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  • Tags: animal

Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. He writes that he is hoping to buy a puppy and Mrs. Pelly held a party which was a great success. Has been invited to his friend…

Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. The weather is getting colder, but goes out horse riding and a visit to the pictures. New rector at the school, Mr Goddard, previously…

Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. Informs that he has bought his mother perfume for her birthday. Travelled by train to Ghoon and weather is better there. No more horse…


Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Joseph’s College, Naini Tal. Starts with a conversation about the high rainfall for the year, then discusses having been in trouble with the police, regarding an…

Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Joseph’s College, Naini Tal. David writes that his younger brother and he have just returned from the annual camp, having won ten cups for sporting activities. He…

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Letter from David Boldy to his father about losing his father’s dog, Prince; applying to the Royal Air Force; and leaving the farm to move back to London as war looks inevitable. He comments that the city is calm and will send some photos of…

Writes about the farm, hatching eggs and the garden, detailing the flowers. Includes illustrations of plants, hatching eggs, animals and people.


Lists recently sold calves, prices and the names of their new owners. Comments on the sales process and about taking the pigs to market, includes amounts made from their sale also. Includes drawings of the cow auction and market.

Writes about farm animals and a recent visit to the college. Illustrated with pictures of animals and people. The last page is a coloured, comic strip style drawing about chickens on the farm.

Writes of the weather, a visit to Fillingham Castle, acquaintances, new kittens, geese laying and family members. Includes a number of drawings of people, places and animals.

A leopard tied with a rope to a post. It is being watched by several men, civilian and military.
A second photo shows the leopard from a different angle.

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A group of airmen wearing battledress or tunics with side or peaked caps, sitting and standing in four rows in front of a Wellington. The squadron's mascot dog, Ciapek, is standing on top of front turret. Submitted with caption '305 Sq at Ingham…

Cartoon of a landed Tiger Moth with pilots standing to the side, surrounded by kittens with the caption; “Don’t ever land like that again Sutton!!” Submitted with caption; “Comical”.

Aircrew and ground personnel sitting on loaded bomb trolleys infront of the Lanacster Mike Squared. Group Captain Sheene on a stepladder is painting a bomb symbol on the nose of the aircraft. Captioned '"Mike Twice" after 138 trips. C/V Sheene on…

Top page - title caption 'RAF Aston Down (Gloucestershire) Air Ministry Film Unit'.
Top - four aircrew all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line with a dog in front, all in front of a Lancaster. In the distant background other aircraft…

Top - view across water with trees on far side.
Bottom left - view across water with tree lined bank on far side.
Right - horses pulling logs with men attending. Many logs on the ground and water on right with trees in the background.


Blurred image of a small kitten.


Rear view of a kitten playing with string.


King George VI and Queen Elizabeth wearing civilian clothes in an open horse drawn carriage. In the background trees,

Open parkland with sheep grazing. Tree on left and trees in the background. Captioned 'Kensington Gardens'.


Two photographs, one captioned 'Vic & Bill with "The Grog" taken when on leave', shows two individuals, one in uniform, holding three beer bottles standing outside a public house front door. The second captioned ' Some of the boys on their way to…


Seven photograph montage of Ken Hicks at various ages and in various situations. Top left as a schoolboy captioned 'Kenny'. Bottom left in a family group. Top centre in a school class. Centre a comtemporary photograph in colour of Ken Hicks wearing…


Three album pages, 48 small b/w photographs recording Keith Thompson's leave at Grange's Farm, Old, Alberta in March 1942. Shows Mr and Mrs Grange their family, and farming life including farm machinery and buildings, dogs, horses and sheep.


Jose and Buster standing in a park. Jose is in her WAAF uniform. On the reverse is handwritten 'Mr Mather 3917 [indecipherable]
Aunt Florries address
46 Pereira Rd

On the left a man in jacket squatting down with dog in front. In the centre a woman with glasses holding a young baby. On the right a man in jacket and tie. In the background a bicycle leaning against the wall of a shed with open door. On the reverse…


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