Browse Items (129 total)

  • Collection: Reid, Kathleen

The first three verses, 'when I fell over the horseshoe' are about a lucky charm. The second three verses, 'F for Freddy are being grounded' concerns a crew who finished their tour without ever washing shirts or socks.

Poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off watched by station commander and off duty WAAFs. Typewritten version with annotated revision notes.

Untitled version of a poem about crews preparing for flight and taking off, watched by the station commander and off-duty WAAFs. Typewritten version with annotated handwritten revision notes.

Poem describing loss of crew who crashed in fog on return from operation and WAAF who lost a diamond from a ring. Hope that crews did not die for nothing.

Poem describing loss of crew who crashed in fog on return from operation now lying in the medical centre on Christmas eve.

Two verse poem about the antics of crew of J for Jonny.

Poem about life and death of aircrew and hope they get home.


Five verse poem about converting a squadron from Wellington to Stirling.

Four verse poem about Lancaster JB596 crashing on Hatcliffe top when returning from operation to Berlin. Airfield was fogbound and crew were on 23rd operation.Additional information on the crash is available via theIBCC Losses Database.

Draft version of four verse poem about LancasterJB596 crashing on Hatcliffe top when returning from operation to Berlin. Airfield was fogbound and crew were on 23rd operation. Handwritten annotation.Additional information on the crash is available…

Final version of four verse poem about Lancaster JB596 crashing on Hatcliffe Top when returning from operation to Berlin. Airfield was fog bound and crew were on 23rd operation. Additional information on the crash is available via theIBCC Losses…

Four verse poem about the horrors of bombing.


Four verse poem about the horrors of bombing with fifth verse annotated.


Five verse poem about the horrors of bombing.


Multi-line poem about post operation debrief of aircrew. With considerable handwritten editing and notation.

Six verse poem about a visit of WAAFs to an American celebration which involved Glen Miller band.

Covers early life and reasons for joining up. Mentions initial posting to flying control at Grimsby followed by posting to Cranwell for training in flying control. Postings to Grimsby and Fighter Command Norfolk. Goes on with Katie's description of…

Starts with birth and childhood and description of living conditions. Discontinuous pages follow. Description of training instruction. Next page describes invitation and participation to American celebration. Mentions hangers with B-17s and Glen…

Replies to letter he received from her on return from leave. Notes a few new faces on his return. Hoping for an end to war and looking forward to time he could call himself and ex-serviceman. Writes of his activities. Asks after her at her new camp.…

Gives description of duties and work of R/T operators in flying control at RAF Waltham (Grimsby). Mentions taking notes of all transmissions, giving directional help to pilots and having to divert aircraft due to bad weather.

Outline draft notes for memoir. Mentions posting, Grimsby, flying control, Lancaster, people, dances, parties, heartbreak, Americans, Heathcliff, removal of camp, posting to Swannington, Mosquito and more.

List of dates of birth of members of Pawson family. Note at bottom 'My grandfather, Alfred Pawson 1903?, died'.

Bill and receipt for professional services of to Mrs B Myers from Ellis Bussey, Mellor & Co.

Top - photograph showing a Sergeant Frank Yanalevich and Sergeant Ford Killen counting money.
Bottom - part of article by Ford Killen - 'I remember England'.

Shows postings to 1 Group, Binbrook, Sculthorpe, Oulton, Swannington and Church Fenton.
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