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  • Tags: ground crew

Describes leisure time activities of crew including personal transport and fishing. Mentions groundcrew and their electrician who flew with them on short operations. Page numbered '6-2'.

Seven photographs from an album.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are air to air photographs of two Dominies, captioned 'RAF Stradishall, Norfolk, 1971. Summer Camp. Dominie aircraft of No 1 Air Navigation School'.
Photo 4 is a Slingsby Cadet glider of the Air…

Describes wartime service from 1939 to 1945. Joined as Halton apprentice in September 1939. Posted as fitter engine to RAF Wittering working on Wellington Hampden and Manchester aircraft. Followed by tour at RAF Upper Heyford working on Wellington…

Ten airmen arranged in two rows in front of their Halifax. Seven of the airmen are identified with rank and function. Four have DFCs.

The nose glass of a Halifax being cleaned by Dunc Ritchie. He is standing on top of a fuel bowser.
Underneath is a caption explaining that inside the Halifax 'A' is an air gunner who was washed out but was desperate to fly.

Page captioned, '15 Jan 1946 Back to Egypt, Gianaclis, with our Mk 8 Liberator a/c - home soon hoping for February!!!
Five photographs, first head and shoulders of Jack, brick wall in background, reverse captioned 'Gianaclis, Egypt 1946'.

Eight airmen and ground crew posing on and behind a laden bomb trolley. Painted on the bombs is 'Hitler's Haunters Ghost Sqdn 2000 Sortie'.
Behind is a Lancaster 'P', identified in the Inventory as 'KB760 NA-P'.

Eight men arranged in a line under an aircraft engine. On the reverse 'Ground-crew & air crew after the C/Os inspection of Comm. Flight. Aden Aug.1946'.

A crew of seven airman and a ground crew man with 'Don' painted on the back of his leather jerkin. They are standing towards the rear of Lancaster 'DS830'.

Eight ground crew wearing tunics or overalls standing in line under a Lancaster.

Eight men wearing a variety of clothes, three squatting in front and five standing behind.

Eight airmen, four kneeling and four standing in front of an open hangar.

Eight airmen in a variety of uniform, three with visible aircrew brevet, all standing in line in front of a Hampden.

Eight airmen in a line in front of Lancaster 'T', annotated '44 Rhodesian Sqd 1940' [sic]. On the reverse 'Ground Crew 'T' Tommy 44 Rhodesian Sqd'. The aircraft is painted with 29 operations and an animal on top of a bomb.

Eight airmen one wearing tunic, one battledress (with half brevet) and the others shirtsleeves, all standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Step ladder in the background.

Eight airmen standing below a Lancaster engine. Ladders can be seen propped against the aircraft in the background.

Eight airmen mostly wearing khaki uniform with shorts, one with overalls, five standing and three sitting in front. Above them is the starboard inner engine of a B-24 and underneath on the right the tail plane of another B-24. Captioned 'Ground Crew…

Eight airmen standing at the nose of their Lancaster. The nose art is a lady with 'Gee' painted beside her. Also painted are 48 bombs/operations.
Handwritten underneath on the mount is '3rd Left: EJH Roberts DFC (408451)

Seven aircrew wearing Mae West and four other RAF personnel at the rear of a bomber. Nine are behind with one sitting in doorway of aircraft and two squatting down in front. Aircraft registration 'ME384'. Submitted with caption 'Ian and crew, Ian…

Eleven men, eight standing behind and three squatting in front all, bar one in overalls, wearing battledress. In the background a Lancaster with 30 bomb symbols on the fuselage. Submitted with caption 'Don Cameron’s Ground Crew Witchford 1944'.

Eleven men seven wearing battledress, some with brevet, two in overalls and one in shirt sleeves. Four are squatting in front and seven standing behind. In the background, part of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster.

Robert Mitchell, crew and ground crew arranged in two rows in front of Halifax 'AL-X'

Eleven airmen, two wearing Mae Wests and others in variety of uniform, five squatting in front and six standing behind. In the background the nose and port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse '1944, Halifax 3, Driffield, 462 Sqn, Back row, AC2 Neilsen,…

Eleven airmen lined up in front of a Lancaster with kangaroo nose art.
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