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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Lincoln"

Sorry to hear that her son had been reported missing and hopes that she will get news soon. Writes that he was an excellent cadet.

A letter written on Canadian Legion War Forces headed paper to his mother describing visits to the cinema and pub and, on one occasion missing the last bus and having to walk back. Annotated 'Reg's last letter to me 1943'.

Remarks on his recent letters that have arrived. Comments on his conversion to the Manchester and that she would have preferred four engines. Mentions his visit to MO and missing crews. Writes of parcel from India as well as tennis racquet and bike…

The letter refers to the shock of his son, Monty being missing in action.
The letter is incomplete.

Part of letter from Corporal Alan T Edwards at RAAF Mallala in South Australia. Writes about current posting and a recent journey when he tried to contact the Malcolm Payne's parent to deliver parcel. He also describes daily routine at his new…

Part of letter from Corporal Alan T Edwards at RAAF Mallala writes about mutual friends and difficulty of journeying to see Malcolm Payne's parent due to lack of petrol. Mentions that he has put in for discharge.

Informs that Royal Australian Air Force have advised that Flight Sergeant Payne was buried in the local cemetery at Court L'Evegue.

Notifies Doris Weeks that Malcolm Payne's next of kin have nominated her to take possession of his bicycle. It might be some time before it arrives due to transport diffuculties.

Reference Aus,417512 Flight Sergeant Payne M H advising due to long time and absence of news that he be presumed dead for official purposes as of 30 June 1944.

Note advising her that Flight Sergeant Payne M H and members of his crew are buried in the local cemetery of Court L'Eveque.

Advising her that information had been received from the Municipal Councillor of Arc En Barrios about the crash of Malcolm Payne's aircraft on 13 July 1944 and the burial of seven crew in the local cemetery at Court L'Eveque. News had been passed to…

Advising her that it is not yet possible to forward snapshots and cigarette lighter belonging to Malcolm Payne to her as he is classified missing and therefore legally alive. Goes on to explain what further action is likely.

Sorry to hear bad news about Hedley. Bad luck coming down on his last operation. Talks of joining the Royal Air Force. Catches up with news of leave and friends. Mentions that German radio had reported Lincoln was flattened but he had heard nothing.…

Thanks for parcels and catches up with news of friends. Writes of upcoming events and weather. Notes reading in the paper about how Hedley won Distinguished Flying Medal.

The letter accompanies a postal draft for £5 19/2 being the Service estate of Harry Redgrave.

Writes he is about to embark on a ship and there will be no mail while aboard for about 5 weeks. Destination is a mystery but he speculates about the future, Catches up with family news.

Written from Bombay wishing family a good Christmas and New Year. Describes a little of life and weather in India. Catches up with news of family and friends. Continues with description of his situation in India,

Colin's friend wishes him well and asks about his wife and children. He describes his new job and driving to Nottingham. Also mentioned are some RAF friends that he has come across recently.


States that although he had previously been notified that his so was missing and there was no further news, they had received information from German authorities that another member of his son's crew lost his life on 13 June 1944.

Informs him that information from German records states that the aircraft in which his son was flying was shot down at Dongeren (Gelderland) and that the crew were buried in Epe near Zwolle.

Informs him that action had now been taken to presume, for official purposes, that his son had lost his life on 13 June 1944.

Details how Maurice Monks personal effects have been dealt with.

Notifies him that Flying Officer M A Monks's personal effects had been despatched by rail. Gives information about possible eventual disposal of uniform items. Inventory of items enclosed.

Informs him that a further report from the Red Cross confirms that his son lost his life on 13 June 1944 and was buried in the municipal cemetery Epe. The exact location of Epe was still under investigation. In order to close his son's estate he was…
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