Browse Items (148 total)
- Tags: RAF Driffield
In the office
Tags: RAF Driffield
The First Crew
Tags: 1652 HCU; 19 OTU; 35 Squadron; 4 Group; 78 Squadron; 9 Squadron; air gunner; aircrew; anti-aircraft fire; bomb aimer; bombing; bombing of Hamburg (24-31 July 1943); bombing of Kassel (22/23 October 1943); Distinguished Flying Cross; Distinguished Flying Medal; final resting place; flight engineer; Heavy Conversion Unit; killed in action; mine laying; navigator; Operational Training Unit; Pathfinders; pilot; prisoner of war; promotion; RAF Breighton; RAF Cardington; RAF Dalton; RAF Driffield; RAF Linton on Ouse; RAF Padgate; Stalag 357; training; Window; wireless operator; wireless operator / air gunner; Women’s Auxiliary Air Force
4 Group battle course
Tags: 4 Group; air gunner; aircrew; bomb aimer; navigator; pilot; RAF Driffield; wireless operator
The Eulogy for Squadron Leader Anthony David Lambert
Tags: 218 Squadron; 38 Squadron; 620 Squadron; aircrew; Distinguished Flying Cross; ditching; Dulag Luft; ground personnel; Lancaster; Lincoln; mess; Meteor; Mosquito; pilot; prisoner of war; Proctor; RAF Chedburgh; RAF Downham Market; RAF Driffield; RAF Marham; RAF Prestwick; RAF Swinderby; RAF Uxbridge; sport; Stalag Luft 3; Stirling; the long march; Tiger Moth; Wellington; Women’s Auxiliary Air Force
J C Cockram and crew
Second and third are the crew posed in front of Halifax 'Jane' on dispersal, servicing equipment in the background.
Fourth is of a Halifax…
Postagram to 462 Squadron
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.
Eleven airmen
Eleven airmen in front of a Halifax
Seven aircrew
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…
This item was sent…
Watten V2 bunker
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality…
Le Havre
Alvis 2 target area
Calais Batterie Oldenburg and Batterie Waldam
Alvis 2 target area
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…
A large group of airmen
Tags: 4 Group; air gunner; aircrew; animal; bomb aimer; navigator; RAF Driffield; training; wireless operator