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  • Tags: RAF Driffield

An man in uniform sat at a desk with the telephone in his hand. Behind him is a noticeboard with paper pinned to it, Captioned, 'John looking most efficient in Bill's office (Driffield, Yorks, 1937)'.

46 airmen grouped in four rows. On the reverse Arthur's crew are identified.

A biography of Anthony David Lambert. He joined the RAFVR at age 19. He was shot down over the Baltic Sea and was able to swim ashore, where he was captured. He took part in the Long March. After the war he remained in the RAF.

First is of a crew, posed in two rows on grass in front of a wall. Given names and crew position recorded.
Second and third are the crew posed in front of Halifax 'Jane' on dispersal, servicing equipment in the background.
Fourth is of a Halifax…

A target photograph taken on an operation to Bochum. Most of the image shows puffs of smoke and light trails but some ground detail can be seen through the haze. The photograph is annotated '5B and captioned:'2956 DRF. 4/5-11-44//NT(C) 7" 18000.…

Announces approval of immediate award of Distinguished Flying Cross to Pilot Officer Robert Venters Jubb.

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Eleven airmen, two wearing Mae Wests and others in variety of uniform, five squatting in front and six standing behind. In the background the nose and port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse '1944, Halifax 3, Driffield, 462 Sqn, Back row, AC2 Neilsen,…

Eleven airmen, two wearing Mae Wests and others in variety of uniform, five squatting in front and six standing behind. In the background the nose and port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse '1944, 462 Sqn, Driffield, Yorks, Halifax 3, Back, A/C…

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet and side caps, three squatting in front and four standing behind. Pilot is middle front. Three versions of the same image, on the reverse 'Driffield 1944, Back L to R, P Brett (W.Op), J Christensen (R/G),…

Target photograph of open heathland with canalised ditch running top to bottom. The ditch has tracks either side and several crossing points. Craters are visible, particularly in lower left with one row crossing ditch with one crater visible within…

Target photograph showing smoke from bomb explosions and fires. Captioned '2686 DRF.14-10-44//8" 20000 >120.0908.Duisburg, R.7x1000.6x500.C.37 secs.F/S Jubb.R.462.".

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

Target photograph showing built up area in top half with road and railway running left to right. Smoke from bomb explosions top left. Captioned '2630 DRF.6-10-44//8"17500 >094.1716.Sterkrade. R.16x500.C.34 secs.F/S Jubb.R.462.'.

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Target photograph showing forest area in top half with smoke from bomb explosions. Many craters are visible in this wooded area. Cleared area where tracks converge in this wooded area top centre, just edged by clouds. Bunker itself is just below and…

Target photograph showing built up area top right with smoke from bomb explosions. Captioned '2391.DRF.13-9-44//8" 17000.1831.Gelsenkirchen.Nordstern.R.16x500.C.34secs.F/S Jubb.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Target photograph showing airfield with smoke from bomb explosions. Aiming pint in annotated in red ink. Captioned 'DRF.3-9-44//7"18000 >120.1731.Soersterberg.R.9x1000.4x500.C.34secs.F/S Jubb.R.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive…

Target photograph showing clouds and smoke from bomb explosions. Captioned 'DRF.27-8-44//8"19000 >085.1403.Homberg.16x500.C.36secs Jubb.A.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Night target photograph showing glare and anti-aircraft tracer. Captioned 'DRF.15/16-9-44//NT(C) 8"19000 >192.0120.Kiel.1x2000.11x4.30secs.F/S Jubb.T.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality…

Target photograph showing coastline to top left and rural area behind with several villages and connecting roads. Annotated with "A/P" aiming point in red ink. Obscured by target markers and smoke. Captioned '3B 2347 DRF.11-9.44//8" 10000 >110.0750.…

Target photograph of rural area with villages visible top left and centre with connecting roads and tracks. Annotated with "A/P" aiming point in red ink to right of centre which is obscured by smoke and target marker flares. Tank ditch zig zags…

Target photograph show bombs on built up area. Annotated with aiming pot in red ink. Captioned 'DRF.12-9-44//8" > 168.1335. Gelsenkirchen. Buer.R.16x500.C.35secs.F/ Jubb.R.462'. Note: this was an attack on the synthetic oil plant at Scholven/Buer…

Target photograph of sea wall with sea on left and land on right. Many bomb explosions visible. Annotated with aiming point in red ink. Captioned '2871 DRF 29-10-44//8"8,500. 110.1216. Domburg W.284, R.9 ANM59DN.4AMN64DN.C.24sec.F/S Jubb.R.462'.…

Target photograph of coastline and Batterie Oldenburg and Batterie Waldam. Port of Calais is just to bottom of the photograph Bomb explosions, smoke and target markers obscure the target. The beach is visible with many obstructions. Two Halifax III…

Target photograph of bombs exploding and obscuring target. Many bomb craters on the right side of image. Captioned 'DRF 10.9.44//7" 10000 > 108.1707.Alvis 2, M.9x1000.4x500.C. 27 secs. F/O Wilson G.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

A large group of airmen wearing battledress and helmets. One row sitting on the ground with rifles with a dog in the centre, another row sitting and two more standing, some with shouldered rifles. In the background a wooden hut. On the reverse…
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