…

Top left first page - three-quarter length portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap. Text notes that he joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long…

Formal course photograph of Jacks entry, 17 apprentices in three rows, rifles with fixed bayonets, brick built building in background. The reverse captioned 'Centre front row, R.A.F. Halton 38th entry, Early 1940'.

Conveys congratulations on good news. Continues with good natured banter about winning such an honour.


Congratulations from squadron and award of Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.

He writes thanking her for her letter and invitation to visit and that he is delighted she has received news from Bob and that he is well. He hopes he will be one of the first to meet him when he gets back. He mentions that he is going to R.A.F.…


Two photographs of Halton Camp.
The first is of Groves Barracks, the second is the Officer's Mess, North Side.

From information provided by the donor. Three photographs of Peter Baxter's time at RAF Halton.
First is of the three story brick accommodation blocks arranged around a square with some apprentices running, caption '10 times round the square'.

Bill in uniform standing outside a brick building. Information supplied with the collection states '1929-30 A.C.1 (RAF Halton)'.

Ten trainees at RAF Halton standing beside brick buildings. Information supplied with the collection states '1929-30 RAF Halton (centre)'.

16 members of a rugby team. Underneath each man is named. Bill is second from the right in the second row. Information supplied with the collection states '1929-30 RAF Halton Rugby'.

A rugby team of 15, a pilot officer and a civilian arranged in three rows. Bill is back row, second from right. Information supplied with the collection states '1930 Rugby XV RAF Halton (2nd from right, standing)'.

Bill is standing in his uniform. Information supplied with the collection states '1931 LAC (RAF Halton)'.

Nine airmen wearing dust coats over uniform in a workshop gathered round aircraft engines. On the wall behind blackboards with 'Pegasus' printed on them.
On the reverse '98 Entry B Class Halton 7.5.43' and 12 signatures.

A list of the entry for E & W School No 21 at Halton. There are a total of 81 names and service numbers with their fate. Many died in service but others survived the war.
On the third page is a hand written comment.

A large group photo of airmen arranged in six rows. Information supplied with the collection states B Yeandle is back row, 7th from left.

Bertram kneeling with a dog.

Three photographs, the first is of an aircraft being lifted onto or off its tail dolly used to tow steer the aircraft when being moved on the ground, captioned 'Gloster Gamecock 1928'.
Second is of a biplane flying over open country, captioned…
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