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  • Tags: bombing

He thanks her for her letter and some money she sent. He is busy with operations.

He has had some traumatic flights with damage to his aircraft. They had a forced landing and got back by train. He thanks her for money she sent.

He thanks them for their letters. They had a forced landing at a USAAF base and rested their whilst their aircraft was repaired.

Writes that he was okay after operation to Brunswick and now had only seven left to finish tour. Returned with 72 holes in the aircraft. Relates seeing films and discusses clothing. Mentions a visit by the King to Middleton St George.

Says he is OK and asks after her holiday. Mentions rear gunner was hit in the head on operation to Ludwigshafen and was in hospital. Mentions that he will be sending her his dirty laundry and talks of weather.

Writes that he diverted down south after operation to Stuttgart. States it was a good trip but said they still lacked their own gunners and one had opened up on an enemy fighter. Writes about time they had at diversion. Catches up on family news.

Describes in detail his first operation. Mentions plenty of anti-aircraft fire, making three runs over target and having his oxygen disconnected while winding in trailing aerial. Goes on to mention that he had been briefed for second operation and…

Writes about the issue of the 1939-45 star which he and his crew had received. Relates that he had to bale out after his aircraft had been in collision with a Halifax. mentions damage received and describes crew abandoning the aircraft. Goes on to…

Writes that he is fit and well after having done six operations and describes some of them. Mentions their usual bomb load. Relates that a fighter had attacked a Halifax just behind them. Mentions eating eggs and bacon before and after operations.…

Writes about operations to Hanover and Mannheim. Describes fires after attacks, poor German defences and German fighter attacks. Offers some sympathy to Germans on the ground and describes a fighter attacking them. Describes their first trip to…

Catches up with news from home and exchanges banter. Mentions that his crew have finally arrived at an operational station and after a few local area trips completed their first operation to France.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…


Writes that they had been busy and been to Germany three nights out of last four. Had now done eight operations and had no trouble so far. Says he had had a lot of mail in the last few days and talks of other correspondence. Catches up with news of…


Writes that the weather had been bad and he had only done one more operation. Mentions playing crib. bridge and going to cinema in Lincoln. Comments that there were problems of getting mail from Australia. Catches up with news of friends including…

Writes that the weather was cool and windy an that he had done a couple more operations and now had twelve to finish. Mentions recent night out with navigators and other crews at local pub. Comments on rivalry with another crew to see who got into…

Writes that they are still going well and hope to finish their tour before Christmas. Mentions upcoming leave and that a fellow Australian had finished his tour successfully. Sadly another of his friends crew who shared their hut were missing after…

He starts by catching up with domestic and family/acquaintance matters. He goes on to write of an operation to Lorient, although it was bad for french civilians and that he is looking forward to leave.

Writes of mail and mentions an operation to Wilhelmshaven.

Writes of operation to Nuremberg and interview for his commission with Group Captain Hughie Edwards.

He writes about his bombing operation to Nuremberg and that they had to fly back from Germany on only three engines. Mentions that he has been put in charge of flight engineers on the station. Catches up with family news.

He writes that he was at Hamburg last night and that they are not operating from from Wickenby that night and that will help him sleep. Catches up with news of children.

Mentions sorry to hear some bad news and then writes that he had flown to Munich and it was a “wizard” show.

Writes of operational schedule and recent operation to Stuttgart. Mentions leave has been put back. Catches up with family news. Writes he is feeling miserable and meeting skipper's family. Writes that he has 11 operations to do.

He writes about flying to St. Nazaire. He is not flying tonight and is going to RAF Binbrook. He misses his wife and mentions that they have been married for six years. Catches up with family news.

Ian writes that he bombed St Nazaire the previous evening. He received a parcel containing sea stockings and hopes to get some for his rear gunner. Catches up with family news.
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