Browse Items (51 total)

  • Collection: Bradbury, Denis Carlos

Photo 1 - Denis in a two-seater open car holding a small dog.
Photo 2 - seven airmen at the rear of a Lancaster. They are wearing flying kit. In the background are two more Lancasters. This is also on page 6.
Photo 3 - seven airmen standing…

A photograph of a bridal party - bride, groom, two men and three small girls as bridesmaids. Bride is wearing pale long dress, long veil with train and carrying bouquet. They are standing outside a church.

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Photo 1 - head and shoulders portrait of trainee Denis Bradbury smoking a pipe.

Photo 2 - an air-to-air image of a Percival Proctor.

Photo 3 - modern photograph with a side view of a Lancaster and E-7 Sentry in the distance.

Photo 4 -…

Photo 1 is Denis at the tail of a Lancaster
Photo 2 is a side view of the RAF Lancaster, undergoing maintenance.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Photo 1 - Spitfire MK356 annotated 'Fly-past Spitfire'.
Photo 2 - Dakota, annotated 'Fly-past Dakota'.
Photo 3 - Spitfire P7350, annotated 'Spitfire in hanger [sic]'

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No…

Photo 1 - inside the hangar at RAF Coningsby. Two aircraft are visible and it is annotated 'BBMF Hanger [sic] prior to the Canadian Lancaster being towed in'.

Photo 2 - a front image of a Spitfire in the hangar.

Photos 3 and 4 - Denis Bradbury…

Photo 1 - Denis Bradbury and family at the tail of the RAF Lancaster.
Photo 2 - a view of a hangar and Spitfire across the wing of the RAF Lancaster.
Photo 3 - Denis and the Canadian pilot at the tail of the Canadian Lancaster, VR-A, captioned 'The…

Photo 1 - a view of the front of the Lancaster, partly obscured by a head.
Photo 2 - the Lancaster taxing in after landing with the nose of a second Lancaster on the left.
Photo 3 - the Lancaster parked annotated 'Parked for passengers & crew to…

Internal images of inside the RAF Lancaster, captioned 'Last time in a Lancaster was on Thursday 20th. March 1947 flying back to Ein Shemer from Malta Now inside a Lancaster some 67 and a half years later.'

Photo 1 - the cockpit, annotated 'Pilot…

Photo 1 - Lancaster PA474 on the ground undergoing maintenance.
Photo 2 - Denis Bradbury standing at the personnel ladder of Lancaster PA474.
Photo 3 - close up of Denis standing at the personnel ladder of the Lancaster.
Photo 4 - Denis standing…

A montage of four photographs and one sketch map relating to Denis' visit to the centre.

Photo 1 - an aerial photograph of Coningsby with arrows showing the location of the Main Guard Room and the arrival gate.

Item 2 - a location diagram…

Images and text taken from, referring to the visit of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Lancaster.

Also front cover of Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight booklet.


RAF BBMF to host Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Lancaster during visit to England.
Two colour photographs of Lancasters from an online source.
Photo 1 is the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster in flight.
Photo 2 is the Canadian…

Air-to-air shots of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight over London for Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.

Photo 1 - Lancaster flanked by Spitfires over the Thames. The Houses of Parliament and London Eye are visible…

Two colour photographs.
Photo 1 - six members of the Royal family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace looking up and captioned 'Flypast: The Duchess of Cornwall, the Prince of Wales, the Queen, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry…

A newspaper cutting announcing the death of Woody Freamo in Ottawa, aged 85.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Six colour postcards.
1 South Sands, Bridlington
2 Landing, Flamborough
3 Yorkshireman, Bridlington
4 Promenade, North Shore, Bridlington
5 Bridlington
6 Thornwick Bay, Flamborough

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Six colour postcards of Bridlington.
1 Sewerby Cliffs
2 The Spa
3 The harbour
4 Princes Gardens
5 Sands and Spa
6 Victoria Terraces and sands

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies…

Photo 1 - Woody Freamo in civilian clothes with a toddler.

Photo 2 - Wedding photograph of Woody Freamo and Lily. He is in uniform, she is wearing a dress with a fur stole over her shoulders, hat and gloves.

Photo 3 - a hotel in Bridlington,…

Photo 1 - Denis Bradbury in uniform standing behind his parents, who are seated, outside a house. His father is smoking a pipe and Denis is holding one.

Photo 2 - a head and shoulders portrait of Denis Bradbury in uniform. smoking a…

Photo 1 - four airmen in shorts and one civilian in a suit.

Photo 2 - a street scene of a narrow alley in a town.

Photo 3 - the front of the Officer's Club/NAAFI.

Photo 4 is a man with his arms round two women. All are wearing swim…

Photo 1 - a night street scene, captioned 'Cairo Street en route to Palestine May 1946'.

Photo 2 - Denis sitting in uniform on a ship's railing. On a building is graffiti reading 'Nelson look at your heirs'. Above is the caption…

Photo 1 - a view of a military hut with a truck.

Photo 2 - a man dressed in shorts standing outside a tent.

Photo 3 - Denis lying on a bed smoking a pipe.

Item 4 - One cent Malayan banknote, showing head of King George VI.

Photo 5 - a…

Photo 1 - the mess. There are tables and chairs in an A-framed building.

Photo 2 - a local waiter, dressed in white.

Photo 3 - an airman standing at the front of a small truck, outside a thatched-roofed building.

Photo 4 - a market…

Item 1 - annotated with 'August 1945 change to Coastal Command with new crew Pilot F/L Johnny Allen air-sea rescue'.

Photo 2 - six airmen in tropical kit at the tail of a Lancaster.

Photos 3,4,5,6 are air-to-air shots of a Lancaster dropping…
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