Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife



Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife


Writes of life while training at Newquay and chides wife for not writing. Catches up with family news. Complains about training and mentions leave possibilities. Pleased to hear progress with shelter.




Four page handwritten letter


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What has happened this week? Only 1 letter!! Blimey. I thought it was me who didnt [sic] write. Well we cursing & surviving, and as busy as hell. Still there is only another 6 weeks of it at this pad at the most. (I hope). Well we won the wing cup for smartest crowd on Drill. The C.O. was very pleased considering some of us had only had 3 weeks training. As a result we were sent to Penzance yesterday to give a display & Parade. For two hrs [hours] during the Show it Simply poured down, but turned lovely afterwards. We had a Slap up feast afterwards, Boiled ham & pickles Bread and [underlined] Butter [/underlined] Cubes etc [sic] Tea
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Then at night the C.O. stood Drinks Round. On the whole we had a very pleasant day anyway it was a change of surroundings – Dinner Time
I am more than delighted to hear that David was improving & I [underlined] do [/underlined] hope he keeps it up. What annoys me is to see the folk around here who have lots of Brass doing nothing. Although it is not so bad here as at Torquay.
If only the training was a bit more leisurely I mean not more than 8 hrs a day & free wa[indecipherable] I would enjoy the life that is as much as one can enjoy barrack Life. I have never been so rushed around in all my life.
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When I get my Scotch leave if I can give a scotch address I can get about 48 hrs extra so I shall try to fix it before I go [corrected: was got] otherwise I should only get about 5 days at home. Dont [sic] say anything to anyone though.
I really must write to dad today & answer his letter although God knows I do hate writing letters. I hope you can do pullover soon dear because these with sleeves are too warm now & yet you cannot discard them altogether yet.
Just before lunch I was over at the Naafi which is right on the edge of the cliff & we were watching the sea The most marvellous rollers coming in you ever saw. Just like the pictures of Tropical beaches you would love the lovely beaches here if only for the kids
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It is a pity that I am not here under Happier Circs [sic] : ie [sic] working as a civilian in peace time & you and the kids were here.
By the way your remark about that [corrected] Photo [/corrected] & me being the tallest was correct there but here in this flight there are at least 8 who are taller than me
I am pleased to hear that a little progress has been made with the shelter.
Have you recieved my watch yet? & your Brooch?
I do think you could write more than once a week because when D was ill you could do it then. & have you got the Car Back yet
Love to all



Ian Archer Wynn, “Letter from Ian Wynn to his wife,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed June 24, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/11624.

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