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  • Tags: bombing

Lancaster PO-Y on end of runway mistakenly captioned '6-10-45' (should be 6-10-44), 'First operation', '4hrs 30mins', 'BREMEN'. Personnel visible in the background.

An account of Flight Sergeant Nicholas Alkemade (1431537) bailing out of the rear turret of a Lancaster (A4-K) without his parachute and surviving a fall of 18,000 feet (5,500 metres).

Vertical aerial photograph of unnamed location. A Lancaster is silhouetted under the photo aircraft. It has dropped bombs and is now under attack from ant-aircraft fire which can be seen heading towards the aircraft.

Lancaster with a German Dornier 217 night fighter in the foreground. Another Lancaster caught in searchlights at the top right with other Lancasters and flames in the background. Captioned 'Augsburg 44', and signed by 'HOH'.

A port side view of Lancaster AJ-P from the film of the Dam Busters. Its tail is up and is either landing or taking off.

Three photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a Lancasters seen during an operation. Photo 2 is a 'Scarecrow' explosion of a Lancaster suffering a direct hit. Photo 3 is an airman with a bicycle.

Five armourers preparing bombs under a Lancaster. Behind a second Lancaster is being prepared with two ground crew standing on the wings above the inner engines.

Painting of two Lancasters in flight, in the bottom left of the image is a fire with green target indicators bursting above it. Captioned 'Aulnoye' and signed 'HOH'.

Many Lancasters lined up on peritrack. Taken from cockpit of lead aircraft looking back. To the left airfield boundary and fields beyond. To the right the aerodrome. On the reverse 'Lancasters of 463 RAAF Squadron in line, on the perimeter track…

A newspaper cutting about an operation at the railway yards.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A newspaper article about attacks on Mannheim-Ludwigshaven. It is annotated 'No 11 23/4/9/43'.

Royal Air Force navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for L W Green, air gunner, covering the period from 16 June 1944 to 8 July 1945. Detailing training, scores on gunnery course, and operations flown and post war…

Target photograph of Lanveoc Poulmic. Port area with quays a breakwater and industrial structures clearly visible. Captioned '7B', '739 SKELL.8/9.5.44.//NT 8" 7500' [arrow] 280° 0001 LANVEOC POULMIC RD.E.1X4000.16X500.17secs.S/L CHADWICK E.50'. On…

Target photograph of Lanveoc Poulmic. Coastline with piers and quays clearly visible. Partially obscured by light, but bomb explosions on land and water are visible. Captioned '8B', '740 SKELL.8/9.5.44.//NT 8" 8750' [arrow] 275° 0001 LANVEOC POULMIC…

Six items, Edwards description of the operation to the Laon marshalling yards, comments that it was Easter Monday, there was a full moon, little anti-aircraft fire. Edwards navigation plot, two press photographs showing the damage to the yards on…

Target photograph showing river running left to right in centre with flare on left side. Captioned '6' and '2480, 104/46, 4/5 Jan 45, F8, NT, ?,→ ??, Latisana RR Bdge, H, 9x500:6x250 Mk IV, 18, F/O Chadwick (F/O Myers B.A.) Z'. Annotated on page…

Royal Australian Air Force flying log book for Laurence Larmer covering the period from 7 April 1943 to 3 August 1945. Detailing flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Benalla, RCAF Dauphin, RAF Fair Oaks, RAF Banff, RAF…

Pilots flying log book for L E Penn, covering the period from 31 December 1942 to 26 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Dauphin, RCAF Pennfield Ridge, RCAF Yarmouth, RAF…

Justifies aerial bombing as primarily aimed to industrial and military targets; claims that destruction and civilian losses are examples of collateral damage, not hatred. Stresses that operations on Italy are less intense than Luftwaffe raids on…

Capitulation near Stalingrad of Field Marshall Von Paulus on 30 January 1943 and General Streicher on 2 February 1943. Defeated Sixth Army comprised 330,000 men. General Giraud, High Commissioner in North Africa, working closely with General De…

Increased RAF operations, including 400 Spitfires in one day. Despite losses, new Lancaster bombers inflict damage in broad daylight on Augsburg factories, producing submarine diesel engines and other war equipment. Message of thanks to the aircrews…

RAF superiority over the Luftwaffe in the air with successful day and night operations. Photograph of bombing damage to a factory producing He 111 aircraft. Luftwaffe ‘Baedeker’ retaliatory operations on British historic towns. Three pilots from…

A vertical aerial photograph showing bomb damage to runways and surrounding area of airfield, submitted with caption; “Le Culot airfield in Belgium”.

Target photograph of Le Havre. Partially obscured by smoke and dust, rural area,roads clearly visible. Captioned '5°F', '6B', '2631 SKELL 10.9.44 // 8"" 12000' [arrow] 128° 1724 LE HAVRE RD T.11X1000,4X500.C29secs.S/L STUBBS T.50'. On the reverse…
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