Letter to Doris Weeks from A T Edwards
Letter to Doris Weeks from A T Edwards
Part of letter from Corporal Alan T Edwards at RAAF Mallala in South Australia. Writes about current posting and a recent journey when he tried to contact the Malcolm Payne's parent to deliver parcel. He also describes daily routine at his new posting.
Temporal Coverage
Spatial Coverage
Two page handwritten letter and envelope
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My Dear Doris,
I guess it is high time I wrote you once again. As you will see by my address I’m on the job once again & can’t say that I am liking it very much. Am afraid things out here are vastly different from what we have been used to and it will take a lot of getting used to.
Well we went up to Balaklava as I had planned and one day went across to [indecipherable words]. On the way over I decided to stop at Watervale & make enquiries as to the whereabouts of Paynes. Found that we had passed the place about 5 miles back so, as we didn’t have too much petrol decided to call in on the way back. This I did & after numerous enquiries eventually found their place. Unfortunately no one was at home so I left the parcel with a note, inside on the kitchen table. Then learned that Mr. Payne was working at the flax mill at Auburn & so I called in and eventually found him. He seemed to know who I was and I explained about the parcel etc and had quite a chat with him & he has asked me to go up & spend a week-end with them. This I will do when opportunity presents itself.
When we got back to Adelaide there was a wire from Mrs. P. acknowledging the parcel & I daresay she has written you concerning it.
Well now after this I was due to report back to the R.A.A.F. & as usual there was a fair amount of red tape to go thro’. But after we had done all the necessaries we found that we were posted up here and came up on 3rd. This station is about 35 miles from Adelaide & 20 miles or so from Bal. so I am not very far from home & know the district well. The forms here are far too long for the amount of work that we have to do & consequently the days drag a little. We parade at 7.30 a.m. and don’t finish till 5.30 p.m. so you see it is a long day. It’s no joke getting up at 6.30 these days as it is mid-winter & it is a very cold one. Of course it is nowhere near as cold as it was over your way, but even so, I seem to feel it almost as much. Its not so bad during the day, but gets very cold in bed at nights.
The time off is not too bad and at the end of a fortnight we get 3 days off & then at the end of the next fortnight we have two days off. Naturally this suits everyone that lives around here very well & is a very welcome break.
[Page break]
While I was at home I heard quite a few records that brought back memories – my thoughts often drift back to some very pleasant times that I had with you.
How did the garden progress? Do hope it came up to your expectations. I wish I had been there to see some of the results.
I guess you are still at Parsons & still pop in to the kiosk a lot, or have you given up smoking? I’ve practically given up cigarettes, but still like the odd pipe. Do you see much of Elsie? Well I guess this is about all I can squeeze on this. Cheerio & all the best. Regards to all in Lincoln.
Sincerely yours. Allan.
6 S.F.T.S. R.A.A.F.
[Post Office stamp]
I wrote to Alex the other day, but so far I’ve not had a reply so really don’t know where he is.
I applied for my discharge several weeks ago, but as it takes a long time to go thro’ I don’t know just whether I shall get out or not. If I do, I shall be going back to my old job at Balah, but am going to find it difficult to get a house in which to live. The housing problems out here seems as bad as it is over there.
My Dear Doris,
I guess it is high time I wrote you once again. As you will see by my address I’m on the job once again & can’t say that I am liking it very much. Am afraid things out here are vastly different from what we have been used to and it will take a lot of getting used to.
Well we went up to Balaklava as I had planned and one day went across to [indecipherable words]. On the way over I decided to stop at Watervale & make enquiries as to the whereabouts of Paynes. Found that we had passed the place about 5 miles back so, as we didn’t have too much petrol decided to call in on the way back. This I did & after numerous enquiries eventually found their place. Unfortunately no one was at home so I left the parcel with a note, inside on the kitchen table. Then learned that Mr. Payne was working at the flax mill at Auburn & so I called in and eventually found him. He seemed to know who I was and I explained about the parcel etc and had quite a chat with him & he has asked me to go up & spend a week-end with them. This I will do when opportunity presents itself.
When we got back to Adelaide there was a wire from Mrs. P. acknowledging the parcel & I daresay she has written you concerning it.
Well now after this I was due to report back to the R.A.A.F. & as usual there was a fair amount of red tape to go thro’. But after we had done all the necessaries we found that we were posted up here and came up on 3rd. This station is about 35 miles from Adelaide & 20 miles or so from Bal. so I am not very far from home & know the district well. The forms here are far too long for the amount of work that we have to do & consequently the days drag a little. We parade at 7.30 a.m. and don’t finish till 5.30 p.m. so you see it is a long day. It’s no joke getting up at 6.30 these days as it is mid-winter & it is a very cold one. Of course it is nowhere near as cold as it was over your way, but even so, I seem to feel it almost as much. Its not so bad during the day, but gets very cold in bed at nights.
The time off is not too bad and at the end of a fortnight we get 3 days off & then at the end of the next fortnight we have two days off. Naturally this suits everyone that lives around here very well & is a very welcome break.
[Page break]
While I was at home I heard quite a few records that brought back memories – my thoughts often drift back to some very pleasant times that I had with you.
How did the garden progress? Do hope it came up to your expectations. I wish I had been there to see some of the results.
I guess you are still at Parsons & still pop in to the kiosk a lot, or have you given up smoking? I’ve practically given up cigarettes, but still like the odd pipe. Do you see much of Elsie? Well I guess this is about all I can squeeze on this. Cheerio & all the best. Regards to all in Lincoln.
Sincerely yours. Allan.
6 S.F.T.S. R.A.A.F.
[Post Office stamp]
I wrote to Alex the other day, but so far I’ve not had a reply so really don’t know where he is.
I applied for my discharge several weeks ago, but as it takes a long time to go thro’ I don’t know just whether I shall get out or not. If I do, I shall be going back to my old job at Balah, but am going to find it difficult to get a house in which to live. The housing problems out here seems as bad as it is over there.
A T Edwards, “Letter to Doris Weeks from A T Edwards,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 7, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/10528.
Item Relations
This Item | dcterms:relation | Item: Letter to Doris weeks from A T Edwards |
Item: 450628 Letter from Mrs Payne, mother of Flight Sergeant Malcolm Payne, to Doris Weeks | dcterms:relation | This Item |