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  • Collection: Wynn, Ian Archer

Hopes he will see him soon

Writes that he has passed his exams and has been promoted to Sergeant. He is also moving to a new station in Lincolnshire.

Writes of life while training at Newquay and chides wife for not writing. Catches up with family news. Complains about training and mentions leave possibilities. Pleased to hear progress with shelter.

Writes of his arrival and training at Babbacombe, Torquay. Writes of weather, accommodation, other nationalities and that he has been appointed orderly for his section.

Thanks her for photographs and catches up with family and friends. No news of postings. Has obtained chocolate and will send some to his boys. Mentions he watched a convoy being bombed.

He writes that he has returned back to camp and starts work in the morning.

Catches up with family and writes of going to pictures. Mentions weather and snow. Comments on the work he has done and talks about life on the station. Mentions importance of his work on engines. Says he is off to French class.

He thanks her for the parcel and tells her how much he loves her.

Complains about lack of mail and mentions rush job overnight. Catches up with family and friends.

Writes of glorious weather and catches up with family news, affairs and son's health. Mentions first exam and possibility of leave in 6 weeks time.

Writes of frustration over mail and catches up with family and acquaintances. Mentions mock invasion and attacks by commandos, paratroops and home guard. Talks of life in camp.

He is cross about his telegram going missing and he asks his wife to try and sort it out so that he can get his 9d back.


States he has moved several times in the last week but he has finally been crewed up. Mentions his captain, Flying Officer Stammers and that his crew seem nice blokes. On the reverse address for Wynn and Son registered plumbers.

Thanks her for letter and mentions he has done a lot of flying but no operations yet. Is expecting to go for commissioning interview soon. Expresses concern over son's cold.

He writes complaining about the war and those running it and what should happen to them. Mentions upcoming visit home. Says that he did not hear Churchill's speech as he was on guard duty but comments on it after reading it in the papers. Writes of…

He writes that he is coming home on leave and that he has taken part in another bombing operation to Duisburg.

Part of letter mentioning that he is not enthusiastic about a change. Writes he is browned off after returning from leave. Asks after his boys.

Page 3 of a handwritten letter from Ian to his wife commenting on weather and where he is staying.

Address in Lancashire postmarked Glamorgan.

On her Majesty's Service envelope. Addressed to Mrs K Wynn postmarked Norwich, Norfolk.

Thanks her for parcel and states he has received first pay. Asks after his son and goes on to describe training and food. Discusses financial affairs and mentions other nationalities that are training.

Writes of being busy and receiving inoculations. Says he is going to Newquay next.

Thanks for parcel and cake. Enquires whether possible to bring son to Newquay and discusses finances. Mentions examinations he is taking and daily routine. End of letter is missing.

Thanks her for letter and mentions a car. Writes of exams and results. Mentions rain and going to Penzance. Complains about mail and raises possibility of her visiting.
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