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Transcript of F Dunn's memoir describing life before and after joining the RAF. Includes induction and starting off in the RAF in England and then sea voyage to South Africa and then initial training in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Describes time at Hillside ITW camp, Bulawayo. Having to wait before starting aircrew training. Includes letter to sister and brother describing a typical day in camp. Describes local area and inhabitants as well as training activities, drill,…

Starts after arrival at Durban in South Africa. Describes time in Clairwood "rest camp", visiting Durban and Christmas and New Year celebrations. Long description of activities in Durban. Discusses South Africa and describes train journey to South…

Autographical account of life at the beginning of the war including service in ARP in Swindon. Reasons for volunteering for the RAF. Registered for military service in February 1941. Waiting for call-up. Induction at St John's Wood London and…

He thanks her for her letter. He has been having a wizard time exploring.


He discusses her letters. He has been exploring nearby towns. The weather has not been warm.

He is still waiting but is working in the camp post office. He has been on parade in Moncton and walking in the countryside.

He has been trying, without success, to buy elastic for Jean. They went to a resort but didn't swim because there were too many icebergs. Summer and mosquitoes are coming.


He is not happy that he is still at Moncton. He hitch hiked to St Johns. The camp has now raised $60000 for the Fourth War Loan. There have been bands, variety shows and boxing matches.

A group of airmen wearing tunics and side caps standing in line with grounded rifles. Other figures in the background as well as a wall, trees and a building. On the reverse 'The bull-shit boys going on guard in the dusk. Jenkins is on the right'.

Three-quarter length portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap seated on a bench.

They have raised $20000 for the War Loan Victory effort with dances, boxing matches, films and variety shows. They marched through Moncton. He talks about his impressions of Canada.

He had a 48 hour leave and went to St John. They had a good meal at a restaurant then were invited, the next day, to a Canadian family's house. Then they had an evening with a different family. He still has no news of the training course.

Mail has been erratic. Jean has been gardening encouraging flippant comments from Jack. He is still at Moncton awaiting transfer but does not know when that will happen. He has been walking and attending dances. He complains that Canadian girls are…

He has received eight letters from England. He comments on Jean losing her wisdom teeth. Their friend Basil has lost his girlfriend. One of the wooden huts caught fire and caused much excitement. It has been snowing.

Jean's mother has the flu so he hopes her father will not have to suffer her cooking. He has been getting classes on navigation, signals and armaments. He has been to another dance. There have been lots of films to watch in the camp.

He complains that because he is not replying to her letters due to the time it takes so he is unable to send her rude comments. He asks about friends in England. He still has had no news on his training course. He is learning to play bridge. His…


He has been out for walks in the woods. His camera is not good and he is talking about buying something better. He has had no news about his course.

He says he can be as rude as he likes because he is 4000 miles away. The weather is getting warmer but he expects to be there for another two weeks. He has been to a dance which he enjoyed.

He is waiting to start his training but he is not sure when or where. Local and camp food is good. He says the beer is awful and weak. Shopping is good and he asks Jean if she needs anything. They have two cinemas with frequent change of current…

Group of fourteen airmen wearing tunics and side caps. One sitting in front, three kneeling and ten standing in two rows. On the reverse '9 West-End road billets - left to right, Inglis - Penicuik, Reid - Cardenden, Hay - Glasgow, White - Hawick,…

He thanks her for her letters. He is back in Manchester and he is not amused. Jean has joined a choral society and he makes flippant comments about her singing.

Alan was born in Parramatta, Sydney, in Australia. After going to the Middle East with the army, he returned to Australia, when Japan entered the war, and transferred to the RAF in November 1942.
Alan was posted to Bradfield Park for training and…

Starts with birth and childhood and description of living conditions. Discontinuous pages follow. Description of training instruction. Next page describes invitation and participation to American celebration. Mentions hangers with B-17s and Glen…

Commences with call up and journey to Innsworth camp. Describes accommodation, activities and compatriots in detail. Continues with very detailed description of training and activities at Compton Bassett. After a farewell concert was posted to Bawtry…
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