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  • Tags: RAF Stradishall
  • Type is exactly "Text. Correspondence"

To Sergeant turner at RAF Stradishall. From Jack in Lincoln announcing baby will arrive before 8 tonight.

A reference written by Malcolm Staves' Signals Leader, 207 Squadron praising his work and character.

Offers sympathy for his loss and was enclosing some small personal effects.

The letter advises them that John has completed the first stage of his journey.

He describes his train journey back to camp.

Apologizes for not writing and relates daily goings on at RAF Stradishall. Mentions a visit to Doncaster, having to get up early for flying almost every day, a football match, not night flying yet and the fact that they are very isolated.

The letter advises Mrs Turner that her son is seriously ill after a flying accident.

Writes that he had been away for a week on a gunner course and managed to scrape through as grade 1 and that he was now a real gunner. Writes about his New Zealand crew of skipper, bomb aimer and wireless operator as well as British navigator and…

He describes his return journey to camp. His new camp has excellent accommodation and the food is good.

He wishes Jean a Happy Christmas and regrets they are not together. Fog has stopped his flying.

He thanks her for two letters and a Christmas card. Christmas dinner was very good, followed by a dance.

He thanks her her letter and a parcel. He has not flown since Christmas eve because his pilot has been sick. He comments on family news from Jean.

His crew is all fit and they are flying again. He is expecting leave soon.

He describes his journey back to the camp. His leave has been cancelled until the end of January.

Bad weather made them divert to Cornwall then they had engine trouble but got back safely. Jean has knitted him a pair of socks.

He thanks her for her letters. He is expecting leave in ten days. His pilot has had an impacted tooth removed so cannot fly for 48 hours. The weather has caused several flights to be cancelled. He has been to the cinema.

He asks about her cold then writes that the weather has been awful. He looks forward to their next leave.

He responds to comments in Jean's latest letter. He has not been flying because of the weather. His crew mate, Ron is buying a car.

He met his colleagues with the car and travelled back in comfort. His next leave is over five weeks away.

He has been flying but cannot discuss what he was doing. Jean sent him a cake which he enjoyed. He has been to the dentist for a filling. He hopes to go on holiday with her soon.

He writes flippantly about her cooking and losing her job. He mentions black American troops in Suffolk.

He has been busy with training. He is expecting leave soon.

He has been flying and got diverted to Carlisle. He suggests taking wakey-wakey pills on their honeymoon. He has been at a variety show.

He wishes Jean a happy birthday and encloses make up that he bought in Ghent.

He has enjoyed eating the cake Jean sent. He talks about leave and a day off they had in Cambridge.
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