Browse Items (275 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1942-08"

Catches up with other correspondence from friend and passes on news. Writes of preparing his next parcel which she has to send to Red Cross in London where it is censored and repacked. Hopes that he will get it intact and describes items included.…

Reports arrival of sixteen letters and a postcard over last two weeks. Discusses picture on postcard. Still no news of friend missing in Malaya despite lists of Japanese prisoners published. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news.…

Reports arrival of fourteenth letter of week. Mentions letters did not arrive in sequence and lists dates sent. Describes stamps on some letters. Writes of confusion over cables he sent possibly caused by delays to some. Mentions books she is…

Reports that had now received 13 letters from him over the last week and two cables. Mentions message requesting underwear, tooth brushes and other items. Hopes to get parcel away to him in the following week and would includes soap which she has…

Reports arrival of seven letters with eight photographs. Comments on photograph and lists dates of letters. Glad he gets pleasure from his journalistic activities and that he was over his stomach problem. Catches up with other correspondence and…

Reports receipt of letter and telegram which took six days to reach them. Mentions sending another cable and quotes content and explains how his cables will now be paid for. Says she will try and send items he requested in next Red Cross parcel. Says…

Reports sending him a cable and quotes content. Explains that cables have been sent with pre-paid reply for him. Says it will be expensive and asks that he keep that in mind when composing messages. Mentions receiving a cable from him with account of…

Reports arrival of cable from him but a little puzzled by content but glad for news. Writes about her latest cable. Mentions father's visit to Cable and Wireless in Manchester to arrange for him to send cable through them and they will pay. Mentions…

Mentions weather and then three lines are blacked out. Then comments on what was written in censored lines. Writes of them both getting colds. Glad he is able to get good books and comments on what she is reading. Says she will try and send him books…

First - over 400 times they led the way. Article about RAF Pathfinders. Crest and details about 35 Squadron. Also mentions 7, 83 and 156 Squadrons as nucleus of force in August 1942. Mentions some of their attacks and numbers of decorations awarded.…

Writes of burial of three Canadian officers, one of whom was their son Oscar, in a local cemetery. Describes the cemetery and funeral. Explains that they had no film to take a photograph and offers sympathy.

Letter and explanatory note. Congratulates him on exams and promotion. Comments on his posting to Brough East Yorkshire and was enjoying flying. Mentions journey and short visit home. Describes discipline, daily routine as well as his flying so far.

He has had 4 letters and 200 cigarettes. They have been plating knock-out whist. They are having a concert that evening.

Ken apologises to his sister for not having written. He describes life where he is based.


During this period Keith was under training in Canada and then in England from June 1943 on 28 OTU at RAF Wymswold.

Writes that he had finished the course and should be on his way home soon. Catches up with recent mail from home. Says he will try and get bananas to bring home. Mentions gifts for family that he has obtained to bring home. Catches up with news of…

Number 16. Reports on letters that have arrived. Mentions money he left in his locker at the squadron and discusses finances and income tax. Thrilled with photographs Barbara sent. Writes about life in camp, room mates, his daily routine, Red Cross…

Letter to Miss E B Griffin, thanks her for letter and photographs, particularly of his wife, which arrived in record sixteen days. Life is monotonous but he is well fed and busy. Is lucky to be in best camp. Hopes that early letter when things were…

Number 15. Writes that her letters 1-9 have arrived. Lists in order of importance item he would like her to send. Thanks for and sends well wishes. Do not send books, time fully occupied. Started violin lessons and lists stationary he would like…

Number 14. Notes arrival of latest mail from home. Looking forward to parcel. Asks her to list contents of parcel so he can advise on what he needs. Mentions tobacco and cigarettes. Discusses various types of mail and which is best.

Number 13. Writes that her letters 1-5 arrived. Says post could be delayed both ways and suggest she send one letter a week. Notes that ration cuts have been restored and regular Red Cross parcels arriving. Says he is now feeling much better and has…

A group of women arranged in three rows at Rutland Hall, Loughborough. Each woman is named underneath. A/S/O Imming is underlined and handwritten beside it is 'my mother'. Annotated on the front is 'My love to 55 CF Seabrook Fl/Off' and…

A wall runs from bottom left to top right with buildings and palm trees to the left and above. To the right centre a fortification. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson writing that he is delighted to have received cross parcel and about…

Covers quarantine stores, raw material stores, finished parts stores and remarks.
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