Browse Items (35368 total)

Aerial oblique of Cologne with the cathedral in the centre. Behind is the Rhine and a destroyed bridge. Many of the buildings are damaged. Captioned 'Cologne "The Rhine Crossing" 1945'.

Oblique aerial of bomb damage to the Krupps workshops. Captioned 'Krupps Armament Works Essen 11-3-1945'.

Oblique aerial photograph of bomb damage of the works. Captioned 'Krupps Essen. 3/1945'.

Vertical aerial of Politz oil refinery showing much damage. Captioned 'Politz oil refinery low level recce Dec 1944'.


Group of airmen arranged in four rows in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Dam Busters 617 Squadron'.

Jim Wright was born in 1932. He was evacuated from West Ham during the Second World War along with his mother and two brothers. His father joined the Royal Air Force as an Observer Bomb Aimer with 207 Squadron. His aircraft was shot down over…

An aerial oblique of Mount Everest. There are a few clouds at the summit but layers of loud below. Captioned 'Mount Everest from 18,500' taken on 12.1.46'

Group of airmen arranged in four rows. Captioned '11th O.T.U. R.A.F. Upavon 1942 All Bomber command a/c'.
At the top each airman is named -
'Sgt Chapman Sgt Anderson Sgt Burton Sgt Lipton W/O Kellaway (Back row 3rd from right Kellaway became…

Photograph 1 is the crew of Stirling R9143. Five airmen are standing at the rear of the aircraft with the sixth crew member standing at the rear door. On his left is a large exit hole in the fuselage. The airmen are dressed in leather flying jackets…

More than 25 airmen kitted up and standing outside two huts. Various airmen are identified and annotated on the image - ALE Robertson, SE Wodehouse, L Fairbrother.
It is captioned 'Tea Party prior Berlin 15/16 Feb 1944 30 aircrew 77 sqn RAF…

Howard, Irene.jpg
Irene Howard grew up in Salford and describes her life there before the war. During the war she worked in a factory and as a fire-watcher before being called up. She served as an Air Raid Precaution Warden. She describes being bombed at home,…

The report describes how Ron Carr and his crew baled out over Switzerland after their aircraft was badly damaged by anti-aircraft fire en route to Augsburg. He was arrested but eventually transported back to the UK via Paris, Madrid and Gibraltar.

The seven aircrew are standing at the nose of 'Liz Beth', their Lancaster. Each crew member is identified along with brief details of the crash at Normington, Lincolnshire on completion of an operation to Turin 12/13 July 1943.
The second part of…

Report form the Commander, District 1, Land Division regarding violations of Swiss airspace on night of 12/13 July 1943 when all areas covered by the Territorial Inspectorate of District 1 received alerts which began at 00.06 and continued until…

Telegram No. 787 from the Swiss Government to the Swiss Legation in London (A. 3080), concerning the violation of Swiss airspace on 13/14 July 1943, between 12.04am – 01.00am. Over 100 British aircraft flew over southern Switzerland, covering the…

Details of the funeral of the airmen at Vevey. A large number of wreaths adorned the coffins. A crowd described as 'extensive' attended. Annotated with 'Cost to Govt sf 7447.40 ED412 'O'
sf 300 ED 531
sf 553.36 per man!'
On the second…

The letter refers to a map found in the remains of the aircraft at Bouveret. The map indicates a route via Annecy and a second to the west of Lyon.
Included is the map with the routes marked on.


27 pages transcribed from a local newspaper covering the night 100 bombers overflew Switzerland leading to two being shot down. Bombs were dropped on Swiss territory.
14 airmen were buried at Vevey and the funeral is described. There is repetition…

Rows of graves in a cemetery. St Martins, Vevey. Captioned 'Ronald Oswald Bret (indecipherable)
31 RAF graves. Killed on raids'.
On the reverse 'Foulks - N2.
1944 412471
F/Lt WR Esquilant AFC 37. 24/8/46

Head and shoulders portrait of Sergeant William Gowland 'George' Anderson. He is wearing a greatcoat and side cap.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

The letter informs the father of Sergeant William Gowland Anderson that his son has been killed in action

A scroll to honour Sergeant William Gowland Anderson's sacrifice.

Head and shoulders portrait of Flight Sergeant Hugh Bolger captioned 'F/Sgt H. Bolger R.A.A' [sic].
On the reverse 'F/Sgt Hugh Bolger R.A.A.F. via Jim Wright 1/95'

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

The group of 25 airmen is arranged in four rows. The front row is seated on the grass with rifles crossed in pairs. All the men are carrying rifles and are wearing brimmed hats. On the reverse 'Tony Terry far right 2nd row from bottom'.

Tony Terry standing in his uniform and smoking. On the reverse 'A. Terry R.A.A.F. Anthony (Tony) D. Terry [unclear] Jim Wright 1/95'.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.
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