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12 photographs from an album.
#1 a group of trainees arranged in four rows, captioned ' 'C' flight ISQD 13 ITW Torquay (1943)'
#2 is a head and shoulders portrait of Robert Wilfred Hawkes with a trainees cap.
#3 is three trainee airmen standing…

Six photographs on an album page.
#1. Four men seated at a table in a Nissen hut. Bedding, washing and other paraphernalia of living can be seen. It is captioned: 'STURGATE '45'
#2. Six airmen in uniform, seated on bicycles with their arms around…

RAF Form 543 with brief details of Norman's service in the RAF.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A letter referring to the night of the crash and George's subsequent escape via Switzerland. He was caught while trying to get to Spain and sent to Paris. After the war he worked for the post office in Calgary.

Norman and his aunt standing outside her house. He is wearing his trainee's cap. On the reverse 'Reading (out for the day to see Auntie) 1941'.

A head and shoulders portrait of Norman with a trainee flash in his cap.

RAF Form 543 recording brief details of Ivor's service record.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is a group of 13 air gunners. Each man is named on the photograph and it is captioned '46 course A/Gs'. Behind is a riveted steel structure.
#2 is seven men comprising five airmen and two civilians. They are…

Two group photographs of trainees.
#1 is a large group arranged in eight rows.
#2 is a group of 15 trainees arranged in three rows.

Aircrew cadets printed lecture note folder. Covers and preface page - with syllabus.

Part of RAF Air Ministry pamphlet detailing qualifications; selection for training as pilot; selection for advancement to commission; pay during training; remustering, promotion and pay; war pay; dependents allowance; voluntary allotments; and war…

Course photograph of a large group of airmen wearing flying suits sitting and standing in four rows. A officer wearing tunic and peaked cap and a corporal with side cap sit centre of front row. In the background trees.

Course photograph of a large group of airmen wearing tunics and side caps sitting and standing in four rows, Two officers sit in centre of front row. Names are captioned below and James Doughty is sitting front row first on the right.

Course photograph of a large group of airmen wearing tunics and side caps sitting and standing in five rows. In the background trees and building. James Doughty is sitting front row 4th from the right. Additional information concerning this item was…

Writes that they now have a radio in their hut property of one of a Canadian crew that had moved in. Also he had some Canadian cake that had more fruit in a square inch that an English bakery. Continues about other food. Mentions that he had been air…

Mentions that he had not done any flying yet and that he had three weeks left to do on his course. At the end he would return to previous base or be promoted to sergeant. Writes that he had had a smashing time the previous week with excellent…

Hopes that he would be home in three weeks and that he had only another three subjects to go. Mentions going to airfield to run up a Blenheim's engines.

Describes camp and comments that he had only been outside once to the local town Barry. Writes of his afternoon out in Barry and describe daily evening routine of fatigues or swotting. Mentions weekly exams and grading system and how well he had…

Writes of jumping into the sea and relates his and a colleagues experiences, including being watched by holiday makers. Concludes with a little gossip and a sketch of a sergeant pushing a man into the sea.

Writes that he had recently attended aircrew selection board and medical and was now back in the RAF. Comments on his exam results and some of the tests that he had to take. Writes that he was finishing his civilian job and speculates on future…

Writes of some of his activities and the antics of his companions during initial training.

Says he was enclosing note paper for her. Ask her opinion on his photograph tinting. Writes of upcoming board and leave, Says he was off to tea in the NAAFI.

Thanks her for letter and parcel. Writes he was on the last lap of training and now on the Halifax Mk 3. Sates letter short as he need to study engines he had not done before.

Writes he has not much news. Comments on daily activities. Asks her to let him know what she thinks of the dog and is annoyed it was chosen without them being there.

Writes that had not replied to her letter but it had only just arrived (envelope enclosed showing address changes chasing him around). Comments on his training activities which include swimming and dinghy drill.
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