Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents
Reports arrival of seven letters with eight photographs. Comments on photograph and lists dates of letters. Glad he gets pleasure from his journalistic activities and that he was over his stomach problem. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news. Writes about their garden and how much pleasure it gives them. Describes stamps on some of his letters.
Spatial Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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[inserted] 162 [/inserted]
[underlined] 61 [/underlined]
[inserted] 11-8-42 [/inserted]
191 Halifax Road
Nelson Lancs.
Monday 13/7/42
My dear Douglas.
It was a great joy to us to have seven letters from you on Saturday with eight photos – the one of yourself like one received previously, the cover of “Camp Echo”, (& with the aid of Dad’s textile glass, we can read the tiny print at the bottom “There’ll always be an England.”) – the picture of a very thin chap, photo of yourself & [underlined] another [/underlined] very nice looking boy, is it Jimmy or Tony? [deleted] two [/deleted] [inserted] three [/inserted] pictures of a “show” 3 couples & the “star” in the foreground, two groups of artistes, none of whom can I identify & the picture of your “dining” tables. The letters dated March 19th 27th April 3rd 12th 17th 29th & this a.m. I am delighted to have two more letters dates April 4th & May 9th. It is grand to have all these letters. I love to try to picture you engaged in all your activities. I’m glad you get so much pleasure from your journalistic duties & do hope you will be able to carry on with them. It is good to learn, too, that you are quite properly recovered from the tummy trouble. This morning, also, came a letter from Mrs Clayton telling that she is coming here for the day, tomorrow. She says that Miss Howarth is in hospital & the guest is away for the day so she is taking the opportunity to come here. I do hope it will be a grand day. It is very beautiful here when the sun shines & the sky
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is blue altho’ the garden is needing warmer days to renew the bloom. We’ve had a nice show of lupins – the new Russell lupins – deep pink & deep fawn. They have been much admired & we have been very proud of them. My neighbour Miss Chester & I are having a bit of rivalry in growing chrysanthemums. She gave me three from some given to her & we planted them down the same border = the fence (trellis) between so we can watch with interest the progress of the plants. Yes, love, as you say, we do get a lot of pleasure (& comfort) from our garden. It is not profusion that gives me most pleasure but the little things. There are thousands of buds on the rambler roses but I shall get far more pleasure from watching a tiny seedling of Alyssum which I discovered down the path & which at the moment bears five tiny leaves. Your little cactus suffered badly from the severe winter & is having a great struggle to keep alive. There are only two heads on it at present & I do so want to keep it for you. To revert to your letters & to your remarks re stamps & post-marks – the latest batch of 9 are unstamped except the one dated March 19th which bears a blue stamp with picture of some potentate. The post mark had only caught one corner so somebody has marked it very heavily in pencil which is a pity as I have not received another like it. Don’t spend your precious money on stamps love. The letters do not arrive any sooner. Always all our love & thoughts & prayers from Mother & Dad
755052 Hudson
Camp Militaire
Laghouat Algerie.
[underlined] 61 [/underlined]
[inserted] 11-8-42 [/inserted]
191 Halifax Road
Nelson Lancs.
Monday 13/7/42
My dear Douglas.
It was a great joy to us to have seven letters from you on Saturday with eight photos – the one of yourself like one received previously, the cover of “Camp Echo”, (& with the aid of Dad’s textile glass, we can read the tiny print at the bottom “There’ll always be an England.”) – the picture of a very thin chap, photo of yourself & [underlined] another [/underlined] very nice looking boy, is it Jimmy or Tony? [deleted] two [/deleted] [inserted] three [/inserted] pictures of a “show” 3 couples & the “star” in the foreground, two groups of artistes, none of whom can I identify & the picture of your “dining” tables. The letters dated March 19th 27th April 3rd 12th 17th 29th & this a.m. I am delighted to have two more letters dates April 4th & May 9th. It is grand to have all these letters. I love to try to picture you engaged in all your activities. I’m glad you get so much pleasure from your journalistic duties & do hope you will be able to carry on with them. It is good to learn, too, that you are quite properly recovered from the tummy trouble. This morning, also, came a letter from Mrs Clayton telling that she is coming here for the day, tomorrow. She says that Miss Howarth is in hospital & the guest is away for the day so she is taking the opportunity to come here. I do hope it will be a grand day. It is very beautiful here when the sun shines & the sky
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is blue altho’ the garden is needing warmer days to renew the bloom. We’ve had a nice show of lupins – the new Russell lupins – deep pink & deep fawn. They have been much admired & we have been very proud of them. My neighbour Miss Chester & I are having a bit of rivalry in growing chrysanthemums. She gave me three from some given to her & we planted them down the same border = the fence (trellis) between so we can watch with interest the progress of the plants. Yes, love, as you say, we do get a lot of pleasure (& comfort) from our garden. It is not profusion that gives me most pleasure but the little things. There are thousands of buds on the rambler roses but I shall get far more pleasure from watching a tiny seedling of Alyssum which I discovered down the path & which at the moment bears five tiny leaves. Your little cactus suffered badly from the severe winter & is having a great struggle to keep alive. There are only two heads on it at present & I do so want to keep it for you. To revert to your letters & to your remarks re stamps & post-marks – the latest batch of 9 are unstamped except the one dated March 19th which bears a blue stamp with picture of some potentate. The post mark had only caught one corner so somebody has marked it very heavily in pencil which is a pity as I have not received another like it. Don’t spend your precious money on stamps love. The letters do not arrive any sooner. Always all our love & thoughts & prayers from Mother & Dad
755052 Hudson
Camp Militaire
Laghouat Algerie.
P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23727.
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