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  • Tags: aerial photograph

A low level oblique image of the damaged bridges at Cologne. The railway station and all the surrounding buildings except the Cathedral are destroyed.

Five photographs on an album page.

Photo 1 and 5 are views under the aircraft. Photo 1 is captioned 'Bomb bay view 4000' .
Photo 2 is K Watson in flying helmet and oxygen mask, captioned 'Self portrait ?!!'.
Photo 3 is a vertical photo…

Four photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a Harvard parked on the snow with its engine running, captioned 'Off to Work'. Photo 2 and 3 are oblique aerial photographs centred on Victoria Park in Regina, captioned 'I wonder why they built it. Photo 4…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Alan Farrar in flying kit, standing in front of a Tiger Moth.
Photo 2 is Leo Harris in flying kit, standing in front of a Tiger Moth.
Photo 3 is an aerial photgraph of several Tiger Moths parked on a…

Six photographs from an album.
Photos 1, 2, 3 and 4 are head shots of Terry Ford flying, wearing a helmet and goggles.
Photo 5 is five airmen arranged around a table, captioned 'Crew Room'.
Photo 6 is an aerial photograp of a town viewed through…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an aerial view of a small village captioned 'Eden'.
Photo 2 is a snowy landscape with two huts, captioned 'Officers Mess'.
Photo 3 is a snowy view seen through a biplanes wings.
Photo 4 is a street scene…

An oblique aerial photograph of the Taj Mahal taken from an Avro York.

Two vertical aerial photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is bombing of the centre of Le Havre.
Photo 2 is taken on the next day and German Army positions on the outskirts were attacked.

Two vertical aerial photographs from an album. Photo 1 is of Flushing where a dyke was breached. Some flooding is visible according to the caption. Photo 2 is of Bonn showing in the city in great detail at the start of the attack. it is annotated…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for W H Shaw, wireless operator, covering the period from 26 November 1943 to 16 February 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 37 Squadron, 168…

Two vertical aerial photographs of Duisberg. Two operations in 24 hours to the same location. The caption comments on the large number of ' "scarecrows" sent up by the Hun'.
Photo 1 is a daylight image with all the details obscured by explosions…

Oblique aerial photograph of a hangar with buildings attached and tower behind. In the distance behind houses. On the reverse 'A. V. Roe & Co Ltd, Experimental Station, Hamble, 1917 - 28, Crescent Studios, Fareham Hants, Neg No 21103 [...] 4,…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an air-to-air photograph of an aircraft exploding after a direct hit.
Photo 2 is an air-to-air photograph of burning pieces of an aircraft after a direct hit.
Photo 3 is a vertical aerial photograph of…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a target photograph of a night attack on Koblenz. All detail is obscured by target indicators and incendiaries.
Photo 2 is Terry's flight engineer seen from the bomb aimer's position.
Photo 3 is a…

Four photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a target photograph of Emmerich. The river Rhine is visible but no ground detail. Photo 2 and 3 are Terry and Eddy at the controls on the way home from the Emmerich operation. Photo 4 is six airmen and a…

Two target photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Westkapelle dyke which was bombed to flood Walchern Island, which was below sea level.
Photo 2 is a night attack on Dortmund, most of the image obscured by anti-aircraft fire and target indicators.

Two vertical aerial photographs from an album.
Photograph one, Frankfurt at night, is indecipherable. Captioned 'a brilliant spectacle of searchlights, flak sparks and puffs, glowing incendiaries and target indicators'.
Photograph two is taken…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a view during take off from the bomb aimer's station.
Photo 2 is air gunner Paddy Glover in his mid-upper turret.
Photo 3 is wireless operator George Tredinnick looking out of the astro-dome.
Photo 4 is…

Urban area, smoke and dust in centre of picture. Captioned '6195 PCK 25-3-45//8" 16200' 020T 10.01 OSNABRUCK. Q. 1HC2000IN 11X15CP. C 27secs F/O McVICAR X/102

Five cuttings from newspapers. Item 1 refers to an attack on Northern France on 31 August 1944 (annotation). Item 2 is a comment from Sir Arthur Harris praising the accurate bombing of the German garrison at Le Havre, September 1944. Item 3 is a…

Coastline, bomb explosions and dust visible on land, only caption visible is E 102. From donor information 'After bombing run Heligoland'.

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is three or four aircraft turning to port after bombing Dortmund. Aircraft shadows confuse the numbers involved.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of the marshalling yards at Nordfalk, Cologne.

A vertical aerial photograph of Cologne during a daytime operation. Very little detail of the ground is visible. There are some bomb explosions. Annotated '2377 MEP 27.11.44//8” 19,500. 125[degrees] 1505 COLOGNE QI IHC 4000 IN…

A vertical aerial photograph of Homberg during a daytime operation. The ground detail is not clear and there are several bomb explosions and some smoke in the centre. Annotated '2329 MEP 21.11.44//8” 20,000. 80[degrees] 1509 HOMBERG Z IHC 4000 IN…

A vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz during a night operation. The centre of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. No detail is visible on the ground. Annotated '2225 MEP 6/7.11.44/NT(C)8” 19,000. 127[degrees] 1931 KOBLENZ Z.Q IHC 4000 IN…
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