Sid Kaufman in uniform and John Wray in school uniform crouching in a garden.
Captioned 'Technical Sergeant Sid Kaufman USAAF and John Wray in garden of 67 Lincoln Road Branston.'
Mollie Wray in civilian clothing and Sid Kaufman in uniform standing in garden.
Captioned 'Mollie Wray and Sid Kaufman in back garden of 67 Lincoln Road, Branston 1.'
Bill Wray in civilian clothing, Sid Kaufman in uniform and John Wray in school uniform standing in garden.
Captioned 'Bill Wray, John Wray, Sid Kaufman in garden of 67 Lincoln Road, Branston.'
Two men, two women and a boy standing in a garden. Bill Wray and the women in civilian clothes, Sidney Kaufman in uniform. The boy, John Wray, is in school uniform.
Captioned 'Bill Wray, Eva Akenhead, unknown, John Wray, Sid Kaufman in garden of…
Sidney Kaufman's signature and address together with the statement 'It's Fish and Chips for me every time'.
Captioned 'Sid Kaufman's entry in John Wray's autograph book.'
Covers awards enclosed and states that they represent the full outstanding medal entitlement. If he had not received a medal he had expected, it was because the qualifying criteria were not met.
Informs her of news that Vichy government had made a statement that a twin engine landed in France the last Saturday and the crew who had set fire to their aircraft had been interned.
Confirms that her husband was missing believed interned in occupied France. Mentioned that his aircraft was believed to have force landed owing to engine failure.
Announces that his parents from Louth had received news that their son Flight Lieutenant Harold William Bratley had been awarded the DFC. Gives details of former employment. Mentions that on his first tour he and crew came down in occupied enemy…