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  • Contributor is exactly "Steve Baldwin "

Letter from David Boldy to his parents. General conversation about life at St. Paul's school in Darjeeling, with references to his brother Stevie, the books they are reading, sports and a school play.


A detailed account of when his Lancaster 'Q', ND392, was attacked by an enemy aircraft. He repeatedly travelled the length of the aircraft to assist the air gunners.
The second part describes an operation when a great number of aircraft were lost…

A letter from Dorothy Bond to Donald Cochrane's parents passing on congratulations for his deeds. There is also a reply from his parents to Dorothy.

Two letters written by Dwight Eisenhower to Sir Arthur Harris. The first compliments Harris on his performance at Caen. The second reflects on the Normandy campaign and thanks Harris for his skill and dedication.
On the reverse 'These enclosed with…

A booklet of war time cartoons. The second page contains names, addresses and signatures of colleagues.

Made out to Raettig D W stating that he will have to report in time when notified. In the meantime he remains on the reserve with no pay. he is required to keep current employment and notify any change of address.

Contains lists of promotions, movements and movement corrections for airmen on 44 Squadron.

Lists names and addresses for seven named crew who went missing night 4/5 October 1944

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 23/24 July 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined. Includes duty presonnel.

Lists training for 12 and 13 February 1944. Training includes flying and ground training. Flying involved check rides, cross country, formation flying and weapons ranges. Ground includes aircraft cleaning, link training, dinghy drills and 25 yard…

Letter directing Dennis Raettig to attend medical examination in Hull on 23 January 1941

Poem about comrades who have been killed.

A newspaper cutting with a description of how Jack was awarded a DFM. This was awarded because he assisted an unconscious colleague to bale out of their damaged aircraft.

Congratulates Roy Chadwick for recognition in recent honours list.

To officer at Ministry of Aircraft Production thanking him for returning gloves and apologising that he was unable to call on him recently after a conference.

Copy of a list of prisoners of war at Stalag Luft 4, Gross Tychow.

Catches up with family matters and tells that all is well.

Catches up with family matters, share news of relations and tells that all is well.

Letter from King George to all school-children, celebrating and sharing the victory of the allied nations. It is headed with the Royal Standard, in colour. On the reverse a list of 60 important war dates.

Letter from the Air Ministry to L Boldy, confirming that there is no connection between the identity of another man named 'Boldey' and D A Boldy listed as missing on 11 July 1942.

States that Herbert O’Hara was missing following an operation against Mailly-Le-Camp on 3/4 May 1944, and informing her that efforts were being made to ascertain his condition through the International Red Cross.

Refers to fact that husband is officially promulgated as missing and provides information on allowances entitled to and how long they will last..

Refers to letter informing her that husband was missing and states that information had been received from the International Red Cross that Pilot Officer Russell Petts and one unidentified body were shot down on 26 May 1943. Not possible to identify…
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