Letter from David Boldy to his father
Letter from David Boldy to his father
Letter from David Boldy to his father with general conversation about attending St. Paul’s School in Darjeeling. Informs that he has bought his mother perfume for her birthday. Travelled by train to Ghoon and weather is better there. No more horse riding allowed, as a boy was caught galloping. Visited the library to read instead. Other activities include playing bridge and going to the pictures.
Temporal Coverage
Two page handwriten letter
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27.11.33 1933.
My darling Daddy.
Thanks for the letter & Rs 5. We bought Mummy’s present before the Rs 5 came, out of some Money we had saved. We bought a bottle of scent in a box shaped like a shoe. Mummy say the scent is good stuff. We saw Sylvia off on Thursday at Ghoom. We went riding there. We went in the Train up to Ghoom with our batch. We are having glorious days now. Mummy came to our prize giving on [deleted] thurs [/deleted] Wednesday. It was a poor show. Stevie got the class prize. We are sleeping up in the hospital, and have meals at the Rectory. We went out to Mummy Yesterday & the day before. Mummy gave us some money on her birthday. Riding leave is now completely stopped, because yesterday
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one of the boys was caught galloping and taken to the Thana. I have absolutely nothing to do now while the Cambridge boys are in class. If I had riding leave I could go riding with Ms Bean. Stevie fell off his horse yesterday but did not hurt himself. The horse tripped. Day before yesterday fifteen of us went riding. There were no horses left in the stable. I have taken three books from the Library and will pass my time reading. One is by Gunby Hadath, A school story, one is by Rafael Sabatini “Romances of the Sea and the other is Great Ghost Stories. No more news today.
With love from your loving son
[underlined] David. [/underlined]
[underlined] P.S. [/underlined] We play Bridge at night with the Rector. We went to the pictures with Mummy on Saturday
27.11.33 1933.
My darling Daddy.
Thanks for the letter & Rs 5. We bought Mummy’s present before the Rs 5 came, out of some Money we had saved. We bought a bottle of scent in a box shaped like a shoe. Mummy say the scent is good stuff. We saw Sylvia off on Thursday at Ghoom. We went riding there. We went in the Train up to Ghoom with our batch. We are having glorious days now. Mummy came to our prize giving on [deleted] thurs [/deleted] Wednesday. It was a poor show. Stevie got the class prize. We are sleeping up in the hospital, and have meals at the Rectory. We went out to Mummy Yesterday & the day before. Mummy gave us some money on her birthday. Riding leave is now completely stopped, because yesterday
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one of the boys was caught galloping and taken to the Thana. I have absolutely nothing to do now while the Cambridge boys are in class. If I had riding leave I could go riding with Ms Bean. Stevie fell off his horse yesterday but did not hurt himself. The horse tripped. Day before yesterday fifteen of us went riding. There were no horses left in the stable. I have taken three books from the Library and will pass my time reading. One is by Gunby Hadath, A school story, one is by Rafael Sabatini “Romances of the Sea and the other is Great Ghost Stories. No more news today.
With love from your loving son
[underlined] David. [/underlined]
[underlined] P.S. [/underlined] We play Bridge at night with the Rector. We went to the pictures with Mummy on Saturday
David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 11, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/448.
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